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Chapter 250 Lin Youqing's Abnormality

Chapter 250 Lin Youqing's Abnormality
"Of course there is a discount."

"No, you started a company and a factory when you were young?"

Hearing what Li Feifan said, Mayor Zheng was a little confused.

In his heart, Li Feifan is a genius doctor who knows a little about superstition, and the other one is his student status.

Apart from that, he really didn't know what else Li Feifan would order.

Immediately afterwards, Li Feifan began to tell all about his plan, the families he cooperated with, and so on.

Good guy!
Li Feifan talked for half an hour.

And within half an hour, Mayor Zheng never listened reluctantly.

Interested in the middle, Mayor Zheng's eyes became brighter and brighter when he heard the back.

They even grabbed Li Feifan's hands excitedly.

"Is what you said true?"

After listening to what Li Feifan said, Mayor Zheng was not to mention how excited he was.

"Of course it's true. My finished product is ready, and several of them are already buying equipment for production."

"How about I ask someone to bring the contract I signed before to show you?"

Seeing Mayor Zheng's appearance, Li Feifan knew that it was done.

"If you really follow your plan and guess, then the economy of Pinghai City will achieve a qualitative leap!"

"And these ordinary people no longer have to leave their hometowns to go out to work!"

When Mayor Zheng saw that Li Fanhua was so sure, he already believed it [-]% to [-]%.

If this is the case, the economic pressure from above can not only be solved perfectly, but also exceed expectations.

This is also a great contribution to his political achievements!

"Okay, Li, if what you said is true, then I will fully support you with the greatest discount!"

Mayor Zheng looked at Li Feifan and assured him.

Although I believe what Li Feifan said, many decisions cannot be made by him alone.

So he not only has to verify this matter, but also discusses it during the meeting before making a decision.

"Okay, then I'll thank Mayor Zheng first."

"There is another thing. There is a mountain in Hailong County. I want to use it as a headquarters or a drug cultivation base."

"So I ask Mayor Zheng to make a plan first."

"The mountain in Hailong County? No problem. The villages around the mountain have been decreasing one by one over the years. The place you mentioned is officially the most severely reduced."

"I'll give you a guarantee that this matter will be settled [-]%."

"Then thank you Mayor Zheng."

"You still thank me? If you can get this thing done, I have to thank you."

Then the two exchanged pleasantries with each other, and Li Feifan left here.


"I am back!"

Not long after, Li Feifan drove to the villa.

"Yo, you still know how to come back?"

"We haven't even cooked your meal yet."

Seeing Li Feifan who hadn't been seen for many days, Lin Youqing was inexplicably upset, and said in a strange way.

"What are you talking about, girl?"

Hearing these words, Huang Lan immediately scolded her.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, we have prepared a lot of your favorite dishes in the refrigerator."

"Wait a minute, my aunt will do it for you now."

With that said, she opened the refrigerator and took out all the hard dishes that she had prepared before.

"Auntie, it's okay, I can just eat whatever I want."

Seeing this, Li Feifan quickly said politely.

"Hey, Xiao Li is back, you cook it, the food will be ready soon."

Huang Mei, who was upstairs, heard Li Feifan's voice and hurried down.


Seeing his aunt and mother greet Li Feifan in this way, Lin Youqing immediately snorted unhappily.

Bad brother-in-law, bad brother-in-law.

Why come back now after not coming back for so long?

If others don't look for you, don't you know how to look for others?

When I saw it, I knew you were a heartless person!

Badass!rogue!Men are big pigs!

Lin Youqing held the cucumber in his hand, complained to Li Feifan in his heart, and chewed the cucumber bitterly.

But I don't know why, I hate him very much in my heart, but my eyes can't help looking at him.

"How did I offend you again?"

Seeing Lin Youqing peeking at him, Li Feifan suddenly asked helplessly.

"Don't say that. If you don't know, you might think I did something to you."

"What do you care about me if you come back?"

Seeing that he was discovered, Lin Youqing blushed immediately, and started talking nonsense.

"It's amazing!"

"Where's Ziyue? Not at home?"

Seeing Lin Youqing bewildered, Li Feifan didn't have time to talk to her and asked directly.

It's better to be my little Ziyue.

Not only obedient and well-behaved, but also considerate.

"Ziyue? Isn't the graduation exam coming soon? I haven't come back from school yet."

In the kitchen, Huang Mei's voice came over.


What a child who loves to learn.

"Hmph, sister is not like some people who spend their days idle, and when the time comes, they fail [-]% of their studies after graduation."

At this moment, Lin Youqing interrupted again.

"Hey, you little girl, are you looking for faults?"

No matter how good-tempered he is, he can't stand being generalized all the time.

"Don't dare, you are everyone's darling, how dare I find fault with you."

Seeing Li Feifan talking to her, Lin Youqing immediately waved his hand again, as if he didn't want to talk to her.

It's so weird.

Let me ignore you, you are going to mess with me again.

Let me take care of you, you seem to be ignoring me again.

You're just here for my entertainment, aren't you?
Seeing this, Li Feifan began to plan silently in his heart.

You can find fault with me, but there is no rule that I can't cheat you, right?

After Li Feifan thought up a plan, he smirked inwardly.


When Mu Ziyue heard that Li Feifan was coming back for dinner, she couldn't wait to come back.

And in the kitchen, there are two veterans, Huang Mei and Huang Lan, who are busy.

After a while, a sumptuous dinner was ready.

During the meal, everyone asked Li Feifan what he was busy with these days.

Mu Ziyue told all about what happened to Li Feifan at the sports meeting.

Especially when it comes to playing basketball and football, it is called a high spirits.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the light and pride in Mu Ziyue's eyes when she talked about Li Feifan.

"how is this possible?"

"Sister, although this villainous brother-in-law is indeed capable, how could he be so fierce?"

Sure enough, when Mu Ziyue said all this, Lin Youqing immediately questioned.

"Why did I lie to you?"

"I took pictures with my mobile phone at that time, if you don't believe me, you can see it."

Hearing that Lin Youqing questioned Li Feifan, Mu Ziyue became anxious immediately.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and handed it to everyone.

"And there were provincial TV reporters at the time, and it won't be long before Fanfan will appear on TV!"

"Really? Will it appear on our satellite TV?"

"Of course it's true. I even asked the provincial Taiwan reporter about it."

"Hey, if Xiao Li can really go on TV once, it will be amazing!"

Huang Mei was overjoyed to hear that her son-in-law was able to appear on TV.

In the eyes of people of their generation, as long as they can be on TV, it is definitely a very honorable thing.

(End of this chapter)

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