Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 27 Seems to be the Mutant's Little Sister

Chapter 27 Seems to be the Mutant's Little Sister

To put it bluntly, it specializes in various international superstars or various global singers!

This universe is extremely dangerous, and even the earth that will become the center of the universe in the next few years.

With a snap of the fingers, 50.00% of the creatures disappeared like winning the lottery!

Also, in a few decades, the earth will be cut in half by some cutie.

Let's not mention the situation on the earth for now!
Just talking about the soil that gave birth to Hollywood, even God knows, the dirtiness of that place is second only to the existence of the political world.

As a veteran of flowers, Mark has a deep understanding!

Back then, he once hooked up with an actor who was more than [-]% blond and blue-eyed at the Hollywood Opera House.

Until now, the actor's red lips are still lingering in Mark's mind...

Uncovered Conference!

Great wine!

The medicine that can make people go to heaven!
What a joke, Mark would never allow the younger sister he brought up to become an actress.

Instead of this, why not be a nun serving God in the foggy Forks town full of vampires and werewolves.

Although it is not within the acceptable range of Mark, it is better than watching my sister plunge into the big dye vat!
"No!" Mark looked at Annie on the opposite side with a straight face and said in a deep voice: "Are you kidding, you can be a nun serving the old guy, actor, don't even think about it..."

"Mark..." Annie looked at Mark quietly and said, "I'm here this year!"

Mark sneered again and again, ignoring the warning eyes from his girlfriend next to him, looked at his sister Annie and said again: "You know my attitude towards those actresses and stars since I was a child."

Annie shook her head and said absent-mindedly: "Of course, I still remember that you said that one day you must climb up..."


The corner of Mark's mouth twitched and said, "Omitting these parts, I was still young at that time!"

Annie chuckled, put the knife and fork on the table, and said lightly, "I'm full."

After speaking, he got up directly and walked towards the stairs.

With a "bang--", Mark stared at the closed guest room and opened his mouth.

Very tired!

How to do.

As the eldest of the family, Mark felt that he was receiving too much information today.

My only younger brother, he broke himself out of the closet, and he didn't know if it was one or zero.

If it is one, Mark thinks it can still be rescued. The left and right are just an aesthetic problem, and they are inserted into the wrong hole.

If zero!That's okay, either click on the treatment to correct it, or, after the advancement of technology, consider going for an operation!

Also, my younger sister, the one who aspired to be a nun to serve God since she was a child, suddenly changed her ideal and wanted to become an actress who is active on the screen of the Marvel Universe...

Distressed, distressed!

Mark is a little relieved. He also has a youngest sister who is only 14 years old this year and seems to be growing in a normal curve.

Mia Lewis!
Mark still remembers that when he left home, Mia was just born and still in her infancy!

"It's finally a blessing in misfortune..." Mark sighed inwardly.

The two small saplings in the house grow crooked, so forget it.

But don't even grow crooked sapling seeds, it will be very uncomfortable!

At this moment, the door of the guest room on the second floor opened again, and Annie, who poked her head out, looked at Mark below with flickering eyes and said, "By the way, did I tell you that Mia seems to be a mutant..."


Kate looked at her boyfriend sitting next to her with a gaping mouth and demented eyes.

There is a feeling of wanting to laugh out loud!

quite a while!

Mark shook his head, and said to Annie who was about to close the door again: "Wait, explain to me what it means to be a mutant!"

Oh, God.

How on earth did you arrange for me to be reincarnated.

Do mutants have a future these days?

Seeing how the outside world yelled at the mutants, Mark was ruthlessly skeptical and continued to follow the current trend.

Mutants are either fighting back or disappearing!
Frankly speaking, Mark is not optimistic about the former possibility.

There is a huge difference between the population base of mutants and that of ordinary people.

This alone is enough to make the mutants never win by numbers.

Even Professor Charles once speculated that as time goes by, there will be more and more mutants awakening the X gene...

in the end.

It also won't make any changes.

no way!
It's been off to a bad start since the first wave of mutant growth.

Smash, burn and loot!
From the four-eyed boy that Mark fired at that time, it is enough to see the impression of mutants in the minds of ordinary people!

Not to mention ordinary people, there are countless people hiding in dark corners, and scientific research institutions are eyeing mutants.

Because of the special nature of mutants, even if they reported the crime, the police would only be perfunctory...

It's not inaction, but an inevitability under the general trend.

"You still have an impression of Mia, Mark!"

"...Mom brought Mia back from the hospital when I left Forks."

Annie, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa hugging a pillow, said with brown eyes, "It should be when Mia was ten years old.

Probably one night, I don't know the exact time.

Anyway, when I woke up in the middle of the night, Mia, who was sleeping on the bed next to me, shone with colorful lights inside the quilt.

I went over to take a look, and guess what I saw..."

Mark was speechless for a while, and even the mellow and delicious bourbon in his hand felt a bit dull.

Quietly looking at his close sister, shrugged!

"Okay..." Annie spread her hands, hugged the pillow in her arms and said, "Mia has turned into a diamond."

"Wait..." Mark blinked, why did he feel that the whole ability sounded so familiar.

Annie glanced at Mark and said, "It's like this anyway. If we weren't in the Indian Autonomous Region in Fox Town, Mia would have been taken away by the military who heard the news from nowhere."


When Mark heard this, he couldn't help frowning: "Which military?"

Annie rolled her eyes and said, "When I heard Billy confronting them, it seemed like he was following the orders of some General Stryker."

Billy, about Mark's age, was the son of the chief of the Indian Borough in Forks!

However, he should have inherited the position of chieftain by now!

"William Stryker?" Kate came out of the kitchen and said to Mark after packing up: "The current Secretary of Defense is William Stryker. I remember last year or something. He gave the president a report on the Mutant report!"

Mark's expression flickered for a while and he said, "You mean he sent someone to arrest Mia now?"

"No!" Annie glanced at Kate, seeming to be curious about Kate's identity, and said to Mark, "That was in [-], and Billy and the residents of the town finally forced Fox out of Fox..."

Mark smiled!
As he said, all small towns are very xenophobic, especially Forks and more than half of its territory is the autonomous region of Indian werewolves...


Mark didn't believe that the current Minister of Defense would give up like this.

It is clear!
He must have been threatened by Billy's werewolves...

(End of this chapter)

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