Douluo's Angel and the Fallen

Chapter 18 "Ren Xue's Relief"

Chapter 18 "Qian Renxue's Relief"

"Then, that's fine!" Qianye Sha nodded.

"Anyway, I'm just thinking about it. Since the old man doesn't want it, then of course I'm not welcome!"

Then he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and entered a state of meditation.

At the same time, he began to exert his soul power, pulling the black soul ring into his body.

"Oh, something hit my brother's face, what kind of bear!"

"Quiet me, big bug!"

Not long after, in Qianyesha's mind, Brother Tianmeng's miserable voice and Lucifer's scolding sounded successively.

For this, Qianye was not surprised.

The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's entry into the Martial Soul Space meant that he had successfully absorbed the ten thousand year spirit ring from the former!

Next, Qianyesha began to absorb the spirit bone.

The soul bone of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear has extremely strong repelling power, but for Qianye Sha, who has a divine soul and can install it painlessly, this will not affect him!

At this time, on the big tree hundreds of meters away from Qianyesha and the others, a purple-haired woman stood there, and said angrily: "Stupid!"

Apparently, she sent this Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear to monitor Qianye Sha, but she never expected to make a wedding dress for him!
The woman sighed resentfully, and then disappeared in place.

"Ye'er, did you succeed?" Qian Daoliu asked impatiently after Qianyesha opened his eyes.

"En!" Qianyesha nodded, and then with a thought, two soul rings, one purple and one black, floated under his feet.

"Okay, okay!" Qian Daoliu said excitedly, "Quick, let me see your metacarpal bones!"

Hearing this, Qianyesha waved his right arm, and after a golden light passed, a dark golden sharp claw pierced out from the back of his right palm!
The sharp claw was about half a meter long, and when Qianyesha swung it, a light blade several meters long slashed out, cutting off a ten-meter-high mature giant tree not far away!

"Okay, that's great!" Qian Daoliu stared at Qianye Sha, getting more and more excited the more he looked at it, as if looking at a rare treasure, and then asked: "Sha'er, what level is your soul power? gone?"

"Level 25!" Qianyesha responded affirmatively, the ten thousand year soul ring of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw made him directly rise to four levels!
Hearing this, the audience was dumbfounded, six years old, a level 25 great soul master!
Afterwards, the four major titled Douluo laughed loudly, and bowed at the same time, "Congratulations, Your Royal Highness Son!"

"Congratulations, Your Royal Highness Son!" Hu Liena's trio immediately responded.

Qian Renxue was a little unhappy, because she was only at level 22 when she got two soul rings. Obviously, Qianyesha was more talented than her, which made her a bit uncomfortable.

However, Qian Renxue's mood would never be revealed.

"Ye'er's performance really satisfies the old man, this trip is worthwhile!" Qian Daoliu said with satisfaction, "Since the soul rings of Sha'er and Liena have been obtained, let's leave now. The Star Dou Great Forest is not very peaceful either!"

After saying that, Qian Daoliu and the others were about to step on the back of the eagle, but they were stopped by Qianyesha: "Wait, great worship, I will not return to the Spirit Hall for the time being!"

"Ah? Ye'er, where are you going?" Qian Daoliu asked in surprise.

"I'm going to kill someone!" Qianyesha sternly said.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, including Qian Renxue.

"Who to kill?" Qian Daoliu frowned, "Ye'er? But someone bullied you, tell me, I will kill him all over the place!"

The Star Dou Great Forest is located at the border of the Heaven Dou Empire, not far from Suoto City and Notting City, and the one Qianyesha wants to kill is none other than Yu Xiaogang, who has deeply failed his mother!
Yu Xiaogang, the biggest mistake is incompetence and sanctimoniousness!
He has no ability to protect his mother!
In the original book, just because my mother fell in love with this incompetent person, she was defiled by the beast Chihiro Ji, and her life was ruined!
In the end, this pious villain actually fell in love with Liu Erlong, and had an old love for his mother!
Now that Qian Xunji is dead, he can't take revenge, but Yu Xiaogang, he can kill!
"No need." Qianyesha said decisively, "I must kill this person myself! At the same time, it is also an experience!"

"Okay then." Qian Daoliu paused, and then replied, "Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, you go with Ye'er, protect him, or come and see him!"

"Yes!" Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo said at the same time, "This subordinate must swear to protect His Royal Highness Shengzi to the death!"

Then, Qian Daoliu turned his gaze to Qian Renxue and said, "Xue'er, you also accompany Ye'er!"

"Ah? Grandpa, I still have tasks." Qian Renxue said slightly startled.

"Your mission is cancelled!" Qian Daoliu said seriously!

"But..." Qian Renxue opened her pupils.

"Don't worry, the Pope also agrees!" Qian Daoliu knew what Qian Renxue was thinking, and frowned slightly.

Qian Renxue was shocked when she heard the words, but still hesitated.

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu stroked Qian Renxue's head, and said affectionately: "Xue'er, grandpa knows you are arrogant, so he insisted on taking this task, but grandpa really doesn't want you to live under a mask! "

"Grandpa is getting old and doesn't have many days left. My only hope is to see you and Sha'er grow up happily!"

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Tears welled up in Qian Renxue's eyes immediately, and she knelt down to worship.

Seeing this, except for Qianyesha, the entire audience changed expression.

Qianye Sha was not surprised.

Because of her birth, Qian Renxue was abandoned by her mother since she was a child. Her mission is to lurk in the Heaven Dou Empire, pretending to be Xue Qinghe, in order to obtain the title of Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire!
However, this task is extremely difficult and arduous, and ordinary people can't bear it, let alone Qian Renxue, a proud child of heaven, the young master of the Wuhun Palace!
Even though there is a certain element of Qian Renxue's anger with her mother.Otherwise, with Qian Daoliu's identity and ability, if Qian Renxue is not allowed to go, there will be nothing her mother can do to him.

In the original book, in order to complete this task, Qian Renxue has been wearing a mask to show people, disguised as a man for 20 years!
Now, freed from this kind of suffering, for Qian Renxue, it is a kind of relief!
"By the way, don't stay outside for too long. Five months later, it will be the opening ceremony of Wuhundian Academy. Yeer, Xueer, you two must not miss it." Qian Daoliu Furan added.

"Yes!" Qianyesha and Qian Renxue responded in unison.

"Great priest, that, the three of us are not going back to the Spirit Hall anymore, we want to go out with the Holy Son and the Young Master to see the world." At this time, Hu Liena said.

"Have we discussed it? That's fine," Qian Daoliu nodded, "In this case, the dolphins and golden eagles, you two should stay and protect them."

"Yes!" Porpoise Douluo and Golden Eagle Contra led the orders.

"Thank you for the great offering!" Hu Liena's trio bowed at the same time.

"The Great Star Dou Forest is not safe, let the old man give you a ride."

A group of people fled for hundreds of miles. After confirming that it was absolutely safe, Qian Daoliu took Snake Lance Douluo and headed towards the Spirit Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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