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Chapter 313 Huo Jinxian's Confidence

Chapter 313 Huo Jinxian's Confidence
"Young Master Huo, it's over, that Li Feifan has sold all the products now."

"And they sold a lot. At that time, they can completely rely on word of mouth to counterattack the market. It will be useless for us to hack him online no matter how much we do."

After Lu Jianbin arrived at the online sales of Li Feifan's products in the evening, he hurried to Huo Jinxian's office early in the morning to discuss countermeasures.

"What's the use of selling more? Li Feifan can't enjoy it anymore."

Huo Jinxian took a look at Li Feifan's live broadcast yesterday, and found that Li Feifan is indeed a talent.

Whether it is the effect of the product or this extremely successful sales method.

It can be said that Li Feifan not only became famous in the game industry yesterday, but also became famous overnight in the business world.

No matter what method Li Feifan uses, he can sell so many copies of his products in one day, which has even become a classic case for some marketing companies.

It has been studied and imitated by countless people.

But after these marketing companies studied Li Feifan's case, they discovered how difficult Li Feifan's success was.

First of all, there is no advantage on the Internet, and there were so many trolls coming to hack before.

The most important thing is that if you want to make fans of those who only play games buy things, this alone is already successful and cannot be more successful.

After all, for those boys, except for the electronic products and cute figures that they are interested in, if you want him to buy other things, you don’t necessarily want them for free.

But Li Feifan sold nearly one million copies of the product abruptly by virtue of his own charm.

Although the data in this does not rule out the situation that one person bought many copies, he really sold it!
Therefore, Li Feifan has also won a large number of fans in the business world, especially in the marketing company.

As for the live broadcast industry, let alone.

Li Feifan is like a pop, soaring into the sky in the live broadcasting world!
And with lightning speed, he directly rushed to the ceiling of the anchor industry.

In one fell swoop, it broke the record for the number of online viewers in the live broadcast industry.

Although the current number of followers is not many, how long has Li Feifan been live broadcasting?

It's only been two days since it's all over, and it already has millions of attention.

Although the current data is a little less than some big anchors, are the followers of those big anchors true?
How much money was spent on data, and how much data was bought, I am afraid only they themselves know.

And not only that, the status of Li Feifan's name in the League of Legends has also changed from an unknown player to the king of all-server duels.

Since his live broadcast, the number one national server and star professional players have all fallen at his feet.

The name Li Feifan is destined to become a legend in the eyes of passers-by!

Before he knew it, Li Feifan didn't even realize that he would have such a big influence.

Of course, this is all for later.

"What? You said Li Feifan can't enjoy it anymore?"

"Huo Shao, what do you mean by that?"

Hearing Huo Jinxian say this, Lu Jianbin asked in surprise.

"Tomorrow at most, you will hear the news that Li Feifan, a game genius and marketing genius, died unexpectedly."

When he said these words, Huo Jinxian's eyes revealed a cold and indifferent coldness.


Hearing these words, Lu Jianbin immediately gasped.

If the unknown Li Feifan suddenly died suddenly, that's fine.

But now that Li Feifan has so much influence in society, you are still so domineering and directly take people's lives.

I can only say that you are awesome!
Lu Jianbin sighed in his heart.

"Now go and count what Li Feifan's company structure is like, and how many people are in charge."

"After the heat of Li Feifan's sudden death subsides, it will be the time for us to harvest. If there are still people who do not cooperate, let them go down to find Li Feifan together."

Huo Jinxian said to Lu Jianbin expressionlessly.

This order seems to be discussed and explained, but it reveals a domineering and ruthless all the time.

It shocked Lu Jianbin, who had only dared to do something in business before.

Back in the day, my company’s acne products were also obtained by means of robbery.

However, Lu Jianbin spent a lot of money to snatch it back then, which is completely different from Huo Jinxian's method.

This person doesn't follow the rules at all, and kills anyone who doesn't cooperate, so who else can be your opponent?
Didn't it mean that the more powerful a person is, the more wealthy a person is, the more he will pay attention to the rules?

"Don't worry, Huo Shao, I will definitely investigate this matter."

Lu Jianbin no longer had the slack he had before, and he immediately shook his spirits and promised.

"Well, let's go."

"I'll just go."

Just when Lu Jianbin was about to turn around and leave, Huo Jinxian's male assistant ran in hurriedly with a pale face.

"What happened?"

Seeing this, Huo Jinxian frowned and asked with some displeasure.

"Young Master Huo, Zhang Hao is back."

"That's it? Is this efficiency okay?"

Huo Jinxian just finished bragging with Lu Jianbin, but he didn't expect his subordinates to kill Li Feifan.

This pretentious feeling made him very comfortable.

Even the voice of speaking has become much louder.

When Lu Jianbin heard the news, he naturally thought that Li Feifan would be dealt with just like that, and his shock increased a bit.

"Young Master Huo, the situation has changed. That Zhang Hao missed."

Seeing Huo Jinxian's misunderstanding, the male assistant quickly explained.

"Huh? Missed? Then why is he coming back? Keep looking for opportunities!"

In Huo Jinxian's heart, even if Zhang Hao missed, but with his powerful escape ability and concealment ability, there is no possibility of being caught.

That's why he said such a sentence.

"He's back now, and he won't have that chance in the future."

"Fuck, I spent so much money to treat him, and now I'm kicking him?"

"Let him in, I want to see what face he is going to put on!"

"It's not Huo Shao, he..."

"I said let him come in to see me, didn't you hear?"

Just when the male assistant was about to explain something, Hocking slapped the table angrily and cursed angrily.

There is no way, people are always in a state of anger after pretending to fail.

Soon, Zhang Hao, who was wrapped in bandages and lying on a stretcher, was carried in like this.

"Fuck, what's going on with him?"

"Who is he? Where is Zhang Haoren?"

Huo Jinxian didn't recognize it at first, so he asked directly.

"Young Master Huo, I... you wait to avenge me!"

Just when Huo Jinxian was furious, Zhang Hao raised his trembling hand and whispered.

"You are... Zhang Hao?"

Hearing this voice, Huo Jinxian froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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