Chapter 245
"That's right, this pool is mountain spring water."

"The spring water under our mountain flows down from here."

"It's just that there happened to be a small pool here, so such a small pool was formed."

Seeing the small water pool, Song Xuan's mood obviously improved a lot, and she sat down to rest while explaining.

Now is the time when the sun is shining, and this small pool is crystal clear and looks very clean. Most importantly, it is not very deep.

Tan Jiasi can say with certainty that this is simply a natural swimming pool!

"Wow, the water is so cool!"

There happened to be a water table next to it, so Tan Jiasi ran there without hesitation and washed her hands.

"Of course, this water is not only cool, but also very sweet to drink."

At this time, Song Xuan also came over and began to wash her hands and face.

"Cousin, do you think there are many people here?"

Tan Jiasi looked around and asked in a low voice.

"What? You still want to take a bath here?"

Seeing her eyes, Song Xuan instantly guessed what she wanted to do.

"Hey, the main thing is that this place is so beautiful, if you can take a bath here, it must be very comfortable."

Tan Jiasi pulled the wet clothes on her body with her hands, and said with a smile.

It's normal for girls to love to be clean, let alone seeing such a beautiful place.

"It's already halfway up the mountain, so there's nothing to do, and most people won't come here."

"Don't say it's you, I want to go in and take a bath too."

Speaking of this, Song Xuan also looked around and said eagerly.

"Then why don't we come in and take a shower together?"

Tan Jiasi couldn't bear it any longer.

In such a hot weather, with her body drenched in sweat, and her good water skills, she had no reason to refuse this temptation at all.

"Okay, anyway, no one should go up the mountain this day."

As the two sisters talked, they wanted to take a bath in the water.

"Hey hey, don't you take off your clothes?"

Just as Song Xuan was taking off her clothes, she saw that Tan Jiasi wanted to get into the water, so she hurriedly shouted.

"Ah, do you take off your clothes while taking a bath in this kind of place? What if someone comes over?"

Seeing her cousin taking off her clothes, Tan Jiasi said very insecurely.

"It's okay. Anyway, this small pool is blocked by many stones. If someone really comes, let them wait a while before we get dressed."

Song Xuan explained.

"No, I don't want to undress here, it's too unsafe."

Hearing what she said, Tan Jiasi still said uneasy.

"Jiasi, the water here is not ordinary river water, but cold mountain spring water."

"If you are still wearing clothes soaked in mountain spring water after taking a shower, you must have caught a cold and have a fever."

Song Xuan continued.

"However, this is too dangerous..."

"Don't worry, the people in our village are very simple, except for those few rogues of course."

"However, they are too lazy to do farm work, let alone spend their energy climbing mountains."

"OK then."

Hearing what my cousin said, and seeing that there were indeed a few big rocks next to the small pond as a cover, Tan Jiasi hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Anyway, when I just went up the mountain, I didn't see anyone else going up the mountain.

Besides, just wash yourself for a while.

And wearing clothes really affects performance.

In this way, Tan Jiasi kept brainwashing herself, and after a while, the two sisters got into the water naked.

"Wow, the water is really cool! And the water is very clear. It doesn't hurt to open your eyes in the water, but you can see clearly."

After Tan Jiasi got into the water, she was like a small fish, swimming around in the water, feeling very happy.

"Hey, isn't this place much better than those swimming pools?"

"Of course, the water in the swimming pool smells like chlorine gas. Unlike the water here, it's crystal clear and sweet."

Tan Jiasi turned a few somersaults in the water and said cheerfully.


"I'll go, this place is nice!"

On the other side of the mountain, Li Feifan held a compass in his hand and kept looking around.

At this time, the pointer on the compass was spinning irregularly, but Li Feifan was gradually getting closer and closer to his destination through the secret technique of Feng Shui.

clap clap...

Not long after, Li Feifan finally came near the top of the mountain.

A sound of clear water came from above Li Feifan.

Li Feifan looked up and found that there was a huge bare rock in front of him.

If there is no tool, it is impossible for ordinary people to climb up.

But unfortunately, Li Feifan is not an ordinary person.

Li Feifan's legs were slightly bent, and he jumped to the top in an instant.

"My good fellow, I didn't expect there to be a paradise hidden here!"

After jumping up, Li Fanfan saw the scene in front of him, and couldn't help calling out a good guy.

It turned out that the boulder was neither bare nor overgrown with weeds.

Instead, there is a small pavilion carved out of stone, and even a small tea table.

This is clearly the place where an expert from outside the world practiced, enlightened, and meditated!

Although this spiritual spring has almost lost its aura, for the current world, it is already a phoenix-haired water chestnut.

Looking at the spring in front of him, and the stones next to it were almost turned into jade by the water flow, Li Feifan felt relieved.

"Don't look for it, it's here."

Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him, there is even a spiritual spring in addition, although he has almost lost his spirituality.

Li Feifan immediately made up his mind.

"Come on, cousin!"

"Damn girl, watch how I deal with you!"

'? ? ? '

'Girls' noises?What the hell is going on here? '

Just when Li Feifei just sat down and meditated, he wanted to experience the feeling of his predecessors practicing here.

Two silver bell-like slapstick sounds came from below.

"Won't anyone take a bath here?"

Li Feifan tilted his ears slightly, listened carefully, and heard the sound of water.

"I'm stupid! It seems to be true!"

Thinking of this, Li Feifan immediately got up and looked towards the other side.

Good guy!
Li Feifan looked around and saw two gleaming white shadows swimming wantonly in the water.

Li Feifan's eyesight is now at its peak.

In addition, he also practiced the golden eye, so his current vision is much sharper than the eagle's eyes.

Therefore, Li Feifan could clearly see the two women on the half-waisted mountain, even their body hair.

"Sin, sin, I didn't do it on purpose."

"As the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent, so you probably won't blame me!"

Li Feifan muttered while watching.

"Huh? Someone came up?"

While Li Feifan was concentrating on admiring the scenery, several noises came from the mountain road.


(End of this chapter)

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