Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 135 Fighting must be cool and clean (generous... plus the third bullet)

Chapter 135 Fighting must be cool and clean (generous... plus the third bomb)

"...I'm not the sick one!"

"...They are!"

"...the world will no longer be discriminated against, lonely, or abandoned, as long as my invention is used..."

" invention can promote the evolution of human beings. Human beings need to adapt to evolve. So what if a little change in appearance is the pain of evolution!"

"...Change like a snake and I'll be free!"

"I want to create a great human being, but there is no such a human being, a cowardly, pathetic, imbecile creature..."

"Since you can be so powerful, why bother to be human..."

"Faster, stronger, smarter, this is my gift to you..."

"...Abandon this skin that restricts me, and I will have powerful power, enough to change the world!"

The lizard-man Dr. Connors, who was trying to move towards the launching device on the top floor, had already been fascinated by the sudden force!

Every great scientist is a paranoid in some way...

He stubbornly believes that his new invention is wise and beneficial to mankind!
It doesn't matter what other people think of it!

On the roof!

[Launch countdown, 2 minutes! 】

Lizardman Dr. Connors narrowed his snake eyes, and his wide lips gave a very happy smile!

Soon, the whole of New York will be filled with lizardmen like him!

No more sickness, no pain, no weaklings...

His ultimate ideal will soon be realized!

When Dr. Conners heard the movement behind him, the snake's eyes narrowed immediately, and the giant's tail instantly swept towards the back like a steel frame without looking at it.

Just like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!


"Roar——" Dr. Connors was in pain, and turned around to look at the tail that fell to the ground. The broken part of the tail was growing back at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Looking at Mark who was arranging the suit jacket in front of him, Dr. Conners couldn't help but narrow his snake eyes, and asked hoarsely with a voice like a broken vocal cord: "Who are you?"

Mark straightened his cuffs, looking at the trace of green liquid of unknown origin stained on the cuffs.

With a light touch, the green liquid instantly fell to the ground, making a sizzling corrosion sound...

"FBI, Dr. Connors, you have been arrested on charges..." Mark was taken aback for a moment, then shrugged and said indifferently: "Whatever, you won't live to go to court anyway!"


Dr. Conners was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing. Like a hungry tiger rushing for food, he showed his sharp claws and rushed towards Mark who was standing on the edge of the roof!

Those two pairs of sharp claws, under the moonlight, cast a glow of green, which is not the color of the positive characters!


Mark smiled disdainfully at Dr. Connors, who was kicked directly on the water tower and left a mark on the water tower.

Walked towards the device that was about to be launched in one minute, as if shopping.

Where did the courage come from?
This Dr. Connors must have taken too much lizard hormone.

Also create a world without the weak, where does the courage come from!
Any mutant who can set fire or condense ice can hang him up and beat him.

After the transformation, besides not being disabled, the speed is faster, and some limbs are reborn...

what about others?

Fly, set fire, confuse?

As mentioned above, Dr. Connors, who has transformed into a lizardman, is still within the scope of the five scumbags in a fundamental sense!
Mark didn't want him to get close, if he could get close it would be Mark bragging!
Mark directly opened the launcher of the device, ready to take out the lizard serum inside!
"Do not……"

Feeling the howling wind behind him, Mark repeatedly showed three throwing knives with his right hand.

Taking off the lizard serum launcher in front of him, Mark turned his head and glanced at the struggling lizard man who was fixed on the iron tower by himself!
Separate three strands of thought power to bless the flying knives nailed to the hands and abdomen of Dr. Lizardman Connors respectively!

Unless Dr. Conners can pull up the entire tower, or self-harm.

if not……

He shook the lizard serum in his hand and threw it back!

The little spider who had just climbed up was slightly taken aback, and hastily caught the serum device that drew an arc in the air!
He looked at Mark, who was wearing a spotless suit, in disbelief.

what's the situation?

Connors, who was fixed on the water tower, was struggling continuously, and suddenly made a bang bang bang sound.

The water tower behind him also made an unbearable sound!
Dr. Conners didn't understand at all, why were three throwing knives weighing less than a catty weighing on him like a million-dollar mountain!

Mark smiled faintly, glanced at the lizard man on the water tower and said softly: "Look at him, does he look like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered!"

The little spider blinked blindly, looked around and asked weakly, "Are you talking to me?"

"What do you think!" Mark turned his head and looked at the little spider squatting on the edge like a pit with a faint smile!
The little spider was taken aback for a moment, then nodded!

Looking at Dr. Connors kicking around with a lizard leg on the water tower, he couldn't help but feel confused!

This is at this time!


By the way, the little spider's eyes were completely attracted by the slowly hovering throwing knife on Mark's extended right hand.

Under the moonlight, the dragon-shaped flying knife looks even more breathtaking!

The cold light is like a beautiful cold moon, shining reflected light from time to time!

"The knife is three feet and seven feet long, and it is made of the hardest metal in the world. In the ancient eastern country, this flying knife once became the nightmare of countless people. When the flying knife comes out, people die!"

The little spider opened its mouth!
Before he could speak, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he looked intently, but saw that the Bingfei knife had disappeared in Mark's palm!
Where did you go?

The little spider was slightly taken aback.

next second!
He looked at the lizard man Dr. Connors who had been silent on the water tower for a long time!
And that!
Right between the eyebrows, with a dragon-shaped flying knife that rotates at a high speed invisible to the naked eye!

During the rotation, a tiny golden dragon seemed to come out through the body, making dragon roars!

The little spider swallowed, and asked in disbelief: "Dead!"

"if not?"

Mark glanced at the little spider and waved his right hand slightly.

Four throwing knives jumped out of the lizardman's body in an instant, and flew towards Mark's right hand rapidly.

Repeat with the right palm!

Disappeared in an instant!


The huge lizard's body hit the concrete floor heavily, causing a huge splash of water!

Looking away, Mark looked at the little spider who hadn't recovered and asked lightly: "Peter, do you know why I joined the law enforcement agency?"

Peter: "..."

"Law enforcement is not good at anything, lots of work, low pay, but one thing that other professions don't have."

Peter: "..."

"Kill! Especially reasonable, reasonable, and legal killings!"

Peter: "..."

 Give me a monthly pass to comfort me, woo woo woo!

(End of this chapter)

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