Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 289 Overturning the Table (Guaranteed Part 3)

Chapter 289 Overturning the Table
the next day.

early morning.

When the New York Federal plane slowly docked at the Washington Airport hangar, Mark, wearing sunglasses, a suit and leather shoes, walked directly off the plane.

Behind him are Mark's guardians, Debbie and Jack.

in yesterday afternoon.

Mark received a reply from Alyssa.


Ted from the CIA didn't give Mark this face, and sent the message directly through Alisa.

Evelyn Short is a property of the CIA and is not for sale.

How to punish is the matter of the CIA and it is not up to Mark to intervene...

Mark was immediately burned.

When did your CIA act in the country not in the name of the FBI?
Now the creditor came to ask you for an agent that you were planning to hibernate, and you actually refused?

What is the nature of this?

This is the contempt of the thorn fruit...

It's not good to be soft, so Mark can only be hard.

no way.

If he didn't agree to Cooper, even if Sauter starved to death, it would have nothing to do with Mark.

But he promised but didn't do it. Where does Mark put his face?
This is hitting yourself in the face.

After setting the nature of this matter, Mark took Jack and Debbie directly to Washington in the early morning.

Talking to you in a good voice, you don't give me face, then don't blame me for flipping the table...

Mark snorted coldly in his heart, so he thought of it!
Ministry of Justice building.

"Take people over here, and be careful not to be followed." At the gate of the Ministry of Justice, Mark said in a deep voice to Jack and Debbie after getting off the car.

Jack and Debbie nodded with serious expressions.

After walking into the Attorney General's office...

When Justin, who was processing the paperwork, looked up and saw Mark, he said helplessly, "Mark, you overstepped your authority in the arrest of Worthington Pharmaceuticals."

"Old John didn't say that." Mark said with a smile.

Justin nodded and said, "But Worthington's defense attorney intends to file an ex officio lawsuit against your jurisdiction."

Mark smiled, and said indifferently: "What can this prove? Let Worthington's life sentence become 50 years in prison?"

Kidnapping a minor and imprisoning the minor for some kind of scientific experiment is a first-class federal felony.

Compared with this, Mark's charge of exceeding jurisdictional arrest is simply insignificant.

Even if Worthington's lawyer is full of tongues, he can only turn life imprisonment into a 50-year sentence at most. After 50 years, the day lily will be so cold that you don't want it.

Justin looked at the indifferent Mark and shook his head helplessly.

But he was lazy to say anything.

Mark can solve the case. For a law enforcement agency, those who can solve the case are all treasures, the ones you hold in your hands.

Especially in the September incident last year, all law enforcement agencies and the military were sprayed by angry citizens to make them worse than flies in the cesspit.

Only the Federal Bureau of Investigation remained unmoved in the storm, and even the federal colleges opened in various states attracted a new round of recruiting trends at the end of the year...

"Tell me, why did you come to see me today?" Justin said as he took off his glasses on the bridge of his nose, closed the documents in front of him, and walked towards the reception area not far away with Mark.

Mark looked at Justin who opened the bottle and was about to pour the wine, and then said lightly: "There are a wave of Russian spies in the CIA..."



Justin frantically pulled out a tissue to wipe the wine poured on a table.

Seeing this, Mark laughed straight away!
quite a while!

Justin took a deep breath, threw the tissue into the trash can, looked at Mark and said in a deep voice, "This kind of thing is not a joke."

Mark smiled, and then said very seriously: "Minister, when have you ever seen me joke about this kind of thing?"

Justin thought for a while and then nodded.

Although Mark's personal history is messy to say the least, when it comes to major issues, Justin still trusts Mark.


After Justin handed the poured bourbon to Mark, he took a sip of the bourbon in his hand and said, "Tell me, what did you find out?"

"Deep Dive Plan!"

"……what is this?"

Mark explained: "In the former Soviet Union era, in order to cope with the US blockade against them at that time, a Russian agent named Orlov formulated a plan to infiltrate the country. He recruited a group of underage children. Trained according to our country's education and living habits, he brainwashed these children and then sent them to the United States so that they can play their role in the future..."

Maggie's, I'll give you face and ask you for someone.

It's fine if you don't give it, and let me stay where it is cool...

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it.

If this is the case, then don't blame Mark for directly flipping the table...


When he saw the name Sauter, Mark immediately knew what was going on.

I originally thought that everyone would come out to chat and drink a glass of wine, maybe there will be some kind of cooperation in the future.

For Mark.

He is not even counseled by Hydra, the largest terrorist organization.

Why be afraid of a Russian secret service organization?

There is no reason.

Since Hello, Me, and Everyone are not interested in the script, don't blame Mark for using you as his own promotion capital...

Listening to what Mark said, Justin's mouth gradually grew. Especially when Mark even identified that the current director of the CIA's Third Operations Division was also a deep-diving Russian agent, he was extremely surprised.

For a long time.

Justin blinked his eyes, shook his head and said, "Mark, although I really want to believe you, I can't rely on your words to apply to the President for an investigation of the CIA."

The CIA, as an intelligence organization independent of various law enforcement agencies, its organizational structure, personnel, funds, and operations are highly confidential, and even Congress cannot intervene...

The current director of the CIA, Tenet, is the only legendary figure who has not resigned after the current president came to power and was retained by the president to continue serving as the director of the CIA. He has won the trust of the current president.


The CIA is a hornet's nest. Once this happens, the entire agency will have to be reorganized.

You know, we're talking about tens of thousands of agents spread across the globe.

Even, if what Mark said is true, the third operation of the CIA will be affected by this, and it will be blocked until the final loyalty test is passed...

Even Justin, without any evidence, he was unwilling to pierce this hornet's nest.

Hearing Justin's words, Mark smiled, then looked at Justin mysteriously and said, "Minister, what if I have a witness?"

"Where is it?" Justin asked in a deep voice.

Mark smiled and said, "But before the minister meets her, he should start drafting an immunity first."

Justin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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