Chapter 357
Just when the game world was experiencing a major earthquake, Li Feifan had already been practicing in bed.

I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, so it is naturally impossible to stay in the live broadcast room and talk to those viewers.

But there was no match tomorrow, and those who couldn't see the match just found a window to vent.

"Old Huang, that Li Fanfan is so good at doing things, our audience has already lost a lot of people because of him!"

"Yeah, this Li Feifan is really a genius in the live broadcast industry. In just a few days, he was able to leverage the entire live broadcast industry!"

"No, if this continues, our live broadcast platform has now been reduced by about [-]% at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the company's assets have been reduced by how much."

"In the past, in order to snatch high-quality anchors, our platforms have already made an agreement, and we can no longer spend a lot of money to poach each other. If we don't take action now, what awaits us is a slow death."

In a closed office, except for Dousha Platform, several other platform bosses gathered around a table to discuss what to do next.

There is no way, Li Feifan's comparison is too good.

With the power of one person, he brought the viewers who liked to watch the live broadcast to the fighting shark platform.

When these platform owners first started their live broadcasting platforms, they spent a lot of money to build them. Now that they have reached the point where they cannot give up, they are naturally unwilling to admit defeat like this.

"No matter what the agreement is or is not, so many of us will directly pool [-] million and let him stop directly, otherwise we will use all our strength to block him."

"I still don't believe it. With so much capital behind us, we still can't get him alone in the end!"

"I think this way, [-] million is enough for one person to stop."

"Warn him casually, if you don't agree, you will bear the consequences!"

"By the way, doesn't he want to do something on the shopping platform? Besides, you also have mother Ari's assets behind you. Use Mr. Niu to scare him."

"That's right, just do it!"

"I'm going to contact him now."

After discussing with several people, this matter is almost settled.

"Fuck, who the hell called me in the middle of the night?"

Li Feifan, who was practicing, listened to the ringtone of his mobile phone, feeling a little irritable for no reason.

Now it has reached the consummation of the late stage of the congenital, and it is possible to break through and become the foundation at any time, that is, the real extraordinary, the tiny immortal.

"Speak up if you have something, let it go if you have a fart."

The representative of the other party was awesome when he called because he had [-] million at his disposal.

But I didn't expect that before he could speak, Li Fanfan would spray over, directly disrupting his rhythm.

"Are you Li Feifan?"

After sorting out his emotions, the caller asked in a deep voice.

Not to mention, if young people who have just come out of society hear this tone of voice, they might really put on a serious look to listen to the content on the phone.

But as long as you are serious, you will fall into the rhythm and trap of others.

There are basically more liars and negotiators who have this kind of skill.

"If you dare to say one more nonsense, I'll hang up right away."

For this kind of trick, Li Feifan is not used to a fool like him.

This kind of trick is just to scare those immature people.


"Beep beep..."

The person on the other end of the phone was a little annoyed by Li Feifan, and wanted to refute, but Li Feifan hung up the phone before he finished speaking.

"Damn it, this Li Feifan doesn't look simple!"

The negotiator stared blankly at the phone, thinking that he had met his opponent.

But there is no way, although Li Feifan hung up the phone directly with a bang, but he still had to lick his face before calling.

"Mr. Li, please don't hang up the phone. I really want to inform you about something important."

"I am the agent of the bosses of several other mainstream live broadcast platforms except for the Dousha live broadcast platform."

"Because your live broadcast has a great influence, which has seriously affected the resources of the live broadcast industry."

"So the other bosses discussed it and raised a total of [-] million cash to buy out your live broadcast. I don't know what you want?"

The representative was afraid that Li Feifan would not have time to listen to his pressure, but those big bosses had to do the tasks they had given them.

So when Li Feifan just got on the phone, this person quickly babbled and explained the whole thing clearly.

"Is the boss in your mouth just that rubbish? Or is it that I'm too cheap in their eyes?"

After listening to what this person said, Li Feifan immediately sneered.

"What does Mr. Li mean by this? Could it be that [-] million is too little?"

"Listen to me, Mr. Li, [-] million cash may not sound like a lot, but it is actually enough for an ordinary person to achieve complete financial freedom."

"Don't be so stupid, tell the big guys behind you, if they are willing to pay [-] billion, maybe I really won't live broadcast."

"Okay, don't tell me too much, why don't you call me after you have collected [-] billion."

After saying this, Li Feifan hung up the phone directly.

"300 billion, is this person crazy?"

"If I have [-] billion yuan, who the hell cares about your tricks?"

Hearing Li Feifan's request, this person hurriedly reported to several bosses.

"Fuck, are you fucking crazy? He even proposed 300 billion. Does he know what [-] billion is? He dares to say it."

"Isn't it obviously impossible to compromise with us?"

"Did you tell him what will happen if you fight against us?"

When several bosses heard this sentence, they were so angry that they laughed back.

"That kid is very arrogant. He said that you can do whatever you want. If he frowns, he is not Li Feifan!"

Anyway, the caller was not happy to see Li Feifan, so he added fuel and vinegar to discredit Li Feifan.

"Okay, sure enough, a hero is a boy. I really misjudged him before."

"Damn, if we give him a little color, he won't really think we are easy to bully?"

"We don't care about any agreement or non-agreement, everyone take out all the work at the bottom of the box and kill him!"



In this world of capital, if you can't create value for yourself, and even harm your own interests, then you are a deadly enemy.

As the saying goes, cutting people's fortunes is like killing one's parents.

As long as these capitalists are for profit, they can do anything.

Time is fast.

In a blink of an eye, the clouds in the sky slowly revealed the sunshine.

A new day has begun.

Li Feifan slowly opened his eyes listening to the beautiful birdsong.


Slowly spit out a mouthful of foul air.

"The qi in my body is already full and can't be full anymore. The hurdle of building a foundation is really not that simple."

Feeling that his body was full of energy, Li Feifan muttered silently in his heart.

"Forget it, there's no rush anyway, let's settle the business matters first."

After washing up a bit, Li Feifan drove towards the company.

(End of this chapter)

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