Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 255 Jack's happy event (4th update from time to time)

Chapter 255 Jack's happy event (fourth update from time to time)
The transformation ritual of the Inhumans was similar to what Mark had guessed.

On the contrary, what Professor Charles and more than 50 strangers outside saw was a novelty.

Especially the ability displayed by that Alisa girl after her transformation caused uncontrollable applause...

Four Alysas with the same appearance suddenly appeared in the transformation room, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake...

Even for Mark, within the range of his thoughts, it is difficult to distinguish which one is the real subject!

When it's Skye's turn...

Before Skye showed his abilities, the three-story building in the transformation room shook for a while.

Wait until everyone evacuates outside in an orderly manner.

Everyone realized later that the shock was originally caused by Skye...


Compared with Skye's vibration ability, there is no doubt that Alisa seems to be the ultimate winner and has won everyone's pursuit...

"How long will it take for Skye to fully master his abilities?"

When she saw her best friend turned into a mobile seismic device and was about to return to New York, Lailisi asked Jiaying who was sending everyone to the gate of the afterlife manor with some concern.

Jiaying smiled slightly and explained: "Don't worry, when just awakening, every Yiren will have a time when he can't stabilize his ability, but I assure you, Skye will be able to control his ability soon."

After hearing these words, Lairis nodded, but still looked at Skye's cabin with some worry...

Seeing this, Mark shook his head helplessly!

But he made up his mind to pay attention.

Minimize the contact time between Laili and Skye as much as possible...

that's it.

The year [-] passed like this, and the year [-] arrived as scheduled.

After sending Riris to Midtown High, Mark drove the Hornet back to the Federal Building.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Mark saw his blond secretary standing at the door of his office, holding a large stack of documents, waiting for him.

Mark who walked over couldn't help rubbing his brows and said: "I remember, I explained before that all internal affairs are in charge of Cooper, don't bother me with these damn documents."

The blond secretary didn't seem to care about Mark's attitude. After following Mark into the office, he put a stack of documents in his arms on Mark's desk, and said directly: "These need to be signed by the director and the deputy director. The state was the last precinct not to pay."

"Leave it here, I'll sign it later."

"And..." The blond secretary didn't mean to leave the office, but looked at Mark and continued: "The minister's office called just now, and the minister will connect with you at the combat command center at nine o'clock."

Mark took out an unopened bottle of bourbon from the wine cabinet as usual, and after hearing this sentence, he glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"It's already eight fifty."

"Yes!" The blond secretary said with a formal smile: "So you must go to the combat command center now."


Combat command center!

After Mark passed through a unique eyeball scan, he walked into the combat command that occupied an entire floor.

To put it bluntly, after the incident in September last year, Mark's eyeballs can open any door in the United States that requires eyeball verification.

Of course, the verification equipment and verification software must be from the United States...

This can be regarded as a backdoor program that is not known to the public!

"Director, the minister is on Line [-]!"


As soon as Mark walked to the front of the big screen and stood up, he heard the IT agent who was in charge of manipulating the combat command center say to him.

next second!
The big screen instantly lit up, and it changed from a snowflake-like appearance to the office of Attorney General Justin Oren.

Justin was working, and on the wall behind him, the eagle logo was shining brightly, blinding his eyes...

"Good morning, Mr. Minister!" Mark greeted Justin, whose hair was once again dyed black, with a smile.

Justin, who was processing a document, took off his eyes, looked up at Mark on the computer screen, and then said, "Mark, I am waiting for your decision."

Mark replied with a smile: "Mr. Minister, I think the position of director of the New York State FBI is more suitable for my ass."

The expression on Justin's face remained unchanged and he said, "Why didn't I feel any surprise about this result?"

Mark smiled and didn't speak!

Justin pointed at the secretary who walked into the office, then looked at Mark and said, "That's fine, I need you not to regret it."

"I don't think so!"

Just when Mark thought he was going to cut off the call, Justin seemed to think of something and said suddenly: "By the way, Mark, remember to arrive at the White House on time at three o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. There is something about mutants, Mr. President." I plan to listen to your opinion first, because of your...hehe, you know."

As he said that, Justin didn't wait for Mark to reply, and directly pressed the mouse, disconnecting the confidential communication with the New York Federal Combat Command Center!

The big screen instantly dimmed.

Mark was taken aback for a moment, and then he recalled the conversation that Professor Charles had with him not long ago.


Is it about the antidote?


As Mark said, regarding the antidote, Mark kept himself completely neutral...

After returning to the office!
After Mark spent an hour processing the office documents on the desktop, the blond secretary took them out.

As for the position of the so-called Director of Operations of the Department of Homeland Security?

Mark didn't take it to heart at all.


I'd rather be a tiger's head than a dragon's tail!
In the New York State Bureau of the FBI, Mark was at the top.

There is only one Ministry of Justice that can control him, and the minister is still very familiar with him...

Transferred to Homeland Security?

It seems that he has been promoted, and there are more people in charge, but there are also more people in charge...

That's not what Mark needs...

Just when Mark was lost in thought!
My left and right guardians, Jack and Debbie, walked in...

Jack's face was flushed, and it was obvious that the meeting with Catherine's parents was a success.

As for Debbie?

When Mark was free to browse the web, he saw Debbie uploaded a photo with a blonde beauty...the kind in a swimsuit!

Mark looked at Jack who suddenly smiled embarrassingly, licked his face and looked at him. He was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Debbie and said, "What's wrong with Jack? Didn't he take his medicine?"

Debbie burst into laughter instantly!

Jack's face froze, and when he was about to explain, Debbie said directly first: "Boss, this guy wants to ask if you can help me book a seat at the Oheka Castle Hotel in June."

Mark frowned slightly and said, "The one on Long Island?"

(End of this chapter)

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