God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 460 Are You Not From The Li Family?

Chapter 460 Are You Not From The Li Family?
"What am I afraid of you for? Can you break the sky?"

Xie Mengyao roared angrily, as if she was stronger than Li Feifan.

"Li Feifan still dare not point fingers in front of me, only you are so powerful."

He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You know, um, who am I?"

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"I knew you were not afraid of anything, otherwise you didn't call the police again right now."

"Don't you even fear the police?"

"As long as you call the police, I just came to see the excitement. I see what are you talking about?"

"Yeah, what else can we say?"

Li Feifan pushed Xie Mengyao.

Xie Mengyao was pushed almost lying on the ground, she glared at Li Feifan with her eyes.

Li Feifan hurriedly said: "You give way first, I have something to say to him."

"What can you say to this kind of person? Call the police now and let him leave as soon as possible."

Li Feifan sneered at the man: "You and the Li family have enmity, and there is hatred, but do you know who I am?"

"I told you, I do have an inseparable enmity with you"

"I'm just Li Feifan."

"Are you really not from the Li family?"

"People from the Li family? I've paid attention to them before and they disappeared to nowhere. How did you come back?"

"Yeah, I only know that I was Li Fanfan in my previous life, and now I'm thinking about the Li family."

"Did the Li family delay you and ask you to come here for revenge?"

"Is that what you're worried about? So you came to me?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm worried about. That's how I came to you. Don't you think you're weird?"

"What's wrong with me? I don't know anything about the Li family. Why don't you tell the truth? Let me come to you again and again? Withdraw, first."

This side has already turned around and led those big and round people, and left in a hurry.

Those people followed closely, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter with the boss? This person is not from the Li family. Why does he have the same name as the Li family and work in the Li family's company? "

"I also find it strange that he suddenly appeared, and he has the same name as that kid from the Li family. He publicly said that he was going to debut and reorganize his family business, but now he doesn't admit that he is from the Li family. The question is, what happened to him?"

"Should I inquire about it? We have to act cautiously. Boss, this is not a trivial matter. If the Li family drags someone to take revenge, it will be troublesome."

"Yeah, back then, the Li family declined and the Li family became like a beggar. Suddenly the Li family disappeared, and I felt that something was wrong. It was just a blackmail, and the money was very little in my hands. Yes. As far as I'm concerned, I really didn't get any benefits, and the money was scattered in the hands of the people I hired."

"Really, good things don't happen, but things like this happen."

The man spat violently on the ground.

"This person is simply my broom star."

The car door has been opened here, sat in, and closed the car door with a bang.

Those big-bodied people sat in the car behind, and the car had already started and rushed forward with a bang.

"What's the matter with this person, why does he always come to Li Feifan?"

Xie Mengyao had a lot of question marks in her heart.

"What's the matter with the Li family? I don't seem to remember the existence of the Li family. How could such a thing exist?"

Li Feifan was even more surprised. He had already met with the police, and now he was going to show up at the wedding, and publicly in the news media. What kind of grievance is this?

What happened to the Li family?

The butler had already come over and gave Li Feifan a push.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and hold your engagement banquet, you will slowly recall some things, and I will tell you many, many things."

"Yeah, you have to tell me these things sooner or later."

Li Feifan was a little reluctant, pouted and said.

He has a lot of dissatisfaction, which is what the housekeeper did wrong.

"Why didn't you tell me some things in advance so that I only know some things about the Li family now. I just remember that my name is Li Feifan."

"Yes, you just remember that your name is Li Feifan."

God-level WeChat suddenly opened.

Tang Seng: Li Feifan, your only name is Li Feifan, there are many things I cannot tell you, another world is still making trouble.

Monk Sha: Li Feifan, don't think too much, that world can be closed at any time.

Sun Wukong: As long as you close that world, you will think of many things about the Li family.

"Then why not turn it off?"

Li Feifan was really in a hurry: "He came here again and again to find trouble."

"Don't worry, some things will be clear sooner or later."

"Let's get this wedding banquet done first. This wedding banquet is a good opportunity for us to seize business opportunities."

"Okay, I will definitely make this wedding banquet a good one. Xie Mengyao, don't tell me any more. These things are just ordinary things for us. We are doing business, so don't think about that man."

"Consider what he does?"

Xie Mengyao was also very unhappy. She finally put on light makeup and managed to hold on until now, but that man disturbed her.

Make yourself very uncomfortable.

The piano was playing again, and the news media and TV stations were just waking up from the consternation.

Everyone felt that something was a little strange.

"What's going on, can Boss Li ask?"

Li Feifan quickly shook his head: "It's better not to ask about some things, in fact, we don't know what happened to that person, maybe we found the wrong person, maybe he's just a weird person, I don't know him at all. "

"We have also heard about the Li family, but are you from your family?"

A reporter has already raised the microphone: "Can you tell me about the Li family in detail?"

"Actually, I don't know anything about the Li family. I only heard about it here."

Everyone froze for a moment, then Li Feifan clapped his hands in the air and shouted loudly: "Now the wedding is going on, everyone can happily ask a lot of questions, and there will be a lot of nice music and more beautiful red envelopes for everyone."

"Boss Li is willing to throw red envelopes?"

"This is the climax of the wedding, so there will definitely be a big surprise for you."

This made everyone even happier.

"Just wait to grab the red envelope."

Speaking of Li Feifan throwing a lot of red envelopes into the air, everyone quickly turned around to grab the red envelopes.

This made Li Feifan and Xie Mengyao rest for a while.

Li Feifan said to Xie Mengyao: "Aren't you tired, take a rest when you're tired."

Xie Mengyao didn't know whether she was tired or not.

(End of this chapter)

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