God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 3 Bowing 9 degrees to apologize

Chapter 3 Ninety Degree Bow and Apology

"Lin Fei, are you a guy who eats inside and out, do you dare to touch me?"

"Oh, shit! You wait for me! Crap!"

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, I have money, and I have money too! Stop hitting!"

Zhang Chao wanted to intimidate and resist at first, but after being beaten up by several people, he immediately gave up.

Hearing that they were rich, the group of younger brothers stopped unconsciously.

"I have money, I still have more than 2000 yuan in my pocket, you can spend it, don't fight." Zhang Chao took out all the money in his pocket with his nose and tears, and cried.

He originally wanted to save this money for opening a room at night, but now he doesn't care about so much.

"If you take his money, it's a blackmail. My money is different. It's your income. You can figure it out." Li Feifan smiled slightly and said to Lin Fei.

How could it be possible that Lin Fei didn't know this truth after being a gangster for so many years. He could go in for two days at most in a fight, but extortion is different. He might not be able to get out in his life. In comparison, it's a big deal!

"Do you think I'm a beggar? Hit me!" Now that he had done the beating, Lin Fei naturally wanted to satisfy Li Feifan.

"Oh, I was wrong, stop hitting, stop hitting! Please forgive me!"

Zhang Chao begged for mercy while rolling on the ground.

"Aren't you very arrogant before? Keep shouting!"

"Yeah, keep shouting, draft it!"


Li Feifan's roommates were also very excited at this time, and they drank some wine, and they scolded them very refreshingly.

"Young Master Li, are you still satisfied?" After beating Zhang Chao half to death, Lin Fei flattered Li Feifan.

"How did he ask me before, I ask to go back, isn't it too much?"

"Not too much, not too much, I think this is what it should be! What is that sentence called, those who humiliate others will be humiliated, right?"

"That's right, those who humiliate others will always humiliate them! I didn't expect that your culture is not low." Li Feifan said with a smile.

"Thank you for your reward." Upon receiving Li Feifan's specific request, Lin Fei immediately stepped forward and kicked him, "Have you heard that, please bow and apologize, and Young Master Li will let you go."

"Do you still want to bow and apologize?" Zhang Chao, who thought it was over after the beating, suddenly became anxious.


Without further ado, Lin Fei slapped his face.



Another slap in the face.

"Wow...Apologize, can't I apologize? Woo..." Zhang Chao had never been wronged like this since he was a child, so he burst into tears.


Another slap.

"Drafting it, if you admit it, you admit it. Why are you yelling so loudly?" Lin Fei was startled by Zhang Chao's cry, and thought he was going to explode and fight him.



"I can't help it anymore, I'm laughing to death!"

"This dude is so fucking funny!"


Seeing the actions of the two of them, the onlookers couldn't help laughing.

"Get up, bow, apologize, ninety degrees!" Lin Fei kicked towards Zhang Chao.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, and I dare not mess with you again." Zhang Chao said with his head down, holding back the tears in his eyes.

"Young Master Li, what do you think? Are you satisfied?" Lin Fei said flatteringly to Li Feifan.

"Is there more than one person who scolded us just now?"

"Understood." Lin Fei understood, and continued to curse at Zhang Xiaoli, "You still have you bitch, please apologize!"

"You want me to apologize to him? Impossible!" Zhang Xiaoli thought that they would not beat her because she was a girl, and she looked down on Li Feifan to begin with, so asking her to apologize to Li Feifan was simply a great insult!

"What the hell..." Hearing what Zhang Xiaoli said, Lin Fei immediately became upset, and wanted to go over and teach her a lesson.

"Oh, don't worry, if she doesn't apologize, she will continue to hit Zhang Chao. Anyway, they are a pair of dogs and men, and the man should help the woman bear the responsibility, right?" Li Feifan looked at the two of them and smiled. said.

"Young Master Li is right. As a man, you should take more responsibility. Brothers, keep hitting me." Lin Fei didn't want to hit a woman at first, so he killed two birds with one stone.

"Damn you, I've been beaten, you're such a stinky face! What's wrong with apologizing? You don't think I'm miserable enough?" Hearing that he was about to be beaten again, Zhang Chao felt aggrieved in an instant It sprinkled on Zhang Xiaoli's body and beat and kicked her.

"I was wrong, I apologize, I apologize..." Zhang Xiaoli didn't expect Zhang Chao to be so useless, but she couldn't bear his fists and kicks, so she said hastily.

"Apologize, bow ninety degrees!" Zhang Chao seemed to have regained his man's self-esteem at this moment, and roared loudly at Zhang Xiaoli, even more aggressive than Lin Fei.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I will never dare to provoke you again." Zhang Xiaoli was afraid that Zhang Chao would continue to hit her, so she hurriedly made a standard ninety-degree bow.

"Get lost!" After taking revenge, Li Feifan felt disgusted looking at the two of them now!
"Thank you, thank you." Hearing Li Fanfan let him go, Zhang Chao quickly thanked him twice, and ran away.

"It's the first time I met someone who said thank you after being beaten, what a wonderful flower!" Everyone looked at the attitude of the two of them and laughed.

"Young Master Li, are you satisfied?" After finishing the matter, Lin Fei glanced at Qian and asked Li Feifan again.

"This is what the brothers deserve. Let's treat this as my treat for the brothers." After Li Feifan gave the [-] in his hand, he took out another [-] from his pocket.

Don't underestimate the extra 500 yuan, although it is not much, but in a sense, it is definitely not a loss, and it is a huge profit.

"Hey, I'll thank Young Master Li on behalf of my brothers. If there are still people who don't have good eyesight to provoke Young Master Li, Young Master Li can just speak up. Our brothers are the most loyal." After giving five hundred more, Lin Fei's attitude became more humble, and he insisted on leaving a phone number when he left.

"Boss, another hundred mutton skewers and a case of beer." After finishing the matter, Li Fanfan sat down with his roommates and continued to drink skewers.

"Fuck, it's fine, you were the most handsome group just now!"

"Paralysis, my legs were so frightened that my legs went limp just now, I didn't expect the matter to be settled by you so lightly, two words, awesome!"

"In the past, Zhang Chao was arrogant at school because he had a little money at home. I didn't expect to be a coward. Seeing him being beaten today is so cool!"

"By the way, where did you get so much money? Isn't this month's part-time job used to buy gifts?"

After sitting down, several roommates started to brag again.

"Brothers, I don't pretend anymore, I'm actually a billionaire, I'm on a showdown!"

As for why he suddenly became so rich, Li Feifan didn't want to explain so much to them, so he just threw out such a sentence.

"I love you brother, you used to pretend to be poor when you had feelings for you!"

"If Zhang Xiaoli knew your real situation, wouldn't she bang her head against the wall with regret?"

"I don't care, you were the one who rubbed against us in the past, and now we're going to double the rub! Boss, another fifty oysters and twenty kidneys!"

When everyone heard this, they became restless and picked the most expensive point at the barbecue stand.

"Come on, work harder, I'm afraid your belly is not that big!" Li Feifan naturally cherishes such a brotherhood.

"Ding dong..."

Just when Li Feifan and the others were enjoying their meal, a system notification came from WeChat.

"Yuelao sent a friend request."



(End of this chapter)

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