Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 11 You Are Fired

Chapter 11 You Are Fired
Half an hour later!
Qin, who was wearing a lavender dress, re-entered the office.

A flash of surprise flashed in Mark's eyes, and he said, "Did you change another piece of clothing?"

Qin directly cast a blank stare at Mark, even ignoring Jack who was sitting next to her, turned her gaze to Debbie and said, "I have good news and bad news here, which one do you listen to first?"

Debbie was slightly taken aback, and said, "Okay!"

Qin smiled slightly and said, "The good news is that Kara Beth awakened the X gene when she came to New York five months ago, and she is also a student at Xavier Talent Academy."

Jack's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's great, give me to us."

"I'm afraid not!" Qin looked at Jack with a restrained smile and said, "Kara Bess admitted to going to that Chinese restaurant this morning, but she didn't commit any of the crimes you issued."

"...What about the bad news?"

Qin smiled slightly, turned her body to one side, revealed the furry Smurf outside and said, "Mr. McCourt will send you out of the academy."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Mark on the sofa and turned to leave!


Inside a Chevrolet driving on the road.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Jack frowned, rubbed his sore buttocks, and said with some depression: "You can't believe Ms. Grey's one-sided words."

Debbie, who was sitting behind and fiddled with the laptop, said nothing, her fingers were jumping quickly on the keyboard like a ballet dancer.

Debbie raised her head, looked at Mark who was driving the car and said, "Boss, I checked the monitor again and saw this."


The car was parked on the side of the road, and the three people who got out of the car looked at the broadcast monitoring screen on the computer screen.

In the surveillance screen, after Calabes with a hood left the dining area, a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old was standing in the buffet area with a schoolbag on her back.

Mark frowned slightly: "Is there any problem?"

"Look at her hands..."

Debbie tentatively fixed the screen, and after a while of operation, a reflective metal plate appeared in the screen, through the reflection, you can see that the girl seems to be holding something in her hand, spraying all the food...

"Why didn't you find out before?"

Debbie shrugged her shoulders and said: "When the agents below called out the surveillance and comparison population, they should have checked Kara Beth's level, so they didn't continue to investigate..."

Mark blinked and shook his head involuntarily!
no way!
With the increase of mutants, coupled with a group of media renderings who are afraid of chaos in the world.

As long as unexplainable cases occur in some major cities, the suspects will always be unnaturally shifted to mutants.

With such a big environment, the FBI is naturally not exempt.


After returning to the Federal Building, Mark appeared in his office area.


Immediately, a group of more than 20 detectives who were sitting on their chairs raised their heads one after another.

He set his sights on Mark!
"Who is in charge of the video surveillance?" Mick asked lightly after scanning around.
"...It's me!" The man with glasses sitting in the last row raised his right hand and said for no reason!

Mark smiled slightly, and then said lightly: "You are fired!"

"..." The man with glasses!

Mark turned his head and glanced at the guard who was called in by him, and said, "Help him pack his things and get out of my office area."

The two tall and thick guards nodded immediately, rolled up their sleeves and walked towards the desk of the man with glasses.

Ten minutes later, after the two guards invited the man with glasses out, Mark nodded to Debbie next to him!
After a while, Mark stood in the middle of the office area with his hips crossed, pointed to the girl who appeared on the big screen and said: "This person, I will give you an afternoon. I want to know who she is. Where are you, how old are you this year, do you have a boyfriend, which school you go to..."


"you have a problem?"

Mark smiled slightly, looked at Jack who returned to his seat and said, "It's okay, I can temporarily become a Democrat."

Jack was taken aback for a moment, but under the encouraging gazes from his colleagues, he mustered up his courage and said cautiously, "It's already 05:30 in the afternoon."

Mark frowned slightly and said, "I don't understand."

"...It's time to get off work!"

Mark nodded as if enlightened, looked around the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "Those who want to get off work raise their hands first."

For a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

After a while, no one raised their hands.

Grass had not yet grown on the grave of the chicken that was killed just now. At this moment, everyone who had business experience with Mark suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by Mark a year ago.

Mark nodded with a satisfied smile, looked at his little friend Jack and said, "It seems that you are the only one who has to get off work."

Jack froze for a moment, and then turned his eyes to Debbie for help.

Without squinting, Debbie danced on the keyboard with both hands, and immediately intercepted a relatively clear picture from the monitoring screen, dragged it into the database for comparison.

In desperation, Jack could only look at the smiling Mark and said cautiously: "I promised Catherine that I will meet her parents tonight."

Mark smiled and said, "Aren't you worried that when you have dinner with Catherine, you will have the same experience as this morning?"

"..." Jack!
"Fake!" Mark said in a deep voice, looking directly at the agents in the office area like a Sichuan opera changing face: "Poisoning food is the worst thing to do. Go out and have a look. How many dares to put poison in today's New York restaurants?" Open for business...”

Mark slowed down and said:

"The Minister of Justice asked me how long it would take to solve the case, and I said within three days..."

"Actually, what I want most is to solve the case tomorrow morning. If we solve the case one day late, New York City will be panicked one day..."

"Guys, all eyes of New York City are on our federal building..."

"Countless people are expecting us to solve the case as soon as possible, and the New York Police Department is watching our jokes..."

"You don't want what happened to you this morning either..."

"...When will you find out the name of this damned woman, and when will you be able to leave work!"


Looking around the silent office area, Mark smiled coldly!
He turned and left expressionlessly, leaving everyone with shocked faces behind.

Just after Mark disappeared from everyone's sight!

"Boss...where is he going?" Jack on the seat blinked.

"What time is it?" Debby glanced at Jack and asked blankly!

Jack was taken aback for a moment, as if he had thought of something, he was in a bad mood, and said in a low voice, "Damn it, did what he just said just let go of air?"

Debbie smiled slightly and said, "When did the boss work overtime?"

"..." Jack!
(End of this chapter)

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