God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 520 Breakthrough Jindan

Chapter 520 Breakthrough Jindan
After thanking Chang'e, Li Feifei stood up and said goodbye.

This Chang'e is so beautiful that anyone who stays with her for a long time can't control his mood.

After Chang'e sent Li Feifan out, she saw Laojun still standing in front of the Guanghan Palace.

Embarrassed, he stepped forward and said to Taishang Laojun.

"Don't blame the old man, the little girl was rude, just because she was a little excited to see Tianzun, so..."

Taishang Laojun smiled slightly, waved his hand and said.

"Fairy is worrying too much, if you can walk with Tianzun, it will be fine for me to wait as long..."

Li Feifan looked at the two of them and thought, it turns out that the gods watching the heavens don't move around often, it seems that the relationship is not very strong.

Li Feifan bid farewell to Chang'e with Taishang Laojun and returned to the Heavenly Palace.

Along the way, I saw several gods, Lei Gong, Dian Mu, Wu De Xing Jun, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and so on.

Li Feifan sent out a lot of cigarettes again, watching Taishang Laojun feel angina pectoris.

And these people were even more impressed with Li Feifan.

It is worthy of being Xiaoyao Tianzun, it is really a big deal, and the cigarettes that comprehend the Dao are just given away like this.

I have never snatched it in the group, and I secretly made up my mind that I must please Xiaoyao Tianzun in the future.

When the two returned to Tushita Palace, Li Feifan spoke to Taishang Laojun.

"Old gentleman, can you help me find a clean place, I want to retreat..."

Taishang Laojun thought for a while and said.

"Tianzun, Lihentian has a palace called Xiaoyao Palace, which is just for Tianzun to practice for you..."

When Li Feifan heard it, Xiaoyao Palace.

I smiled in my heart, maybe it was prepared for me, haha.

Taishang Laojun brought Li Feifan to Xiaoyao Palace.

After seeing the Xiaoyao Palace, Li Feifan only felt the grandeur and majesty, and the Tiangong is really extraordinary.

It seems that I have to retreat here for a while.

Thinking of this pair of Laojun arching hands, thank you Laojun.

Taishang Laojun hurriedly replied.

"Tianzun is welcome, if you need to call me on WeChat, Xiaoxian will definitely come, if there is nothing, Xiaoxian will not disturb Tianzun's Qingxiu......"

Li Feifan watched Laojun leave, thinking that this famous Taishang Laojun is so amiable, it seems that this heaven is not a ruthless place.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Li Feifan stepped into the Xiaoyao Palace.

As soon as he entered the Xiaoyao Palace, Li Feifan felt as if his whole body was wrapped in spiritual energy, and he could absorb the spiritual energy coming from all directions.

It really is a holy place for cultivation.

After entering the palace, Li Feifan meditated on a futon.

He took out the elixir that Laojun sent before.

Reborn Pill, and Nine Turns Golden Pill.

Li Feifan looked at the two pills and pondered for a while.

If he eats it by himself, there is no room for turning back, and he can only go straight forward. He doesn't know what the road ahead is like, and no one will guide him.

Thinking of this, Li Feifan let out a deep breath. If he wants to protect the people around him, he must make himself stronger.

Then he threw the two pills into his mouth without hesitation.

In an instant, Li Feifan felt a fiery feeling in his dantian rushing all over his body.

After feeling the heat wave, the primordial spirit in Dantian began to become agitated.

Jumping up and down, as if avoiding the heat wave.

And this heat wave was also chasing after him, and Li Feifan broke out in cold sweat from the pain.

I kept shouting in my heart, accept it for me, accept it for me.

This feeling lasted for about half an hour, and now Li Feifan's whole body was soaked in sweat.

Even the futon he sat on was wet.

At this moment, Yuanshen seemed to have no strength, and began to move slowly. Seeing this, Heat Wave sped up and rushed into Yuanshen with all his strength.

At this time, Yuanshen began to beat crazily after feeling the heat wave rushing in.

Li Feifan suffered another burst of pain, and his body began to twist a little.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted, after about 10 minutes.

Yuanshen calmed down, began to change slowly, and finally turned into a golden pill.

The moment he saw Jin Dan, Li Feifan's hanging heart finally let go.

He let out a long sigh of relief, it was really fatal, but fortunately he broke through.

However, when Li Feifei looked inside the golden pill, he found that the golden pill was somewhat illusory. Li Feifan knew that this was the reason why the primordial spirit was injured before.

Immediately after, he took out the Nine-Turn Returning Yuan Pill from the golden gourd, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Just now Li Feifan was already in pain all over from the Yuanshen, but he wanted to take advantage of this time to restore the Yuanshen.

Opening his mouth, he swallowed the Jiuzhuan Yuandan.

After returning the Yuan Dan after the nine rounds under the regiment, Li Feifei looked inside the Jin Dan, and found that the Jin Dan was wrapped in a light ball, and it was extremely quiet.

While the light group was slowly being absorbed by the golden core, Li Feifan calmed down. It seems that repairing this primordial spirit is not as hard as it was when breaking through.

Finally, Li Feifan slowly closed his eyes, waiting for Jin Dan to slowly absorb the light cluster.

Tianhai City.

Ever since Mu Ziyue came out of Li Feifan's house, she went back to the apartment to pack her things and was ready to go back to her hometown.

The next day, Xie Mengyao called Mu Ziyue.

Asking her to go out with her to relax, Mu Ziyue felt that she might not come back after she left.

So I agreed to Xie Mengyao.

The two came to the most famous scenic spot in Tianhai City, Lingshan.

It is said that there is a big Buddha here, as long as devout people go to worship him, it will be effective.

Xie Mengyao brought Mu Ziyue here, and the two began to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Along the way, they were watched by many envious, jealous, and greedy eyes, and the two women were a little unnatural.

When they climbed to the halfway up the mountain to rest, a few fancy-dressed men with strange shapes came up from behind.

One of the men had colorfully dyed hair, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and his face was full of arrogance.

After seeing Xie Mengyao and Mu Ziyue, he winked at the people behind him.

These few people understood and slowly surrounded the two women.

The flower-headed man walked over to the two women with a lewd smile on his face, and said.

"Are the two younger sisters unaccompanied? There are many wild beasts in this mountain, how about I protect the two younger sisters?" Haha

Xie Mengyao was even more frightened now because she was frightened by the man in black twice before.

Mu Ziyue plucked up her courage and said to the flower-headed man.

"I don't even look at what I look like if I want to pick up girls. Even if I find someone to accompany my sister, I won't look for someone like you..."

Hearing this, the flower-headed man was not angry, but laughed instead, but the laugh was particularly uncomfortable, and he opened his mouth immediately.

"Brother, I like you like this. Are you going to follow me by yourself, or should I take you? As for the younger sister beside you, I will leave it to my brother."

Hearing this, Xie Mengyao's face turned paler with fright, and she hid behind Mu Ziyue, her body trembling slightly.

At this time, Mu Ziyue was also afraid. There were ten thousand possible things to happen in this mountain, and there were five or six young men on the opposite side.

If she is really caught by the other party, it will be difficult for her and Xie Mengyao to escape.

These young men walked towards the two of them with lewd smiles on their faces.

Mu Ziyue turned her heart and said.

"You let my girlfriend go, how about I go with you?"

The flower-headed man who heard this said with a sneer.

"Do you think she can get away?"

After speaking, they jumped on the two women like wolves on sheep.

(End of this chapter)

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