God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 217 Get the fuck out of me

Chapter 217 Get the fuck out of me
"The most reasonable thing is that you play basketball first, and after half an hour, you will be running a 500-meter track and field."

"After running, go to play football. Anyway, the pace of football is very slow, so it shouldn't matter."

"After an hour of football, it's an 800-meter run."

"In this way, the whole morning will pass."

Yang Sisi took a pen, drew a lot of drafts on paper, and said to Li Feifan.

"Okay, as long as there is time."

Looking at the arrangement Yang Sisi had planned, Li Feifan nodded.


"Miss, hello, you are really beautiful."

"Can I, add you a WeChat?"

"I want to make friends with you!"

"is it okay?"

Just as Mu Ziyue and her roommates got off the bus, they collided with these black people.

One of them, a very muscular black man, saw Mu Ziyue, and went to her with his mobile phone, asking for WeChat.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend, thank you."

Seeing this tall and ugly black man, Mu Ziyue was startled immediately, took two steps back and said.

"It's okay, I just want to add you on WeChat, just to be a friend."

Who would have thought that after being rejected, this black man not only did not leave, but also took two steps closer to Mu Ziyue and said.

"Sorry, I don't want to give you my WeChat."

Seeing this, Mu Ziyue was already a little angry.

Because this person is really rude.

And there was an indescribable body odor on his body, which made everyone feel sick.

"I'm a foreigner, and my English is very good. You can also learn English if you make friends with me."

The blacks continued to approach relentlessly.

"Don't come here again, I'm angry!"

Now, Mu Ziyue couldn't bear it anymore, and warned directly.

"Who am I to say you are? Don't know what is good or bad. This person is a foreigner and an international friend. If he wants to make friends with you, he thinks highly of you, you know?"

At this time, a girl with mediocre appearance and high cheekbones, who made people lose their appetite at first sight, stood up and said to Mu Ziyue.

"I don't need him to think highly of me, please tell him to go away."

Facing this girl, Mu Ziyue said.

"Let's go, Hani, this person doesn't know good from bad, let's find someone else to be friends with."

Seeing Mu Ziyue being so tough, the girl could only speak to the black man named Hani.

"No, this girl is very beautiful and has a very good figure!"

"I must be friends with her!"

Who would have thought that this black man would not let him go when he saw Mu Ziyue so beautiful.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, a boy from Li Feifan's school saw this scene and stepped forward to question him indignantly.

"My friend Harney wants to find her as a friend, what's the matter with you?"

Unexpectedly, the black man hadn't spoken yet, but the shepherd dog beside him stood up anxiously.

"Is this making friends? This is obviously harassment!"

"Get the fuck out of my way!"

Although Mu Ziyue is already Li Feifan's girlfriend, no matter how you say it, Mu Ziyue is also the school girl of her school.

Seeing this scene, if he didn't stand up, would he still be a man?

"What do you mean by that?"

"Haney is an international friend, if you slander him so much, be careful if I sue you for slander, do you believe it?"

Seeing someone scolding a black man, the shepherd dog immediately exploded as if he had stepped on his tail.

"What are you doing? I just want her WeChat."

"Give it to me, WeChat. Okay?"

"I have money, you will be very comfortable with me."

Just as the shepherd dog was dragging the others, the black man went straight to grab Mu Ziyue.

"What are you doing, let me go!"

Being grabbed by the sleeve, Mu Ziyue exclaimed in fright.

"What the hell are you doing? Let him go!"

Seeing this, the classmate stepped forward and pushed the black man.

Who would have thought that the black man would punch this classmate directly.

This classmate never thought that he dared to do it directly, and he was beaten up all of a sudden.

"Beat someone, beat someone."

"The black man hit someone."

When the students around saw it, they all immediately surrounded him.

"What are you doing, this man is a foreigner, you can't beat him!"?
"If you hit him, it won't be that simple!"

"You can't afford this responsibility!"

Seeing that the black man Harney caused public outrage, the shepherd dog quickly opened his arms, stopped him behind him, and shouted loudly. ?
With this voice, the students around were stunned for a moment. ?
They didn't understand it very well, but when they thought of a higher level, they immediately hesitated. ?
After all, this has something to do with the system, and they still can't grasp the problem. ?
"WeChat, give it to me!"?
"My identity is very powerful!"?
Seeing that everyone dared not touch him, the black man proudly continued to talk to Mu Ziyue. ?
"What the hell are you doing here? People are all around here."?
At this time, Li Feifan finally came here, just in time to see the scene in front of him. ?
"What the hell are you doing, black man?"?
Seeing the black man approaching Mu Ziyue, Li Feifan became angry immediately. ?
Go straight forward and kick back and forth. ?
"You are finished, you dare to hit an international friend, do you know that he has the right to find the embassy?"?
"This is no longer something you can solve, you..."?
Seeing the black man being beaten, this strange-looking shepherd dog immediately exploded, pulling Li Feifan to chatter non-stop. ?
"Fuck you, return international friends, black people like this are Nima's international friends."?
Li Feifan slapped her first and then kicked her, kicking her to the ground. ?
If it was normal, Li Feifan might not be with her. ?
But to let Mu Ziyue be bullied, this is not something Li Feifan can bear. ?
"Good fight! This kind of shepherd dog should fight like this!"?
"Fuck it, I've been annoyed by her for a long time, you bitch!"?
"This kind of person is really embarrassing to us Chinese! Fuck!"?
When everyone saw Li Feifan's two kicks, they kicked them to the ground, not to mention how cool it was. ?
"WTF, you local dare to hit me?"?
"Come on, let me show you how powerful boxing is!"?
Seeing Li Feifan holding Mu Ziyue to comfort him, the black man got up directly from the ground. ?
And raised his hands, making a boxing motion. ?
"Okay, you fucking like to fight, don't you, I will help you!"?
Seeing this, Li Feifan protected Mu Ziyue behind him, his eyes were indescribably cold. ?
"Hehe, let's use your kung fu of embroidering your legs."?
"Let me show you what real Kung Fu is!"?
Seeing Li Feifan's thin arms and legs, the black man was extremely confident. ?
Because someone like him is skinny, he has the confidence to punch one! ?

"Dude, be careful!"?
"This black man's muscles are not fake!"?
"Why don't you find a teacher, classmate."?
"That's right, it's safer to find a teacher."?
Seeing Li Feifan's body, everyone was afraid that he would not be able to beat this strong black man, so they hurriedly persuaded him. ?
"No, I can deal with this kind of person with one hand."?
Having received everyone's love, Li Feifei said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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