God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 450 Why are you here?

Chapter 450 Why are you here?
A consumer's words are even more straightforward.

Only then did Li Feifan frowned a little: "Let's not mention this anymore. Business needs financing. This fund was raised by some friends who bought shares. Now I do have a little ability to make the business boom. Come into my lobby and have a chat with my friends, and you will solve any problems."

These consumers followed Li Feifan into the hall.

The beauties, the men in suits and leather shoes welcomed them with wine glasses, everyone applauded, and the consumers were even more happy. When they came in, they chatted and took photos with the beauties, and greeted the men in suits and leather shoes.

The reception was lively and lively.

Li Feifan, who was in the bathroom, could not stop hearing the laughter and some surprised sounds, and was quite happy in his heart.

Suddenly, a beam of light flashed and the whole person lost feeling again.

He came to the big wood again.

The wolves howled non-stop.

This time he was really in the big woods and saw wolves.

He touched his body, and sure enough, that layer of animal skin was covering his body.

Although the leather skirt was looser, there were many knives inserted around the waist.

"Is there something wrong with this god-level WeChat again? It wants me to fight with the wolves?"

Xie Mengyao pulled him nervously and shouted loudly: "Li Feifan, let's run out of this forest."

"Didn't you run out just now? Why did you come back again?"

"We were hiding in the woods just now, and the wolves rushed over by themselves."

"Didn't it mean that they dare not rush over casually?"

Li Feifan was really in a hurry.

Xie Mengyao and Mu Ziyue covered Li Feifan's mouth with their hands: "You must stop yelling, it will be troublesome if you bring the wolves over."

The two let go of their hands at the same time, pulled Li Feifan up and ran out of the woods.

Under the night, only the howling of wolves towards the sky could be heard.

"It seems that they are sending messages to attract more wolves to surround us. These wolves are really vicious."

Mu Ziyue said coldly, and her voice was very low.

But Li Feifan heard it completely, and he knew it was really troublesome.

He quickly picked up the wind under his feet, scraped the ground and flew out of the woods.

"God, who did you offend? You were clearly at the reception just now, why did you become like this now?"

He kept muttering in his heart, although there was wind under his feet, he was still unsteady, because he really didn't know what happened in his heart.

Sun Wukong: Boss Li, where are you?Why don't I see you now?

"Are you also my employee?"

Tang Seng: Boss Li, where have you been?The reception is still waiting for you, and consumers want you to say a few more words.

"Oh, don't call me boss, I'm hiding from wolves in the woods.

Monk Sha: What?How is this going?Miracle WeChat went wrong again?Why did they recruit you back again?

"What do you think we can do?"

Monk Sha: Boss Li, don’t worry, wechat will flash you back in a while. Is this kind of thing going to happen?
Li Feifan really didn't understand.

Two beauties pulled him out of the woods.

In an open space, the three of them finally took a breath, felt more at ease, collapsed on the ground, and turned their heads to look at the woods.

"Oh, it's still the same, the stars are bright, the cold light, hiding behind the tree to observe us."

Mu Ziyue pointed to the forest and said.

"It's better to start a fire. Wolves are always afraid of fire."

Li Feifan patted his head.

"Well, I'll go pick up some dry wood branches, and pull out some dry grass. There is always withered dry grass on this grass."

"Come back quickly, be careful that the pack of wolves will trouble you at any time."

Li Feifan pointed to the dots of light in the forest, and said to Xie Mengyao.

Xie Mengyao just smiled slightly, waved her strong black arms, and left quickly.

Her skin is dark and dark, very different from Xie Mengyao in another world.

Xie Mengyao was very tanned in the woods, because she went fishing during the day and came back to rest at night.

The same Xie Mengyao is indeed unusual.

This surprised Li Feifan.

Xie Mengyao picked up dead grass and dead branches, lit a big fire, and said loudly: "Boss Li, we must return to another world this time, and we will never come back again. Our skin is tanned here. And when we go back to that world, we won’t encounter so many wolves, and we can avoid those bad things in that world.”

"Yes, the steward told me that I have an opponent, and the opponent has something to do with my background."

"That's what he told you in the kitchen?"

Mu Ziyue said in astonishment.

Xie Mengyao immediately changed the subject: "Oh, it's okay to get a little tan here, I'm afraid these wolves will come over"

Mu Ziyue pointed at the wolves: "The fire is burning very vigorously, and the wolves will retreat to the woods for the time being. This might solve the big problem."

Li Feifan turned around and looked over, the wolves were retreating.

"Yeah, wolves are always afraid of fire. Maybe we can come here when we go on vacation in the future. The woods and meadows are so nice. We can fish, build a fire, and have a delicious picnic. It's better than at home. Still comfortable."

Mu Ziyue was very envious: "It's okay to be tanned, it's a healthy color."

Xie Mengyao also agreed.

Soon, the night wind blew over, making Li Feifan sober.

With a flash of light, Li Feifan went back to the bathroom.

He woke up panting and pale.

The assistant stood beside him, looking at him in surprise.

Watching Li Feifan regain his breath, he handed over a glass of water.

"Boss Li, what's the matter with you? Did you drink too much just now?"

Li Feifan supported his chest a little, rubbed his head and said, "I don't know, why do I keep losing any consciousness all of a sudden, and wake up suddenly, I don't know what happened."

"It will be resolved. It's about your god-level WeChat. This god-level WeChat must be messing with something online."

"Yeah, it's really interesting to pull me into reality and throw me out of that world. Now I really want to ask that WeChat."

The screen of Ziyue's mobile phone rang.

Tang Seng: Boss Li, don't worry, everything will be fine, and the problems in the other world will be solved sooner or later.

Sun Wukong: The giant wolf, the big wolf, and the second wolf were all dealt with by you, and now only those wolves are left.

Monk Sha: Attend your banquet properly, your opponent will come to you, and your life experience will be unraveled sooner or later.

"What? Boss Li, your life experience is still a mystery?"

The assistant paid more attention to Li Feifan.

(End of this chapter)

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