God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 78 The Trouble Comes Again

Chapter 78 The Trouble Comes Again

"How do you look at these models?"

After a while, Li Feifan found some favorite underwear and sent them over.

"Wow! (surprised expression.)"

"Aren't these clothes too beautiful? (Drool expression.)"

Seeing that Chang'e was so excited, Li Feifan laughed in his heart.

Just kidding, this is Li Feifan's carefully selected and lightly selected underwear. No matter the style or material, if you don't care about the price, it is the top quality for today's urbanites.

Let alone people from the fairy world who have been separated for so long.

If they weren't surprised, Li Feifan would be surprised instead.

"Tianzun, are these clothes expensive? (Poor expression.)"

"Uh..., it's not a question of whether it's expensive or not."

"Because the garment is a personal thing, details and size are so important, so you can't go wrong."

Li Feifan pretended to be an expert at this time, and slowly persuaded Chang'e.

"Ah? I don't know what the size Tianzun said is. (A questioning expression.)"

"It's just... this seat doesn't know how to speak. (The expression of sweat dripping from the forehead.)"

"It doesn't matter, Tianzun, as long as I can buy these clothes, Xiaoxian doesn't care. (Cute expression.)"

Now that you've said that, don't blame me for being rude!

"The size I'm talking about actually refers to the... size of your upper body. (Cover face expression.)"

"Ah?! This... I am not very clear about this myself! (Sweaty expression.)"

"It's okay, you just need to wear less clothes and take a picture for me to see."

"Remember, you must reflect the shape and size of the one above you, so that I can visually measure your size as much as possible."

"Otherwise, if the clothes are too big or too small, it will have a great impact."


Li Feifan deliberately sent out the word "beauty" separately, just to make Chang'e pay attention.

"Will it affect the beauty? (Surprised expression.)"

"Good Tianzun, I will definitely take pictures as much as possible. (Expression of hard work.)"

"Well, I'll wait for you!"

Seeing this message from Chang'e, Li Feifan was immediately excited.

Fuck, isn't this Chang'e too innocent?

If you are really so easy to deceive, then I won't deceive you more in the future, I feel sorry for myself!
Taking advantage of this time, Li Feifan started shopping in Taobao again.

"Tianzun, are you still there? (Shy expression.)"

After more than an hour, Chang'e finally sent a message.

"Yes, is the photo ready?"

Suppressing his excitement, Li Feifan asked.

"I took a lot of pictures, but I always feel unsatisfied. (Frustrated expression.)"

"It's okay, why don't you send them all, so that I can compare from many aspects. (serious expression.)"

Li Feifei said earnestly.

"No! (Tsundere expression.)"

"I'd better pick a few good-looking ones and send them over! (Blushing expression.)"

"But, Tianzun! Don't let my picture out! (Fist expression.)"

"Don't worry about this, I still have this reputation. (An expression of assurance.)"

Seeing this sentence, Chang'e breathed a sigh of relief.

Generally, a big fairy like him attaches great importance to cause and effect.

After all, the higher the realm, the greater the danger of crossing the catastrophe.

Chang'e didn't believe that Xiaoyao Tianzun would break his promise because of such a trivial matter.

"Then I'll post it. (Shy face.)"

"it is good."

I'll go, you better hurry up!
I've been waiting here for the day!
Li Feifan held the phone in both hands and said excitedly.

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

Immediately, seven or eight photos were all sent over at once.

"I'll go! This is too fucking beautiful!"

Looking at the photos, they were all taken from different angles.

And Chang'e is also more obedient, wearing the kind of clothes that are as thin as onion wings!

The key is the shape!
And Chang'e's identity!

"Tianzun, are you okay looking at these photos? (Cute expression.)"

"Well, yes, I will start to measure the size visually, because the production of this kind of clothes is also extremely complicated, so it will take a few days to complete."

Li Feifan thought for a while and said.

After all, it will take a few days for Taobao to deliver the goods.

"Then please ask Tianzun. (Looking forward to the expression.)"

"rest assured."

After quitting WeChat, Li Feifan clicked into Taobao and started various shopping.

Why don't you buy a double copy, as Ziyue can also wear it.

Forget about Zhu Xiyao, a little girl. Although she is mature, she still can't compare with these two in terms of size.

Silent all night.

"Extraordinary, let's eat!"

Li Feifan, who went to bed late yesterday because he was too excited, got up from the bed in a daze, ready to have breakfast.

"I'll go, breakfast is so rich today?"

After washing up, Li Feifan looked at the dazzling array of breakfast on the dining table, sat down on it immediately, and began to eat and drink.

"It's not that you bought too many things yesterday!"

"In addition, your aunt and I were trying out various electrical appliances in the kitchen, so we made a little more."

Seeing my mother and aunt making so many delicious meals, not only did I not feel tired, but I was in a good mood.

Sure enough, if the kitchen is well-equipped, useful, advanced, and convenient, the mood of the cook will generally not be bad.

"It's all right now, maybe it can solve the quarrel between parents over cooking."

Li Feifan was thinking while eating breakfast.

"Fanfan, now that you have money and we have free time, you can just bring a girlfriend back sometime."

Now that his son is rich and handsome, He Qin's mind immediately became active.

"I have a girlfriend, but I'm still in school. When I'm free, I'll bring her back to show you."

Li Feifan said casually while chewing on fried dough sticks.

"You already have a girlfriend? You kid can do it!"

When the uncle heard this, he immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Let's go in, this is our home!"

"I'm Li Fanfan's uncle! Why can't we go in?"

"Go and call Li Feifan out to see if we are talking nonsense!"

Just as they were enjoying their breakfast here, there was a quarrel not far away.

"Mr. Li, there are two men and two women outside. They say they are your uncles. Do you want to go over and make sure?"

At this time, a security guard ran over and asked Li Feifan.

At this moment, everyone lost their enthusiasm for breakfast in an instant, and all walked out.

"Big brother, second brother!"

"Eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law!"

When Li Jianhua saw that these people really came out of the villa, he jumped up and said hello.


The security guard didn't expect that these four people were actually Li Feifan's relatives, so he panicked and looked at Li Feifan quickly.

"Let them in."

There is no way to hide like this all the time, the matter must be resolved after all.


(End of this chapter)

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