Hope for luck

Chapter 46

Chapter 46
Seeing Gao Pan's expression become so dignified, both Lu Jinping and Zhang Shunshan felt a little surprised.

"Lord Gao, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. I heard that there are only more than a hundred bandits on Zhongli Mountain. They are clamoring loudly because they know that the government will not send a large army to wipe them out!"

Zhang Shunshan thought that Gao Pan was worried about the bandits on Zhongli Mountain, so he quickly comforted him.

Gao Pan came back to his senses after hearing the words, and said relaxedly:

"I'm not worried about this, you two, do you know where these bandits come from?"

"It's probably some Jiangyang robbers, wanted criminals, or robbers from the green forest, all gathered together!"

Zhang Shunshan immediately became suspicious when he heard the words.

"If this is the case, it's okay. If the bandits are all poor people, that would be a misfortune!"

Gao Pan sighed and said, after hearing this, Lu Jinping and Zhang Shunshan looked at each other, feeling a little horrified.

They naturally understood the meaning of Gao Pan's words. If most of the bandits are poor people, it means that the people have reached the point where they can't sustain themselves and have to go up the mountain to become thieves!

Faced with such a profound question, both Lu Jinping and Zhang Shunshan became silent. After all, how the world changes is beyond the control of people like them.

For a while, Gao Pan's room became a little silent, and the three of them were thinking about each other.

It wasn't until Peng Ming hurried in that the three of them woke up. Gao Pan saw that Peng Ming had no manners in front of outsiders, so he said something warmly.

It was only then that Peng Ming realized that Gao Pan was receiving guests, and quickly gave Lu Jinping and Zhang Shunshan a dignified salute.

"This is my cousin from afar. I've spoiled him so much. You two, please don't be as knowledgeable as him!"

Gao Pan felt a little ashamed and apologized to the two, thinking in his heart that he should let Peng Ming understand some truths.

In front of him, you can relax a bit, but in front of outsiders, you still need to know etiquette!

Seeing what Gao Pan said, Lu Jinping and Zhang Shunshan both said that they would not be in the way, and said that the matter was clarified, and it was time for them to go back to the government office to deal with business. Lu Wencong was still waiting for news from them!

Seeing this, Gao Pan quickly got up himself, sent the two of them out of the gate of the county government office, and then turned back to his office.

"I didn't expect that this high-ranking person has such insights. No wonder Zhou Zhengxin was defeated by him!"

After leaving the county office, Zhang Shunshan said with emotion.

"Mr. Zhang, I said before entering the city that if he can really manage Dantang County well, he can be considered a good parent official. Now that the autumn grain problem has been solved, the people of Dantang County will be really lucky!"

Lu Jinping had a good impression of Gao Pan, perhaps because of Gao Pan's decisive killing when he rescued them, Lu Jinping took a look at Gao Pangao.

Zhang Shunshan nodded when he heard the words, agreeing with what Lu Jinping said.

"You two, please stay, the two rare visitors came from Shangning Fucheng?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a housekeeper walked up to them, blocked the two people's way, and looked at them with a smile on his face and said.

This person was Du Butler who was looking for strangers in the county town under Du Xiangjun's order.

Zhang Shunshan and the two were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at Butler Du warily, but they still nodded.

Seeing the two nodding their heads and admitting that they came from Shangningfu City, Steward Du's smile became even wider, and he quickly bowed and said:
"The two of you are easy for me to find... That's how it is. Our master welcomed you when he heard about your arrival. He sent a villain to look for you in the city, and now we finally found you. People come, our master has already swept the couch to welcome you!"

Zhang Shunshan and Lu Jinping looked at each other after hearing this, and Lu Jinping asked Zhang Shunshan with his eyes if he wanted to go with the butler.

Zhang Shunshan frowned and thought for a while, then said with a smile:
"Since that's the case, if you dare not obey your orders, I will trouble you to lead the way!"

Seeing this, Butler Du hurriedly had two sedan chairs brought up, and let the two of them get on the sedan chairs separately.

Now even Zhang Shunshan was a little suspicious, thinking in his heart, which official master invited them?

In Dantang County, Gao Pan and Geng Gengchen have all seen each other, and the only official left is Zhou Zhengxin, the county magistrate.

Zhang Shunshan guessed, could it be that Zhou Zhengxin invited them to meet?

But why don't we meet in the county government office, but outside?
Zhang Shunshan, who was full of doubts, sat in the sedan chair, feeling like he was on pins and needles, not knowing what he would face next.


In a mansion in the northeast of Dantang County, Lu Jinping and Zhang Shunshan were brought here by Butler Du.

Seeing the size and furnishings of the house, Zhang Shunshan instantly understood who it was, and his face was slightly dissatisfied.

"Mr. Zhang, whose family is this, so grand?" Lu Jinping couldn't help asking.

"It should be the Du family. Apart from their family, I can't think of anyone in Dantang County who is richer than their family!" Zhang Shunshan said in a low voice.

As soon as the words were finished, Du Xiangjun came out from behind, bowed his hands to the two of them, and looked very polite.

"Your step is Mr. Zhang. I have admired you for a long time. It is a great fortune to meet Mr. Zhang today. Please take a seat!"

"Master Du is polite. I'm just a white man with no name and no hope. I'm afraid Mr. Du will be disappointed when he sees it... The two of us can sit here, how dare we sit on the same level as Mr. Du!"

After Zhang Shunshan knew that this was Du's family, his attitude immediately turned cold. Du Xiangjun warmly invited him to sit in the chief seat, but Zhang Shunshan declined politely.

Du Xiangjun was not angry when he saw this, he still had a smile on his face, and asked someone to exchange hot tea for the two of them, then he said with a smile:
"It's rare for you two to come to our Dantang. If you don't dislike it, you can stay at my Du's house and take a good tour in Dantang County! Our place still has some beautiful scenery!"

When Zhang Shunshan heard the words, his heart became even more contemptuous, and Du Xiangjun's intention to please was too obvious, so he replied indifferently:

"Thank you, Mr. Du, for your kindness. It's just that we're here for official business, and we're about to go back to work!"

"Hahaha, business is business. The two of you have only come to the alchemy hall for two days. It's okay to hang around for a few more days. I don't think the magistrate will blame you!"

Du Xiangjun chuckled three times, waved his hand and said.

"I'll wait until the matter is over. Thank you, Mr. Du, for your hospitality. If there is nothing wrong, I will come to bother you next time and leave!"

Zhang Shunshan frowned, and quickly got up to bid farewell.

Seeing this, Du Xiangjun's expression froze, and he also stood up, stopping the two of them:

"Both...Boys, I haven't finished the tea yet, why are you in such a hurry? Presumably the two of you are here to inquire about the news, right? I can provide you with a lot of information!"

Zhang Shunshan originally wanted to leave, but when he heard this, his heart moved, and he really wanted to hear what other news Du Xiangjun could tell!

(End of this chapter)

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