Douluo's Angel and the Fallen

Chapter 214 "Water Soul Beast!"

Chapter 214 "Water Soul Beast!"

Dai Mubai was startled suddenly, two yellow and two purple rings surged under his feet, he hurriedly circulated his soul power, and tried his best to get rid of Qianyesha's palm!
However, the result is still the same!
Seeing this scene, except for Qian Renxue, everyone present looked startled. A four-ringed soul sect has fully activated its soul power, but still can't get rid of the shackles of Qianyesha?

Moreover, this is when Qianyesha does not use any soul power!

"Martial spirit, possession!" Dai Mubai growled lowly, and the white tiger of martial spirit roared out from behind him, and at the same time, on his muscular body, white tiger stripes began to surge out!

As the top-level beast spirit, the White Tiger has made some spirit masters who are lower than Dai Mubai or the same level start to fear the moment he appeared!
It can be seen that at this moment, Dai Mubai's arm swelled more than double in an instant!
But even so, Qianyesha's palm was like a steel nail completely pierced into the black iron, motionless!
Immediately afterwards, Qianyesha turned his arm, and there was a sound of bone cracking instantly, and after Dai Mubai turned three times in the air, he was thrown heavily to the ground!

At this moment, everyone present swallowed their saliva!

The power of Qianyesha is beyond their imagination!
The top beast martial soul, the soul sect, was so easily killed in seconds, such a thing, the average soul emperor may not be able to do it!

Seeing Qianyesha's immature eyes again, they were even more terrified.

"Mubai!" Zhu Zhuqing yelled at Dai Mubai, and immediately transformed into civet claws, stabbing towards Qianyesha!

"Stop!" At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded, and everyone looked for the sound, and the lord of the Wind and Sand Sect, Lan Zhanshan, had awakened.

"Young man, you are not his opponent, step back!" Lan Zhanshan said to Zhu Zhuqing, then turned to Qianyesha and said, "May I ask which sect my friend is from?"

"It seems that I don't need to answer you!" Qianye said in silence.

Hearing Qianyesha's arrogant and rude words, many disciples of the Wind Sand Sect frowned, and some of the irritable ones even wanted to fight!
"That's true!" Lan Zhanshan stopped their actions, "Then my friend, what are you going to do in the Lost Grand Canyon?"

"Treasure hunting, practice!" Qianyesha said casually.

"So that's the case!" Lan Zhanshan nodded and asked again, "What's your name?"

"Yesha!" Qianyesha replied.

These words immediately made Dai Mubai fall into short thinking.

"This name is quite domineering! I remember that the number one genius in Douluo Continent, the holy son of Wuhun Temple is called Qianyesha!" Lan Zhanshan said directly.

"My holy son, how could he come to such a filthy place!" Qianyesha replied calmly.

"That's not bad!" Lan Zhanshan nodded, "Young friend Ye Fu, how about I want to hire you as the deputy head of the expedition?"

Hearing this, the disciples of the Sandstorm Sect couldn't help being a little unhappy, but none of them dared to disobey Lan Zhanshan's order!

"Whatever!" Qianyesha responded.

Lan Zhanshan ignored Qianyesha and the two, and turned to the people in the hotel and said loudly, "It's almost time, let's get ready to go!"

Hearing this, everyone took action, carried their bags and put on their coats!
"Before we set off, I only want to explain one thing!" Lan Zhanshan said, "When we arrive in the Grand Canyon, we must not have internal conflicts and we must help each other, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Lan Zhanshan, Qianyesha and others walked towards the rear of Yinyang Town in a mighty manner.

Behind Yinyang Town, there is a downward road, and at the end of the road, there is an underground river with a width of [-] meters. The river flows along a tunnel in front to the depths of the Grand Canyon.

At this time, the two-story ship of the Wind Sand Sect had already moored on the shore, and everyone boarded the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the big ship sailed into the cave!

"This is my first time entering the Grand Canyon!" Lan Zhanshan asked Qianyesha.

"En!" Qianyesha nodded.

"This river is the same as Yinyang Town, named Yinyang River, and its length is about sixty miles!" Lan Zhanshan said, "It is impossible to fly over the Mizong Grand Canyon, and you can only rely on boats to enter. If you are lucky, our boat will If you can directly reach the end of the river, if you are unlucky, if you encounter an underground undercurrent, you will have to abandon the boat and land!"

"Thank you for your advice!" Qianyesha smiled slightly.

As Lan Zhanshan said, when the big boat passed through the narrow tunnel, it became a little more cheerful, with a width of about 600 meters on both sides. 30 meters high.

Because the sun is blocked by the thousands of meters high peaks on both sides, even in the daytime, the Lost Grand Canyon looks extremely gloomy.

Moreover, it is extremely humid and cold here!

Naturally, Qianyesha and the others couldn't feel the temperature change.

But the towering side peaks made them feel how small people are!
Fortunately, half an hour later, the big boat was still running extremely smoothly, and the Yinyang River should have passed halfway by this time.

The river became more open, reaching a width of 1000 meters.

"Captain, there is a situation!"

However, at this moment, the person in charge of the investigation at the bow pointed to the river ahead and shouted.

Everyone was startled, they came to the bow of the ship one after another, looked around, and saw a huge shadow approaching the big ship from under the water surface at a very high speed!

"No, it's a water soul beast!" Lan Zhanshan exclaimed, "The escort team stepped forward!"

With Lan Zhanshan's loud roar, six hardcover men and others moved horizontally on the bow of the boat, and then the five rings moved at their feet!

None of these people's soul rings were optimally configured, but the soul power of several big soul kings unleashed, and immediately formed a circular shield visible to the naked eye on the bow of the ship!

"Boom!" At this moment, the huge water soul beast jumped up!

It can be seen that it is a huge fish beast similar to a shark, and on top of its head grows a black iron-like unicorn!
It was this unicorn that slammed into the light shield fiercely, and the whole ship was shaken immediately!
"The one-horned water shark grows in deep water, and its age should be around 5 years!" Qian Yesha smiled calmly at Qian Renxue, "Xue'er, it seems that this Misty Grand Canyon is much older than it is." In our imagination, it will be more exciting!"

At this time, facing the 5-year-old soul beast, those great soul kings were already exhausted. Lan Zhanshan saw the momentum, and his feet were white, one yellow, two purple, three black, and the seven rings surged!

At the same time, a blue rhino rushed up behind him!

It is Lan Zhanshan's martial spirit, the battle spirit Lanxi!

"The fourth soul skill, Wrath of the Rhinoceros!"

As soon as Lan Zhanshan whistled, two fist figures several times larger appeared on the two fists, and then frantically punched the one-horned water shark!

At the same time, the one-horned water shark's iron horn erupted with lightning, and gathered a bolt of lightning, which greeted Lan Zhanshan's fist head-on!

(End of this chapter)

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