Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 292 The Brainless Deep Dive Agent (Guaranteed Part 1)

Chapter 292 The Brainless Deep Dive Agent (First Update)
When Mark walked into the big meeting room again, the atmosphere was a little dignified.


It can almost be described as suffocation.

Minister of Justice Justin held a list of deep-dive agents who had just confessed and written out by Sauter, and from time to time pressed his temple and discussed in a low voice with Secretary of State Luthor who was sitting next to him.

"Mark, come and take a look!" After seeing Mark coming in, Justin handed the list to Mark and said, "What do you think about the information you provided?"

Mark pushed the seat away and sat down, his eyes falling on the list in his hand.

next second!
Raised eyebrows.

Whoops, good guy.

Is this the rhythm of turning the entire CIA Third Operations Division into an overseas branch?

From the Director of Operations to the Director of Field Services, almost none of the middle and senior management of the Third Operations Division was spared.


This did not surprise Mark either.

The Director of Operations is all spies, so there's no reason why he can't find a way to put his own people in.

When the top boss of the CIA is silent, the five major operations of the CIA operate independently and maintain the highest level of confidentiality...

quite a while.

Mark put down the list in his hand, looked up at Justin and the Secretary of State.

Smiling, not speaking...

Ask him what he thinks?
On such a big matter, Mark said that he would not express any opinions.

Just relying on this list alone, Mark's first-class work can no longer escape, there is no reason to mix it in...

When Justin saw Mark like this, he immediately knew what Mark was thinking. He shook his head, and Justin said helplessly, "The Secretary of State and I have approved the [-] million funding for New York State this year."

If Old John was here, he would probably directly rant about Mark's dishonesty.

Did you just declare [-] million as agreed?

How did the [-] million come out?

Mark said that after learning that Old John applied for [-] million, it was added temporarily.

There's no reason New York State, which is becoming the epicenter of counterterrorism, spends less than California, which only knows how to make movies.


After the incident in September last year, almost all junior officers in the field have more or less some physical problems.

With the extra [-] million, Mark intends to set up a special fund for medical treatment in the bureau...

After receiving Justin's assurance, Mark cleared his throat and said, "I think we should get in touch with the great emperor of the Far East."

"What do you mean?" The Secretary of State frowned.

Mark glanced at Sauter who was holding on to the immunity order and said again: "Mr. Minister, Mr. Secretary of State, this organization is a secret organization in the former Soviet Union, and my informant in Russia said that KGB does not have these people. .”

Justin glanced at the Secretary of State, then frowned at Mark and said, "Can you finish it all at once?"

Mark sighed inwardly.

These days, there are not many people with good patience.

Frizz is undesirable.

Mark then said with a smile: "These people are the property of the former Soviet Union and have not been recognized and accepted by the emperor. In fact, they are planning to assassinate the emperor during the emperor's visit next year to achieve an ulterior secret."

Kill the Russian president first, let Russia deploy strategic missiles to the United States, force the American president to run into the basement through a suicide bombing at the White House dinner, and suspect that it is Russia's retaliation, thus launching the United States' own strategic nuclear weapons deployment.In this way, Russian agents have the opportunity to seize control of the United States' strategic nuclear weapons...

To be honest, when watching this film at the time.Mark felt that these deep-diving agents must have lost their minds, and their brain circuits were extremely clear...

After going around such a big circle, isn't the ultimate goal of wanting the control of nuclear weapons in the United States?

Even if you didn't assassinate the emperor, you did a suicide attack at the banquet.

The president still has to take refuge in the basement.

The process is simple, but the result has not changed at all. Is it so troublesome?
Mark pondered.

It is estimated that these deep-diving agents have been brainwashed by American habits and various blockbuster movies, and have given up the style of polar bears who do not talk nonsense and do it directly...

This should be a typical example of success and failure in the United States!

When Mark said this, Attorney General Justin and Secretary of State Luther obviously didn't believe it.

That stupid agent would go through all kinds of twists and turns to complete the mission, and even assassinate his own president first?

Do you think this plan is a plan put together by editors in Hollywood who go on strike from time to time?
The agent's task mode should be concise, fast in and fast out, and it will never take two seconds to complete it in one second.

A step of one more second means that the risk increases geometrically...


In view of Mark's glorious history of solving crimes, Justin discussed with Luthor in a low voice, and felt that Mark should not be aimless.


Justin looked at Mark and said, "Who is your informant in Russia? Is it reliable?"

Mark shook his head and said, "Minister, you know what I can't say. If I do, I guess I will have to go through a round of loyalty evaluation."

Mark was going to lift the table, but he didn't say that he would also lift his own table.

If this is to confess something unclear about myself and a certain female agent of the Russian KGB, is it literally?
Don't think about it.

Even Mark will be suspended directly and then undergo a round of loyalty assessment.


The group of guys in charge of the evaluation didn't want to see Mark even more than Mark.

after all……

During the evaluation period, Mark was the only one who could seduce a young girl who was not well-employed through conversation alone.

This kind of behavior, Mark is the first, and probably will be the only one.

After Justin heard this sentence, he laughed directly.

next second.

"...Woman?" Justin asked Mark, looking at Mark.

Mark nodded.



Mark looked at Justin who directly signaled him to go out after saying this, and was so angry that he wanted to throw an ashtray at him.

Do you think I didn't see the envy that flashed in the corner of your eyes just now?
You deserved to be beaten to death by the mutant wife.

After Mark slandered in his heart, he was about to smoke a cigarette in the corridor outside.

"……and many more!"

Mark turned to look at Secretary of State Luthor, who seemed to have set the tone with a few words, and did not speak.

"When is Commissioner Lewis planning to return to New York?"

"...Now!" Mark was stunned for a moment and then said without hesitation: "Just now there is information that a group of terrorist organization members from the Middle East have logged in on the West Coast by smuggling. I need to sit in the bureau."

The Secretary of State nodded and then said: "The things here are still important. When Cooper was in Hawaii, he was targeting anti-terrorism. You will go to the White House with us in the afternoon. The CIA needs the authorization of the President."


(End of this chapter)

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