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Chapter 306 Finally a Professional Player Comes

Chapter 306 Finally Here Comes a Professional Player
"If you don't tell me the reason, I won't block it." Wang Xinqi hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, very stubborn.

"Okay, then I wish you a prosperous platform."

Lao Tzu Huo Jinxian also has a temper, okay?

Do you really think you are a goddess?Bitch stuff!

You better pray it never falls into my hands!
Huo Jinxian hated others not giving him face, especially when the other party was a woman.

"Let Zhang Hao come in."

After hanging up Wang Xinqi's call, Huo Jinxian directly pressed the landline above the office and gave instructions.

After a while, a man who looked energetic, not strong but very capable walked into Huo Jinxian's office step by step.

The reason why he uses step by step to describe his steps is because each of his movements is very formal, even so regular that he can describe each of his movements as blunt.

"Tomorrow morning, I will hear the news that Li Feifan suffered a comminuted fracture of his left leg."

"Young Master Huo, don't worry."

"You can do it now."


After Zhang Hao walked out, Huo Jinxian called in the manager of the advertising department.

"Now go to Li Feifan's live broadcast room to hack him regardless of everything."

"Remember, product and personality are the key points, even nonsense is fine for spreading rumors and slander."

"In any case, I want to see the effect, otherwise your managerial position will be your last day."

Huo Jinxian looked at him with squinted eyes, and an indescribable feeling of gloom immediately made him more stressed.

"Don't worry, Young Master Huo, I will definitely complete the task."

The manager's voice trembled, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead unconsciously.


"Did the audience see it?"

"This is the fastest way to test for chemicals in a product!"

"I'm sure any of my friends who went to high school can understand how it works."

Li Feifan took the camera and broadcast live the whole inspection process of several experts.

"Damn it, there are actually acne-removing plasters made of pure natural medicinal materials these days?"

"If the live broadcast is not faked, then this kind of mild ointment is impossible to cause any damage to the face."

"This ointment looks pretty good. I often stay up late and play games, and I get acne on my face. If it works, I really want to buy a few and try it."

"At present, this ointment is not dangerous. Now we just have to see if the effect is good."

It has to be said that not all of the more than 2000 million viewers are immature people.

After they watched the test process performed by these experts with their own eyes, many people still gave correct responses.

"I said, can you beat professional players violently? If you can, you can just slip!"

"I've already finished eating, you haven't played professional gamer yet?"

"Speed ​​speed, play the game!"


Looking at the uneven barrage, Li Feifan has no particularly good way to guide them for the time being.

"Face, use your face!"

Su Mingyu whispered to Li Feifan while watching the barrage content.

"My face? You won't let me sell my looks, will you?" Seeing her gestures, Li Feifan was a little upset.

"I'll just ask you a question."

"Do you admit that I am more handsome?"

Anyway, after making a lot of preparations, isn't it just to sell the hue now, what's the big deal?
"Handsome, your sister is handsome!"

"It looks okay, but it's a little worse than me."

"Whose urine is yellow? Go forward and give him a soak. Don't come here if you are diabetic. Don't let him taste the sweetness."

"I have to say, you look really good."

"Damn shit! I feel offended!"


When these elders heard Li Feifan so shamelessly asking them if they were handsome, they immediately cursed out of balance.

But even though they were swearing, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they were envious and bitter.

The vast majority of people are still convinced by Li Feifan's appearance.

It's a pity that Li Feifan's live broadcast here can't show his fairy temperament.

Otherwise, the 2000 million viewers would have to be turned away.

"Let me tell you this, although you can't be as handsome as me after using my product."

"But if you insist on using it, I can't guarantee the skin, but it is definitely smoother than your girlfriend's face that uses a mask every day."

"Anyway, in a word, this is an ointment that can make you handsome. You should weigh it carefully."

After saying this, Li Feifan put down the acne plaster in his hand and opened a new room.

After all, it took half an hour for this advertisement plus eating.

If you push it any more, the audience will probably get annoyed.

And also leave some time for the other three products.

"Brothers, you have watched the game for so long, do you think anyone is particularly hanging?"

"If there is, please call the person you think is the strongest. Today I want to let you understand what a real strong person is!"

Now Li Feifan knew how to arouse their emotions.

It's nothing more than pretending to be aggressive, and even pretending to be big!
And even more arrogant, looking down on the world!

In this way, these audiences will be very angry and desperately want someone to slap Li Feifan in the face.

"Fuck, this kid is fucking pretending again."

"Damn it, why can't he arrange it?"

"Where are those professional masters? Now you are blind and pretend not to see?"

"I put my words here today. If anyone can beat this kid once today, I will send ten big rockets!"

"I'll go, people will get 100 million if they win, your ten rockets are nothing."

"Grass, sloppy."

Sure enough, Li Feifan's pretentious words instantly aroused the emotions of the audience friends, and they began to shake people from the air.

Soon, a professional top laner entered the room.

"Hello Boss Li, I am Hei Ye."

As soon as this person came in, he greeted Li Feifan.

"Dark Night? Fuck, at this time, the WW team is an old player. Although he didn't have the S championship, but in the finals, if it wasn't for the poor condition of the players and the hips, he even almost led the team to comeback. "

"At this time, an absolute master, even in the world, can be regarded as the existence of the first echelon."

"Awesome, you said that if Heiye lost to him, would you be qualified to play professionally?"

"Fuck, I think you really don't regard the village chief as a cadre. Do you know what level of master Hei Ye is? You win if you say it?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Didn't you see that so many number ones in the national server were defeated by him?"

"That's right, although those professional players are all top-notch in operations, they should have a stronger sense of teamwork and operations, right?"

"That's right, there is also a top-notch teamwork."

"Damn it, if you put it that way, it wouldn't be an advantage for a professional player to go head-to-head with Boss Li."

"Are you kidding me? The first step to becoming a professional player is to become the king of passers-by first?"

"It seems to be the same."


When everyone saw Hei Ye coming in, they immediately discussed the success or failure of the two of them.

"Hello, I used to like you very much."

Seeing that it was him, Li Feifan immediately sent this message on the public screen.

(End of this chapter)

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