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Chapter 418 The Miraculous Elixir

Chapter 418 The Miraculous Elixir

As long as Mr. Mu is alive for one day, she can enjoy one more day.

After Mr. Mu is gone, she can only honestly leave with a small part of the shares and cash.

So in their eyes, it would be best for Mr. Mu to live longer.

"I can learn from my heart for grandpa, this time I really hope he can survive!"

Mu Ziyue wanted to swear to the sky that she had absolutely no selfish intentions.

If Li Feifan hadn't said that there was only one pill for the time being, she would never have brought Li Feifan here hastily.

"Who can't say it? It's better to say it than to sing. Who knows what kind of idea you have?"

The middle-aged woman snorted coldly, apparently not paying attention to what Mu Ziyue said.

"What do you want?"

Mu Ziyue was obviously helpless towards the woman in front of her.

Unexpectedly, Mu Ziyue would suddenly give in, and the expression of the middle-aged woman suddenly changed.

"If you are willing to take out the inheritance and re-divide it, I may agree to your proposal. After all, I have taken a lot of risks."

As soon as these words came out, who didn't know what she was thinking?

Li Feifan, who was silent all the time, suddenly interjected, "If this elixir can achieve the effect of prolonging life by ten years, do you have to hand over your things?"

This sudden sentence was unexpected by everyone.

"If Mu Ziyue is willing to make an agreement with us, then of course it is possible." The things she got were basically dispensable.

As everyone knows, this is something the old man gave her after careful consideration.

Seeing that the other party agreed so readily, Mu Ziyue gritted her teeth and said, "Yes! I will sign an agreement with you."

Seeing that the opportunity came, the woman brazenly asked the doctor next to her to tear up a piece of paper from the medical record and drafted an agreement on it.

This attitude of greed for money is obvious.

"Are you really willing to believe me?" Li Feifan asked before Mu Ziyue signed.

Clinker Mu Ziyue nodded firmly.

The two parties quickly signed an agreement.

"Now you can do whatever you want! In fact, the old man is getting old, and he died early and was born sooner than later. It's actually quite torturous to be exhausted all the time." After getting the agreement she wanted, the middle-aged woman said so unceremoniously. some words.

She naturally understands that it is very hard for the old man to survive like this, but for her own glory and wealth, she still hangs on the life of old man Mu at all costs.

Now that she got what she wanted, she naturally didn't take the old man's death seriously.

After dealing with all these, Mu Ziyue went directly to her grandfather's ward.

"My grandfather is inside, I hope your elixir will bring miraculous effects!" She was already a little sad when she said this.

At this time, the old doctor who questioned Li Feifan at first also came over.

"I'd like to see if there is such a miraculous pill in the world." He opened the door on his own initiative, revealing the old man who was already dying on the ventilator inside.

Although everyone has such a day, it still looks quite pitiful.

"Take this elixir with water." Li Feifan handed over the elixir in his hand.

Mu Ziyue did as he said without hesitation.

It's just that when the water melted the elixir, an indescribable strange fragrance immediately permeated the room.

"The smell of this elixir is refreshing just by smelling it!" Lao Cao's eyes suddenly lit up.

The old doctor naturally has this feeling.

Li Feifan silently added in his heart, this is the elixir shot by the Taishang Laojun, so it is naturally beyond the comprehension of mortals.

Just when everyone was in the mood to give it a try, Mu Ziyue had already fed all the pills into it.

"Cough-cough cough cough!"

A series of rapid coughing sounds suddenly came from the bed, accompanied by the harsh beeping sound of the instrument.

This sudden turn of events immediately made Mu Ziyue tremble, and looked at the empty bowl in her hand in disbelief.

Did I really trust the wrong person?

"I just said, this elixir..." When the old doctor next to him was about to taunt and go to save people, his words were blocked in his throat.

Because at this moment, Mr. Mu on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

These eyes are extremely clear, how can they be cloudy when they are sick?

"I feel like I've been asleep for a long, long time, and I can't wake up all the time. Who knows that my body suddenly lightened up today..."

"I feel like a long time has passed..."

That's the first thing the old man felt when he woke up.

Originally, Mu Ziyue was just holding the mentality of trying, but she looked at her grandfather in disbelief.

"Grandpa, are you really awake?" Mu Ziyue still feels like she is still dreaming. This so-called elixir is really amazing.

Facing the situation in front of him, Li Feifan had expected it a long time ago.

After all, this elixir was refined by Taishang Laojun himself, and the effect is beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals.

"This is too unscientific." The old doctor's eyes widened, and he immediately searched back and forth on the old man's body, trying to find some scientific basis, but unfortunately he couldn't find out the reason after searching for a long time.

The movement inside the house naturally did not escape the ears of the outsiders.

At the beginning, some domineering middle-aged women suddenly rushed in from outside, and looked at the old man who had been bedridden for many years in disbelief.

"Dad, is your illness really cured? It won't be a flashback!"

After all, Mr. Mu's illness has not improved for a long time.

Doctors have given the exact time of death.

How could it be that a pill is just fine.

"Do you think I didn't know about the incident you were outside just now?"

Although the old man was lying on the hospital bed, his head was still very clear just now.

How did I, an unfilial son outside, force my granddaughter to sign the agreement?Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he heard a lot.

The middle-aged woman was a little embarrassed to be named by her biological father, but in his eyes, money was the most important thing.

"Why don't you say that Mu Ziyue is the most filial? This really brought in a genius doctor!"

The middle-aged woman laughed and laughed, and planned to find an opportunity to run away directly. After all, staying still would be bad for her situation.

It's just that Li Feifan would never give him this chance.

"Isn't it a little late for you to leave now? Don't forget that the agreement just now stated that if the old man is really okay, all your shares will belong to Mu Ziyue!"

(End of this chapter)

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