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Chapter 343 Let You Know What Mass Is

Chapter 343 Let You Know What Massive Volume Is
Seeing this scene, the other high-level people present expressed emotion in their hearts.

Life is alive, who doesn't want to make contributions?

Who doesn't want to make achievements in their own industry and gain the respect of others?
Now that such a good opportunity is in front of him, everyone is working hard in their hearts.

At the same time, I am also grateful to Li Feifan.

After Li Feifan clinked glasses with them one by one, he started to fight other people.

"Since I'm happy today, Director Liu, please help me spread the word that I'm happy with my brothers today."

"As long as you can drink, you can come up and have three drinks with me. I will never refuse!"

Li Feifan looked at everyone who was drinking and yelling, waved one hand, and said domineeringly.

As the saying goes, the wine table is like a battlefield.

If you really drink all these people, then these people will have a different experience for your senses.

"Fuck, boss, what you said is too crazy, isn't it?"

"That's right, you simply don't treat the brothers as human beings!"

"Boss, drinking is drinking. If you brag on the wine table, even if you are the boss, I will fuck you."

"That's right, I won't say anything else. I've never served anyone with this amount of alcohol!"

Before Liu Ziqian spread the word, the other people sitting at the same table couldn't take it anymore.

That's right, as long as you have a bit of a drinker, who can bear someone acting so aggressive in front of you?

"I see that you are not convinced!"

In this regard, Li Feifan sneered at them.

This is what Li Feifan wanted. Drinking, no matter how lively it is!
Only when the atmosphere is up, this wine will be refreshing enough to drink!
"Boss, we are really not convinced!"

"That's right, you are so pretentious, if you lose later, don't lose your temper."

After a few glasses of wine, the interest of these people was completely aroused.

"What is the boss doing at that table?"

"Fuck, you don't know, just now the boss said that he would single out all of us."

"It is said that as long as you can drink, anyone who can drink can go to toast his wine, and you can drink as many glasses as you want to toast."

"Fuck, the boss is not drunk, is he? Why is he bragging and pretending so much?"

"Damn it, I can't do it, I'm most annoyed by people who pretend to be on the wine table."

"I'm going to be the boss, who is with me?"

"Fuck, who is afraid of drinking? Add me."

"I'll take a share too."

"Oh, everyone can go together!"


The dispute at Li Feifan's table quickly spread to other tables.

These old men are all experienced people at the wine table, who is afraid of whom.

Even people who can't drink well gathered around Li Feifan with their wine glasses to join in the fun.

"Boss, I heard that you drink as many glasses of wine as we toast you. Are you bragging or joking?"

One of the bearded men stood up as a representative and asked Li Feifan.

"Zhou Tong, right? I remember you. You are a photographer."

Li Feifan looked at him and directly said his name and what he was responsible for.

"That's right, the boss has a really good memory."

Hearing Li Feifan say his name, Zhou Tong was taken aback for a moment.

To be honest, things like remembering names are really trivial.

But you have to know that today is the first time everyone eats and drinks, and the boss remembers his name. This feeling of being valued and remembered is indescribable.

"That's right, I said that."

"Aren't you all convinced? If any of you can't stand my words, just let them come!"

This sentence, what Li Feifan said was arrogant.

"Brothers, be the boss!"

This Zhou Tong is also a man of temperament, since Li Feifan is so pretentious, he must not be able to stand it.

Raise your arms and shout directly on the spot, calling for brothers.


"Come, come!"

"Fill up the wine!"

This time, the atmosphere directly reached the peak.

"How about it, brothers, let's put all the tables together and talk on the same table."

"Boss, come here with your payment code!"

Looking at this posture, the owner of the barbecue shop obviously came for big business.

He quickly took the payment code and ran over in a hurry.

"Later, I'm afraid that everyone will drink too much and it will be difficult to clean up. I will transfer [-] yuan to you first, and I will refund the excess and make up for it."

"Now get all your beer and barbecue here."

"Got it!"

When 10 yuan arrived in the account, the owner of the barbecue restaurant was so happy, he went to work.

"Fuck, the boss is really awesome!"

"The 10 yuan barbecue can be grilled as soon as it is said, what the fuck, it's too big."

"Today, I must eat something cool!"


Where do ordinary people eat barbecue that pays 10 yuan from the beginning?

Eating thousands of dollars is already a luxury.

"I don't talk nonsense, and I don't drink according to one cup, two cups or three cups. It's too troublesome."

"If you want to drink, just blow the bottle with me, no problem?"

"no problem!"

"Okay, then line up now, I will come one by one."

"Zhou Tong, right? Let's start with you."

Li Feifan directly knocked off the cap of the wine bottle with his thumb, touched the bottle, picked up the beer and poured it into his mouth without saying a word.

Zhou Tong saw that Li Feifan was so forthright, he would not be willing to lag behind, so he followed suit.

Gollum Gollum Gollum...

With Li Feifan's current physique, drinking this kind of beer is like a joke.

The wine in the wine bottle in Li Feifan's hand was even poured a little faster than it was dry, and it was completely drunk in a blink of an eye.

"Fuck, is the boss so fierce?"

"You don't change your face and your heart doesn't beat, big shot! Fuck you."

"This posture, it seems that he is a master who never gets drunk."

Seeing that Li Feifan drank so aggressively, everyone admired him in their hearts.

But it's admirable, they won't give up such a good opportunity to drink.

Unless Li Feifan himself raises the white flag to surrender.

"Why doesn't this wine feel at all?"

"Next person!"

To be honest, Li Feifan is very good at putting on a show.

Just now, many people were worried whether Li Feifan's drinking would be bad for his health, but as soon as he said this, there was nothing else, just do it!
Gollum Gollum Gollum...

In the blink of an eye, Li Feifan drank five bottles of beer.

"Brothers, eat more barbecue, you have to give me a break too, don't you?"

After hiccupping, Li Feifan picked up a string of mutton skewers and started to chew.

"Haha, let you pretend!"

"Boss, just squeak if you can't drink, we can understand."

"That's right, we're not such unreasonable people."


Everyone joked when they saw Li Feifan down five bottles of beer.

Li Fanfan couldn't admit defeat if he pretended to be so forceful.

But Li Fanfan still pretended, for example, he would take a break after drinking five bottles in a row, and he also pretended to be a little drunk.

If you don't put it on, you will look too perverted.

At the end of the drink, everyone was happy, so they didn't target Li Feifan alone.

But I have to say that after this barbecue, Li Feifan's prestige in this crew has been completely established.

(End of this chapter)

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