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Chapter 644 Bringing Out the Alien Beast

Chapter 644 Bringing Out the Alien Beast
Li Feifan walked in this cave for almost 10 minutes, but there was still a deep cave in front of him, and he had no intention of going to the end at all.

However, Li Feifan was not afraid, but became more and more excited as he walked, because he could feel that Pan Gudan was getting closer and closer to him.

But for the time being, he didn't feel the breath of the strange beast.

With the passage of time and Li Feifan's pace, at a certain moment Li Feifan finally saw a glimmer of light, and this light was still exuding a sense of heat.

Seeing this light, Li Feifan was very excited, and quickened his pace to walk towards the light.

Hu Gan and Gu Hai outside the cave were all thinking about their own thoughts at this time. What Hu Gan was thinking about was why Li Feifan hadn't come out yet. He wanted to go in a few times, but after thinking of what Li Feifan said, he controlled himself again. This kind of thinking.

Gu Hai and the others kept their faces indifferent, staring at the entrance of the cave, but they didn't speak.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and Gu Hai and the others also became a little irritable, looking at Hu Gan with a little anger in their eyes.

One of them sat on a huge rock and said coldly to Hu Gan: "I think you can come out with your friends. If you tell you not to come, you will show off your strength. If you don't come out after a while, then you will come out." Let's go."

Hu Gan didn't say anything when he heard what this person said. Now he was mainly worried about what happened to Li Feifan inside.

After seeing the light, Li Feifan walked towards it quickly, and when he was about to reach the light, suddenly, two more lights came on.

Seeing Li Feifan was shocked, why does this thing look like eyes!

When Li Feifan was less than 50 meters away from the light spot, the light spot moved slowly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew towards Li Feifan, and there was a strong smell of blood in the wind.

Li Feifan was on alert all of a sudden, and stretched out his hand to take out the Panlong seal from the Qiankun bag, ready to release Tianlong at any time.

Li Feifan had planned a long time ago. He knew that the alien beast was absolutely powerful, but he definitely had a chance of winning against it with Tianlong, so Li Feifan took the initiative to enter this cave.

As a gust of wind blew past, and the three bright lights reached a certain height, in an instant, Li Feifan saw a giant standing there with two eyes and one eye on top of his head. Extraordinary will see two points in three places.

Seeing the three eyes of the strange beast staring at him firmly, Li Feifan was a little flustered, but he adjusted himself in an instant. Li Feifan was thinking whether to lure the strange beast out or to lure it here. beheaded.

While Li Feifan was hesitating, the strange beast moved, and the whole mountain shook a few times with this movement.

Li Fanfan decided to lure it out and let Gu Hai and the others follow him to destroy it.

After making up his mind, Li Feifan used his spiritual power directly, and then attacked the strange beast a few times, so as to annoy the strange beast.

Sure enough, after this strange beast was attacked by Li Feifan's spiritual power, its three eyes opened even wider, and it roared with its mouth open. This sound almost shattered Li Feifan's internal organs. Dan's words, I am afraid that the seven orifices that have been shaken by this sound will bleed to death.

Li Feifan attacked a few more times, but the beast could no longer hold back, and its huge body still moved towards Li Feifan.

Seeing that the strange beast had moved, Li Feifan began to retreat towards the entrance of the cave, attacking while retreating.

After being attacked by Li Fanfan, the strange beast was obviously extremely angry. It moved faster and faster, and the shocking sound of its claws hitting the ground almost knocked down the mountain.

When the people outside discovered the sound in the cave, they all tensed up. Gu Hai looked at Hu Gan with some surprise and said, "You, a friend of the late Nascent Soul stage, are quite capable, and you can actually go deep into the cave to attract this monster." Alien beast."

Hu Gan didn't speak, but stared fixedly at the entrance of the cave.

Gu Hai saw that Hu Gan didn't pay attention to him and didn't care, so he snorted coldly and said to the four people around him: "To form an formation, this time we must kill him completely."

The four of them nodded to Gu Hai and stood at the four corners of the formation, while Gu Hai stood in the middle.

As the sound in the cave got closer and clearer, several people knew that Li Feifan and the strange beast were about to come out.

Hu Gan held his breath and clenched his hands tightly into fists. He was really afraid that Li Feifan would have an accident. Although he now knew that Li Feifan was fine and was heading towards the entrance of the cave, it would be quite troublesome if he was caught up by that strange beast. .

After another ten minutes, the sound of the strange beast's body rubbing against the cave wall became louder and louder. At a certain moment, Li Feifan jumped out of the cave, and landed right in Gu Hai's formation.

Immediately after that, the huge alien beast also rushed out of the cave, and landed not far from Li Feifan. There are still so many people.

Li Feifan just wanted to jump out of the big formation, but the spiritual power he had just summoned did not come into play, and his feet were firmly fixed in the big formation.

Then he looked at Gu Hai suspiciously: "Master Gu, what does this mean?"

Gu Hai looked at Li Feifan with a serious smile and didn't say a word. Then he looked at the four people. Since their eyes intertwined, they nodded together and made seals with their hands. Suddenly, a huge black hole slowly appeared in the formation.

And when he saw this huge black hole, Li Feifan's eyes were also narrowed into slits, as expected, this person is not Gu Hai at all, these few people are from the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Li Feifan looked at Gu Hai coldly: "You are not Gu Hai at all, tell me, who are you?"

Gu Hai laughed when he heard Li Feifan's words: "Li Feifan, do you want to know who I am? Anyway, you're almost there, so it's okay to tell you, I am the fourth of the eight kings of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Zhang Heng, the king of support." .”

Hearing this, Li Feifan was not surprised. From the moment Zhang Heng agreed to his request to go up the mountain to destroy the alien beasts, he had already guessed that this person was definitely not Gu Hai, because the person in front of him had a feminine temperament and was not decent. that temperament.

"You Tianmo sect is really haunted. I didn't look for you, but you came to me first." Li Feifan said to Zhang Heng with a look of disdain on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Heng still had a gloomy expression: "Li Feifan, four of our eight kings have been wiped out by you, do you think I can not avenge this revenge?"

"Everyone in your Heavenly Demon Sect should be killed. It's not the four who died, there will be more in the future." Li Feifan's answer completely angered Zhang Heng.

As soon as the printing method in the hand changed, the black hole suddenly began to spin crazily, and began to suck in Li Fanfan and the strange beast.

(End of this chapter)

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