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Chapter 177 You Seem To Be Thinking Too Much

Chapter 177 You Seem To Be Thinking Too Much
"You... where are you planning to go?"

Although Tang Xuezhu probably thought of what Li Feifan wanted to do, and she was a little bit resistant and looking forward to it.

But now it's broad daylight!

And it's still in the suburbs!
Although I really like him very much, this still can't make Tang Xuezhu compromise!
"Didn't I say, I want to find a remote place."

Li Feifan stared at the front and said.

"Why do you want to find a remote place?"

"Because I have something to do."

"Why do you have to be in a remote place where no one is around?"

"There is no way, this matter really cannot be seen by ordinary people, otherwise someone must call the police and arrest me."

Li Feifan replied while driving.

'Why is Tang Xuezhu, a high-cold female police officer, so talkative today? '

'Don't you usually cherish words like gold? '

Thinking of this, Li Feifan felt something was wrong, and turned to look at Tang Xuezhu.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

"What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

Seeing her blushing abnormally, Li Feifan quickly stopped the car and asked.

After all, I didn't have a yellow accent, nor did I hint at anything colorful.

Can this become so popular for no reason?
"No...it's fine!"

Feeling his face was hot, Tang Xuezhu quickly covered his face with his hands.

Want to ask why is it so red?

Because she had already confirmed in her heart that Li Feifan was going to take her to a deserted wilderness.

Then do something unreliable next.

And Tang Xuezhu is still struggling here, what if she insists on cooperating later?
Then I definitely can't cooperate, but if I refuse to accept him.

Wouldn't that hurt his self-esteem too much?

So Tang Xuezhu blushed more and more, and didn't know what to do in the end.

"You're so blushing, how could it be okay, show me."

Without any explanation, Li Feifan reached out to help Tang Xuezhu feel his pulse.

"Don't...don't do that."

Sure enough, Li Feifan stretched out his evil claws!

To this, Tang Xuezhu naturally couldn't agree, and struggled quickly.

"This... what's the matter? It shouldn't matter, right?"

Seeing that he wanted to help her feel his pulse but resisted, Li Feifan was suddenly a little confused.

I just want to see if you are not feeling well!

You don't have to react so much, do you?

"If... If you insist, then you can go to a place farther away!"

Seeing this expression on Li Feifan's face, Tang Xuezhu thought he was heartbroken by him.

After hesitating for a moment, she bit her lip and said decisively.

'I'll go, I'm just taking a pulse, it's not something shameful, is it necessary? '

Li Feifan said something in his heart, wanting to ignore her opinion and insist on helping her feel the pulse.

"I beg you, please don't be here?"

Seeing that he did not give up, Tang Xuezhu said pleadingly.

Although it is already very far away, there are still a few cars speeding past on the road from time to time.

To Tang Xuezhu, this was absolutely unacceptable.


Although he didn't know the reason, seeing her insistence, Li Feifan sighed and compromised.


After Li Feifan stepped on the gas pedal of the supercar, he instantly felt like an arrow flying off the string and galloped towards a more remote place.

Feeling a strong push back, Tang Xuezhu breathed a sigh of relief.

'He still respects me a lot! '

Looking at Li Feifan's almost perfect profile, Tang Xuezhu said sweetly in her heart.


Came to a deserted tree-lined path, Li Feifan finally stepped on the brakes.

"Is it okay here?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Feifan looked at Tang Xuezhu and said.

I don't know what was going on in my mind. Tang Xuezhu looked around and found that there was indeed no one here, so she lowered her head and hummed softly.

It's just that after the um, her face became more and more colorful.

"Look, let me see what's wrong with you."

Seeing that she agreed, Li Feifan quickly pulled her hand down in front of him, and immediately felt his pulse.

"The heart is beating fast...and the blood flow is fast."

"The heart is fine, and it's not an oxygen-deficient environment!"

When two fingers rested on her palm veins, Li Feifan checked almost instantly that there was nothing wrong with her body at all.

"Why on earth are you blushing and heart beating so hard, and your palms are sweating so much?"

After Li Feifan found out that there was no problem, he asked Tang Xuezhu with some doubts.

"You... just wanted to help me feel the pulse?"

Seeing Li Feifan's series of operations, Tang Xuezhu asked with an incredible expression and tone.

"if not?"

"Didn't I just see you blushing and heart beating for no reason? I thought there was something wrong with your body suddenly."

To her question, Li Feifan answered it as a matter of course.

"Then why did you bring me to such a remote and uninhabited place?"

Hearing Li Feifan's answer, Tang Xuezhu's tone was already a little cold.

"Oh, what are you talking about, old man Wu and the others were kidnapped. I want to use the things they usually use to cast a spell to find out where they are hiding."

Speaking of this, Li Fanfan also took out two shiny walnuts from his pocket.

"So you are afraid that others will see you casting spells, so you took me to find a remote place with no one?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"Li Feifan! Get lost!!!"

After getting the exact answer, Tang Xuezhu didn't know why, but an uncontrollable anger and embarrassment rushed straight to his forehead.

In an instant, he roared towards him!

Hearing the piercing sound, comparable to the roar of a Buddhist lion, Li Feifan quickly opened the car door and fled.

"What are you crazy about! Are you sick?"

After the screams were over, Li Feifan cursed at Tang Xuezhu angrily.

"Yes, I'm sick, and I'm still crazy!"

"Are you satisfied!"

After saying this, Tang Xuezhu slammed the car door shut with a snap.

"I really don't understand you. Grass!"

Seeing Tang Xuezhu with red eyes, she sobbed softly on the co-pilot with her arms around her knees.

Li Feifan suddenly felt inexplicable and powerless.

'Hey, she was fine before, why is she suddenly angry? '

"Did she misunderstand me?"

Standing outside the car, Li Feifan brushed aside all the details from the meeting between the two of them today.

Suddenly, I realized that I seemed like a big fool.

'Damn it, although you are indeed very beautiful, and you are also my favorite, but it was all because of a misunderstanding that day! '

'Besides, my eldest wife, Mu Ziyue, hasn't agreed yet. If you really want to get along with me, then you have to agree with her! '

Li Feifan looked at the sad Tang Xuezhu and muttered in his heart.

It's not that Li Feifan has no guts, and it's really immoral to do so.

There is no way, now I can only wrong you!
(End of this chapter)

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