Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 272 The birdman who rushed to the street when he appeared on the stage (the first update of

Chapter 272 The birdman who rushed to the street when he appeared on the stage (the first update with guarantee)
Patriots draft!
After the incident in September last year, the congressional draft signed and promulgated by the current President Walker is self-evident - to use appropriate means to prevent or avoid terrorism so as to unite and strengthen the laws of the United States.

According to the content of the bill, law enforcement agencies have the power to search phone calls, email communications, medical, financial and other kinds of records...

Passed a wide-ranging set of laws expanding law enforcement and judicial powers, requiring public and private organizations to provide information related to homeland security.

This is mandatory and non-negotiable.

In this time and space, the bill was enacted in October, and all contractors who signed defense contracts and military procurement contractors signed this contract.

Worthington Pharmaceuticals, which provides special painkillers for the military, is naturally among them.

According to the Patriot plan, any foreign employee who enters the job must first pass the federal review before entering any company that has signed the Patriot draft...

and so.

It was only then that Mark told Worthington II that he was in for a big deal.

Even if Mark puts a label of treason on Worthington Pharmaceuticals now, no one else can find any excuse to fight back against Mark.

Bangziguo is the younger brother of the United States?Signed a series of treaties?
Stop talking.

At that time, the island country also regarded itself as the younger brother of the United States.

The results of it?
In the Pearl Island incident, the more than 400 soldiers who died can be watched from the sky...

Seemingly aware of what mark Mark was going to put on him, Worthington II said directly: "After signing the Patriot Treaty, we have already notified the California FBI."

"But it hasn't been confirmed that the review has passed, has it?" Mark spread his hands and said, as if he was showing the facts and reasoning: "But I do see that Dr. Rao is standing in a building covered by the Patriot Act. Isn't it?"

Worthington was speechless.

Mark chuckled, and didn't bother to look at Worthington II anymore, and said directly to Jack: "Take it away, I think Mr. Worthington will like the single room in our building."

"Boss, what about her?" Debbie looked at Dr. Rao who fell to the ground clutching her thigh and looked at Mark.

Mark blinked and said, "Is this still a question? Shouldn't a foreigner appear in a laboratory that signed the Patriot Treaty and be handed over to the CIA's batons?"

Debbie was taken aback for a moment, but also nodded.

Mark put his hands in his pockets and walked directly in front of Jimmy. Looking at the little boy with a shaved head, Mark couldn't help but stroked Jimmy's forehead.

He's not a mutant.

This Jimmy was like a little boy to him.

What a pity!

Not a little loli...

Laughing out loud, Mark bent down and smiled at Jimmy, who was a little afraid of himself, and said, "Are you kidnapped and imprisoned here by them?"

Jimmy nodded timidly.

Mark had a big smile on his face.

In the native land.

Only tax and children can not touch.

If the former is touched, there is no guarantee that a tank will drive over and rush directly in front of you.

the latter……

The stack of minor protection bills that are no worse than the Empire State Building, even Tony Stark will be pulled down and sent to prison.

This wave is stable!

Mark thought so.



"What the hell!"

Mark turned his head and looked outside, only to hear a commotion coming from outside.

Go out and have a look.

But there was a winged birdman in the sky glaring at Jack who handcuffed King Worthington II.

Jack pushed Worthington II to Adam's side not far away, and the six secret service members and Jack held guns in both hands and looked at the birdman in the sky vigilantly.

The birdman's name was Warren, Warren Worthington III.

A mutant who possesses the stamina and speed beyond ordinary people, and has a pair of white bird wings on his back...

Mark would not admit that these were angel wings.

The fantasy that Mark saw in the bathroom mirror of his fiancée's apartment is the real angel.

Elegant and luxurious, handsome in appearance, with angel wings covering the sky and the sun...

In front of this?

Give him wings, and he is just a chicken that can fly, not a so-called angel.


Mark thinks so, but it doesn't mean the others think the same.

When the spotlight was flickering on the birdman that suddenly appeared in the sky, Mark also saw a reporter kneeling down directly to the angel in the sky, gesturing to pray for blessings on his chest...

this fool.

There are gods in this world.

but god?
Stop it.

Even if there is, it is estimated that he was killed with a hammer when Odin's iron-blooded battle brought the earth into his territory.

However, the universe next door seems to have God.

Mark couldn't help sighing and thanking.

If we travel to the next-door earth, it depends on Mark's behavior of pulling God out for a few laps from time to time.

God, will that guy directly put out the Angel Legion to collect himself.


Mark looked up at the sky, and Warren Worthington III, whose eyes were fixed on his father, said coldly, "I'll give you five seconds to get down."

"Let go of my father!" Warren cast his eyes on Mark and glared at him.

Mark chuckled and said, "Who gave you the guts to make you think you can look down on me?"

As he said that, Mark stretched out his right hand, his thoughts burst out, and countless threads wrapped around his fingers!

next second!
Hua Lun, who was flying in the sky, suddenly changed his expression, and felt that his bare feet seemed to be caught by something, pulling him directly to the ground.

this moment.

Warren, who was regarded as an angel by everyone in the venue, hit the ground abruptly, splashing countless dust.

Mark held one in his right hand.

He directly grabbed Warren, who seemed to have sent his neck over automatically.

at this moment!
Jimmy, on Mark's other hand, played his part.

As far as the naked eye could see, the bird wings on Hua Lun's back melted as quickly as snow meets spring.

After a while, Warren's so-called superhuman physique and endurance also disappeared rapidly.

Warren's face immediately turned red!

quite a while.

Just when everyone thought that Mark was going to strangle Warren to death, Mark threw his right hand away.

Watching Warren squatting on the ground and clutching his neck and coughing fiercely, he snorted indifferently: "Warren Worthington III intends to attack the federal police and try to prevent the federal law enforcement. Congratulations, you have been arrested."

With that said, Mark set his sights on the reporters who came to this press conference and smiled slightly.

Then he said to Adam: "Clear the equipment of these people, and make sure that no video data is left behind."

Adam nodded.

But many reporters quit, talking loudly to Mark about freedom of speech, civil liberties and the like.

In this regard.

Mark said directly: "What happened here involves national security, and the Patriot Act is here to take effect. Once any photos are published in the newspaper after today, believe me, I will invite you to the bureau one by one for coffee... "

Many reporters: "..."

 Still on the train woo hoo, this is a scheduled post!
(End of this chapter)

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