God-level WeChat to connect all worlds

Chapter 164 Little Li Flying Circle!

Chapter 164 Little Li Flying Circle!

"Trap, if you can get it today, I'll give it all to you!"

"If I blink my eyes, I will lose!"

The owner of the store was obviously also angered by Li Feifan.

He directly took several big dolls out, put them at the back of the booth, and yelled at Li Feifan.

"Then I'm welcome."

Seeing that there were only a dozen or so circles left, the corner of Li Feifan's mouth twitched, revealing a crooked dragon king's smile.


Although the shop owner said it arrogantly, when it came time for Li Feifan to lose the ring, let alone how nervous he was.

'Don't hit, don't hit! '

The shop owner looked at the trajectory of the circle and said silently in his heart.

As if this circle would be disturbed by his words, he kept chanting silently in his heart.

But very disappointed, the circle landed firmly on the top of the doll's head.

"Boss, it's already caught."

Seeing that the boss was still standing there motionless, Li Feifan reminded.

"Of course I know you've been caught. It's too troublesome for me to take one by one. You can just set it up like this, and it will save me running every time."

The store owner said in a rascal tone.

"You're too shameless, aren't you? Big dolls are already hard to catch, and you put a circle on it that you caught before. Isn't this a shame?"

"That is, if you don't want to run back and forth, you can just stand next to the big baby and remove the previous circle."

"That's right, this brother is right, this is more fair."

The passers-by around couldn't stand it any longer, and spoke up one after another.

"I just have this temper, whether you like it or not."

The shop owner couldn't care less about his disgrace now, so he blushed and replied.

"Grass, it's just cheating!"

"Why am I cheating? It's not that I won't set you up, and I haven't increased the distance. How can I cheat?"

Seeing everyone scolding him, the shop owner said like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"It's okay, it's okay, there is a circle on it, it won't affect me."

Seeing that the store owner was playing tricks, Li Feifan didn't bother with him too much, and waved to the crowd to calm them down.

Seeing that Li Feifan didn't care too much, everyone stopped and watched quietly how Li Feifan would operate.

Everyone saw Li Feifan holding a circle in his hand, staring at the big doll in front of him without moving.

About five seconds later, Li Feifan's right hand suddenly moved, and the circle in his hand flew towards the big baby at an extremely fast speed.

The speed is much faster than before.


Everyone saw that this circle hit the previous circle with incomparable precision, and the replacement was completed in an instant.

Just like playing billiards, hit a stake!
"Fuck, is it true?"

"Using this circle to hit the previous circle, I already felt that it was outrageous, I didn't expect him to be able to complete the replacement! This... This buddy is a master of hidden weapons, right?"

"Damn it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!"

"The most powerful thing is not the accuracy, but the strength! It can accurately hit the previous circle, and it can replace it!"

"I think the legendary Little Pear and Little Li Feidao are nothing more than that?"

"Sure enough, the masters are all among the people!"

When everyone saw the scene in front of them, everyone present was stunned.

Because of what happened just now, they had only seen it on TV, so they never thought that they would see it with their own eyes in reality.

Without exception, what they saw tonight will become their bragging rights in the future.

"Boss, what do you say?"

After throwing the circle, Li Feifan looked at the boss and asked.

"Okay! Brother, you are a real cow!"

"Today I am really convinced!"

"Why don't you do this, the rest of you circle me for 350 yuan each, buy it!"

"Let me tell you the truth, the purchase price of this doll is only more than 300, anyway, you can't afford the doll now, and you really want to buy it after you are done with it, everyone is in trouble."

"what do you think?"

After seeing this scene, the store owner didn't know that he had met a real expert, so he quickly let go of his previous arrogance, and talked with Li Feifei in a low voice.

"Xiyao, do you still want a doll?"

Seeing Zhu Xiyao who was overwhelmed by all kinds of dolls, Li Feifan asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, it's too much, I can't even handle it!"

Zhu Xiyao couldn't be as happy as before, she quickly waved her hand and said.

"Then can you give me a doll bag now?"

Seeing this, Li Feifan turned back to the shop owner and asked again.

"Yes, yes, it's just a bag for dolls, I have plenty here!"

Hearing this sentence, the store owner was afraid that Li Feifan would regret it, so he ran into the warehouse to get plastic bags and exhaust fans.

Seeing the attentive look of the store owner, Li Feifan thought about it and let him go.

Although they are relatively profiteers, they have not done anything harmful to nature after all.

When the store owner volunteered, he packed the dolls into bags.

Moreover, he used an exhaust fan to suck out the excess air in the bag, so that the volume of the doll suddenly became much smaller.

It's also much easier to take.

"Young master, are you too good? I see that other people spend money playing games, but you are lucky. Not only have you earned so many dolls, but you have also made so much money!"

"That boss is really unlucky to meet you!"

Holding many dolls in her arms, Zhu Xiyao smiled at Li Feifan.

"You only see that he lost a little today, but usually he doesn't know how much money he has made."

"Did you forget that you almost cried when you played with the claw machine before?"

"Hmph! Profiteer! It would be great if you win a little more!"

Thinking of the aggrieved feeling that she had spent so much money at the beginning and failed to catch a doll, Zhu Xiyao immediately pouted her cute mouth.

After putting the doll into the fairy jade, the two walked around casually again, and after dinner, Li Feifan sent her back to the fairy jade.


"Online platform, at least [-]% off!"

"First come, first served, hurry up and buy!"

The next morning, people were handing out flyers in every busy street in Pinghai City.

"What? Up to [-]% off shopping? Show me."

"I'll see what's on sale, and it's so cheap."

"Give me one too."

After Lu Xingyu's big gift-giving two days ago, the general public already knew about the local online mall.

So the public acceptance is quite high.

"Holy shit, is it really so cheap? I'll go home and discuss it with my wife."

"Damn, the things here are much cheaper than the other one!"

"And this mall doesn't need to charge money, it directly gives various discounts, which is convenient!"

When everyone got the flyer and saw the detailed content, they all sighed.


"Young Master Lu, you guessed it right. Those three old men are really fighting us on price!"

"Fuck, what a good idea this group of people have! Let us take the lead, and they will pick up the leaks. We can't swallow this tone no matter what!"

"And last time everyone won the first prize, it's time to avenge this revenge!"

Holding a leaflet in their hands, the rich second generation said to Lu Xingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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