God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 421 Find the person behind the scenes

Chapter 421 Find the person behind the scenes

The machine in the hospital yelled quickly, and the ear-piercing sound quickly passed through the ward to the door.

At this time, the already busy hospital suddenly came in with several staff members.

Seeing a stranger here, the nurse said skillfully, "We are about to carry out rescue, please get out of irrelevant personnel!"

"He doesn't need to be rescued!" Li Feifan said lightly.

The instrument on the other side showed that the patient's vital signs were rapidly declining.

"Do you have the right to make the decision to give up treatment?" The medical staff present knew that the patient had not had many days left, so they would be happy if it could save trouble.

But the next moment, a woman who seemed to be in a bad state of mind rushed in from outside.

"Who said we gave up treatment? Even if I sell blood, I will never give up treatment!" It was the wife of the old employee who spoke. At this time, her eyes were red and there were red bloodshots inside. Had a good rest.

After all, the wife is the one who can make decisions, and these medical staff immediately started treating without hesitation.

Someone else said impatiently, "Didn't the family members come out to make trouble?"

It seems that he is very dissatisfied with Li Feifan, after all, this is also a life.

But just when everyone was waiting for the treatment, the patient on the bed suddenly turned red and his eyes widened involuntarily.

For almost a few minutes, he suffered from apnea.

But soon a mouthful of black blood spewed out of his mouth, and the old employee immediately began to cough violently.

"Why are you vomiting blood?" When the woman saw the situation in front of her, she was immediately frightened and cried out.

But to everyone's surprise, after spitting out this mouthful of blood, the patient who had a very ugly complexion seemed to recover all of a sudden, and a little life appeared on the originally sickly complexion.

"I don't know, I just feel that the stuffy feeling in the chest suddenly disappeared." The old employee was diagnosed with lung cancer this time, and was already on a ventilator.

But now, he was able to breathe on his own!

"This...how is it possible?" The medical staff next to him suddenly showed disbelief.

We must know that patients with advanced lung cancer are very dangerous, and if one is not careful, he may pass directly.

As a result, after this person spit out a mouthful of blood, his whole body recovered immediately, which can be said to be a miracle.

"Your cancer is cured. The blood you just spit out should have wiped out all the cancer cells in your body."

Li Feifan spoke at the right time.

The medical staff who thought it was unbelievable suddenly denied it and said, "This is impossible! We have done a biopsy of this cancer, and the current medical conditions cannot cure this disease!"

After all, a biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.

"If you don't believe me, you can do another biopsy. I guarantee that this time, he will not be sick at all!"

After finishing speaking, Li Feifan also knew that there might be no way to take this old employee out today to find out who was behind the scenes, so he directly took out his business card from his pocket.

Under the eyes of the old employee who couldn't explain clearly, he placed it directly on the head of the bed.

"This is my business card, call me after you leave the hospital! You should know that I can cure you and make you sick!"

These words are somewhat threatening!

The old employees themselves felt that they were mostly cured, so naturally they would not doubt whether Li Feifan had really cured himself.

In his eyes, this boss is as skilled in medicine as Hua Tuo is alive.

"I'll go find you after I've settled the family well!" The old employee said this quickly when he watched Li Feifan leave.

Li Feifan's footsteps did not stop at all, instead he went straight out the door.

Lear, who was beside him on the other side, didn't speak all the time. After all, the scene in front of him was too shocking. A patient said it was all right, and the whole process didn't exceed 10 minutes.

After all, when they left just now, the old employee looked full of anger, how could he look like a terminal cancer?
"By the way, you have recently checked to see if there is any suitable clothing factory. I want to buy one!" Li Feifan felt that people in the fairy world are still very interested in clothes.

It's just that it's better to have the ability to buy it from the outside at a high price.

"This..." Lear has been overwhelmed by the affairs of the factory recently, where is the time to deal with these matters?

But since Li Feifan has spoken, he will naturally try his best to find such a factory.

"Give me a few days, and I'll look for it." Lear could only say this, after all, this city is not a place where garment factories gather.

Although he didn't get a positive reply for the time being, Li Fanfan was not in a hurry, and returned home after exchanging a few pleasantries.

As soon as he entered his home, the news of the chat group suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Chang'e: These clothes are really beautiful, but it's a pity that I only have one, and it's too boring to wear only one every day!"

"God of Wealth: I have two perfect clothes here, one for six hundred ingots. Anyone who is interested can find me!"

"Fairy Zixia: One piece of six hundred ingots? Is the price too high? Take it out and see what kind of clothes it is!"

I have to say that the two people in the fairy world are really not ordinary paranoid about clothing.

"God of Wealth: [picture] [picture]"

Seeing that the familiar clothes were released, Li Feifan planned to peek at the screen to see if the clothes could be sold.

Who knew that the Queen Mother, who had been diving all the time, came out directly.

"The Queen Mother: It seems that the God of Wealth has gotten a lot of good things recently!"

As soon as the queen mother came out, the group was visibly quiet for a moment.

"God of Wealth: Your Majesty, the small one is a small business, and I really can't honor you. Do you want to take care of the small business?"

Unexpectedly, the God of Wealth actually set his mind on the Queen Mother.

But it is undeniable that women will pay for beautiful clothes. The Queen Mother generously gave [-] yuan to the God of Wealth and bought all the clothes directly.

Now Chang'e and Fairy Zixia can't say a word.

"Fairy Zixia: God of Wealth, shouldn't you send out a red envelope to celebrate when you make money?"

"Taishang Laojun: At least give me the money to repair the stove!"

Unexpectedly, the Taishang Laojun who was knocked over the alchemy furnace also appeared at this time.

He is a typical bully and afraid of toughness, he dare not go to Wu Gang and Sun Wukong to trouble him, but he actually came to trouble the God of Wealth.

The God of Wealth, who had made money, was so generous that he sent out a red envelope of one hundred ingots.

(End of this chapter)

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