Chapter 278
Harry Osborn.

Peter Parker.

If Mark is asked to choose a more pleasing guy from these two little guys.

Mark chooses Harry.


The reason is very simple. Compared with the little spider, Harry is undoubtedly a good young man who values ​​love and righteousness.

When Peter's Uncle Ben died, Harry followed Peter and ran back and forth, fully showing what a good friend should do.

Even the church was found in Brooklyn with Harry's help, so that Uncle Ben's farewell ceremony would not be held in a church in Queens.

And what about Peter?

Before he was bitten by a spider, he looked like he was suffering and hated deeply, and the whole world owed him.

After becoming a little spider, Peter gradually became cheerful, but that was only a superficial phenomenon.

After Harry knew that his family had a genetic disease, Peter could honestly confess that his blood essence was only useful to him, and other people would turn into monsters if they used it.

But he doesn't.

Instead, he turned down the request under the card of feeling good for Harry.

Did Peter think.

Could Harry get his spider blood essence one second, and inject it directly into his own veins the next?

Don't people do laboratory tests first?
and so!
No matter what Peter thinks, just from this point, Peter is a friend who can never be close to each other...

"Chief Lewis, your Bourbon."

"Thank you!"

After taking a seat in the conference room, Mark smiled like a gentleman with a tall black-haired secretary.

next second.

He frowned, and glanced at Qin who was sitting beside him expressionlessly.

Feeling the huge torque coming from the waist...

"Huh!" Qin snorted lightly, and withdrew her right hand.

Mark couldn't help but wry smile.

what is this?

No matter how scumbag Mark is, he will never meet someone who loves the other.

After taking a sip of bourbon, Mark relieved his mood, looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Don't look at me, you talk about yours, I just came here as a middleman."

no way.

Mark hadn't planned to come at first.

But for the peace of mind of both parties, Norman Osborn promised a valuable intermediary fee.

It was only then that Mark reluctantly came over...

Felicia, who was sitting opposite Harry, smiled when she heard Mark's words, and glanced at Harry next to her.

The latter's full attention was on Mark in a suit, with short messy blond hair, and a beard.

An idol is an idol, just a simple black suit supports a free and unrestrained demeanor.

Broken hair is also a very good choice...

Thinking so, Harry nodded after receiving Felicia's gaze.


Felicia and the chief lawyer of Osborn's legal department sitting on her left nodded again.

The lawyer coughed, stood up from his seat, handed the four draft agreements in front of him to the black-haired secretary who was standing by and said, "Mr. Louis, this is the cooperation agreement on antidote drafted by our group." ..."

Osborne didn't intend to be like Worthington Pharmaceuticals, which has become a subsidiary company.

Kidnapping a minor?

What do you think?

After controlling Worthington Pharmaceuticals with an absolute controlling stake, hundreds of lawsuits have been filed in the federal court and children's court in just three days...

Look at this posture.

Worthington II, this is the rhythm that is going to be imprisoned.

Fortunately, New York State has abolished the death penalty...

quite a while.

Mark sipped the bourbon in front of him without looking at the cooperation agreement in front of him.


Mark felt that Osborne Industries would not dare to play word games on this.

Qin, who was sitting next to her, was quietly flipping through the 30-page [Osborne Industries and Xavier Investment Group Agreement on Antidote and Cooperation].

Xavier Investment Group.

This is also the reason why the professor can support the huge expenditure of the genius academy.

at the same time……

It is also one of Mark's partners in Dongguo Real Estate Group in March this year!

At the end of December in Dongguo.

Mark's company registered as Morningstar Real Estate and Xavier Investment Group won three pieces of land in Shanghai in one fell swoop...

Mark peeked out of the corner of his eye at Qin, who was carefully flipping through the agreement.

have to say.

Serious women are the most beautiful...

For a while.

Qin turned her eyes away from the agreement in front of her, and after whispering a few words to the professor sitting beside her, she then looked at the lawyer and said after getting the professor's nod: "The general content is basically that we are Approved, there are just a few minor issues we need to get a commitment from Osborne."

"Please tell me." The lawyer said with a smile.

After brushing her hair, Qin said: "Although there is a treaty on this, the antidote produced will not be used against mutants, but how can we ensure it during the specific release process?"

After hearing this question, the lawyer directly set his eyes on Felicia next to him.

Felicia smiled and said: "Ms. Grey, there is no need to worry about this. In the specific manufacturing process, we will adopt advanced technology to ensure that the source of each bottle of antidote can be traced. If you are not at ease It is entirely possible to appoint employees of Xavier Investment Group to supervise together. Yesterday, Mr. Osborne gave instructions, hoping to reach a fully friendly relationship with you on this matter. If possible, Osborne Sir hopes to visit Xavier Academy for Giftedness in person."

Qin frowned slightly, and looked at Professor Charles beside him.

The professor was also slightly taken aback.

Immediately the next second!
The eyes of the professor and Qin all fell on Mark who was wandering in the void.

When the three eyes fell on him, Mark was also slightly taken aback when he came back to his senses.

What the hell?

Why did it get involved in him again inexplicably.


When talking to Norman Osborn, Mark only told Osborn tactfully that mutants have all sorts of strange abilities.

Perhaps the so-called familial genetic disease in the ordinary world is an unsolvable problem.

But for the dark world.

Maybe it's just a minor ailment that exists like a cold...

Just tell the truth.

When he was in the inner world, Mark saw with his own eyes that a female classmate of Xavier College wiped it lightly on the head of a little boy with a cold and runny nose.

The little boy with a runny nose immediately revived from his listless state...

When seeing that scene.

Mark muttered, no wonder there is no infirmary in Xavier College.

The little girl is a mobile infirmary.

Just a light touch.

What cold, fever...

(End of this chapter)

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