Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 295 Pete Cacciopoulo (additions from time to time)

Chapter 295 Pete Cacciopoulo (additions from time to time)

10 minutes later!

When the five secret service vehicles drove directly into the gate of Langley with a shocking sound.

Get out of the car.

Mark immediately saw that the Langley headquarters building not far away was as quiet as a ghost.

"Up, up, up!"

"One group, set up a cordon!"

"Roger that!"

"Team [-] takes your team members to monitor around the conference building. Be careful not to fire without my order."


"Three groups, find out the layout of the conference building and connect to the combat command center."


After Mark finished speaking, he glanced at the closed meeting room door not far away and smiled softly.

Only now do you understand?Don't you think it's too late?
at this time.

Alyssa, wearing a pair of blue combat boots, led two middle-aged men out of the headquarters building in the distance.

Alyssa looked at Mark, and said with a hint of helplessness and disbelief: "So... Ted didn't agree to your request, so he became a Russian spy?"

Mark didn't speak, and glanced at the two men beside Alisa.

The expressions of the two are very weird, as if they are trying hard to suppress an angry expression called rabbit dead fox sorrow...

Mark withdrew his gaze, looked at Alisa who was talking to him, shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, I really want to say yes, but I don't have such great authority to frame a CIA director as a spy of other countries."

Just after Mark finished speaking, the man on Alisa's right looked at Mark firmly, and said in a rather hoarse voice, "If this is a frame-up, you will know the consequences."

Mark glanced at him without speaking, but looked at Alisa and said, "Who is this?"


Alisa smiled and said, "This is Nat, the agent in charge of the Second Operation."

"Second?" Mark raised his eyebrows, "Where's Frank?"

"Retired last month, that guy, he didn't even come to the retirement dinner we hosted for him, and by the next day, all of us had lost track of him, like a ghost."

"...Really?" Mark said oh, then glanced at Nat and shook his head from time to time and said, "The elites have retired, no wonder..."

"What did you say?" The man named Nat couldn't help being furious. What are the meanings? Are you saying that he is not as good as Frank, who is already old and unable to walk?
"Enough!" At this moment, another old man with glasses said in a deep voice.

Nat shut his mouth for a moment.

"Pete, Pete Cacciopoulos, Chief of the Second Special Operations Division of the CIA."

"Mark, Mark Lewis, Director of the New York Office of the FBI!"

Mark glanced at the right hand that Pete handed over, shook it immediately, and said to Nat: "This is the correct communication attitude. Where did you get the courage to think that you can talk to me directly as a supervisory agent."

Nat glared at Mark. He was able to enter the CIA because of Ted's help.It can be said that Ted is his benefactor.

But now, for some unknown reason, my benefactor entered and became a deep-diving agent lurking in the bureau...

This made Nat worry for a while, not because he was worried about Ted, but because he was afraid that because of this incident, he would also be listed as an investigation object by the bureau.

As God can testify, he endured for seven full years, and finally managed to become an agent in charge after Frank left...

Peter on the opposite side smiled, and he had no intention of standing out for his little brother, but smiled at Mark and said, "The director has already informed us, and the people on the list you sent over were already there 10 minutes ago." All entered the conference building."

Mark smiled, just when he was about to speak.

next second!

A gunshot came from the meeting building in an instant. Mark was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Peter and said playfully, "I remember that any weapons can be banned in the meeting building of the CIA."

Peter was also a little taken aback, and then said with a serious face: "I assure you, before tricking them into going in, they all went through the security check."

Mark shrugged.

It's all this time, does it make sense to say this?

Mark yelled directly at Jack who was hiding behind the car not far away: "Move your ass and find me a walkie-talkie."

quite a while.

Mark turned on the walkie-talkie in his hand and asked Debbie, "Is the other walkie-talkie sent in?"

While controlling the computer, Debbie pointed with her right hand to a controllable drone hanging from the window on the fifth floor of the conference building.

Produced by Hammer Industries, a pirate drone of the Stark Industries drone.

In terms of battery life and controllability!
Hammer Industries' drones are less than one-tenth of Stark Industries' drones.


In terms of price, Hammer Industries' drones are one-third lower than Stark's drones.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the overseas troops use Stark, the domestic military Stark and Hammer divide the world, and the law enforcement agency Hammer Industries forms a monopoly.

Even for Mark's office in New York, if Mark hadn't won a relatively favorable price!

To be honest, Mark wants to give the purchase order to Hammer Industries.

no way.

If the Hammer Industry is broken, it will be broken, don't feel bad, and any engineer can fix it with tinkering.

And what about Stark?

For MMP, once the machine is disassembled, the internal program will directly start the self-destruct program.

Mark wanted to ask Stark face to face.

Your anti-theft is so good, how did Hammer Industries imitate it?
Could it and Hammer secretly have some ulterior and descriptive deal.

As long as Hanmer Industries has been open, Stark's lawsuit has been going on for as long.

Stark appealed, but Hammer refused to accept the appeal...

up to now...

There are almost a dozen lawsuits going on at the same time.

But what about Hammer?

Not afraid at all, drinking a little wine, plagiarizing as usual, making a lot of money...

Mark didn't know what Stark was thinking.

If it were Stark, he would have knocked Hammer unconscious with a stick and thrown him into the Pacific Ocean to feed the baby shark...

Looking at the quiet window, he said to the sniper who was squatting at the sniper point of the headquarters building: "Sniper, can you see the people inside?"

"No, sir!"

After receiving the reply, Mark shook his head, walked to Debbie who was typing on the keyboard, and said, "How about the thermal imaging, has it come out yet?"

Debbie nodded, and controlled the twenty or so drones that hovered over the fifth floor of the conference building and slowly circled around.

At the same time, more than [-] pictures equipped with thermal imaging were gathered on the same screen for Mark to watch.

Mark glanced at the screen.

quite a while!

Looking at the dense red dots inside, he touched his chin and said, "How many circumstances are these dots?"

Debbie took a look and said, "No way, Hammer Industries' thermal imaging technology is not a little worse than Stark's."

Mark was speechless.

It's not that bad.

This is directly turning the stickman into a tadpole...

and also……

Mark felt that the more he looked at the red dots on it.

The more you look.

The more it looks like a heart...

(End of this chapter)

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