Chapter 15 72 Rejuvenation Technique
"The medicine list is not allowed to be seen. Is there something tricky about it?" Seeing their obstruction, Li Feifan became more sure of his guess.

"I always prescribe medicines according to the formal procedure, how can there be any tricks!" Hearing Li Feifan's question, the middle-aged doctor felt as if he had been stepped on by the cat's tail, and instantly exploded.

"I'm a family member of a patient, do you think I can read the bill?" Seeing this, Li Feifan stopped caring about him and grabbed the bill and looked at it.

"Hehe, I also said that there is nothing tricky. The patient obviously has a heart problem. Why are there aspirin, clopidogrel bisulfate and other cerebrovascular drugs on the bill?"

"Also, here is the dosage for five days, but the various injections add up to more than [-] kilograms. A cow can't bear this dosage, right? Did you inject all of it into the patient?"

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was startled when I saw it. Although Li Feifan knew that there might be some dirty things in the hospital, he never expected that there would be such a dirty thing!
"I..." Hearing Li Feifan's series of questions, the middle-aged doctor was instantly dumbfounded.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the mother and daughter didn't understand anything, so he wanted to take this opportunity to prescribe more medicine.

Firstly, he wanted to help the hospital sell more medicines so that he could get more commissions, and secondly, he wanted to sell the extra medicines by himself to make a good profit. He also did this in the past.

But I never expected to be exposed face to face by a little bastard today!
"Xiao Li, are you saying that Dr. Shu cheated us of our money on the medicines?" Seeing this series of events, Huang Mei finally understood, and asked Li Feifan.

"That's right, in this 3 medicine list, I'm afraid you didn't use [-] yuan of medicines." Li Feifan said after listing them a little.

"You sanctimonious evil doctor! It's not like you don't know about our family's situation. Fortunately, I keep thanking you every day! You..."

"Huh... huh... huh... huh..."

Knowing the truth of the matter, Huang Mei was immediately out of breath. In addition, she had a heart problem, and her face obviously began to turn purple due to her illness.

"Mom, how are you? Mom!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Mu Ziyue rushed forward and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Give me the bill, and I'll send the patient to the emergency room right now!" Seeing Huang Mei's sudden onset of illness, Shu Zhiming turned his head and threatened Li Feifan.

"What if I don't give it back?" This is the ironclad evidence of his corruption, and it is naturally impossible for Li Feifan to give it back to him.

"If you dare not give it, then you can watch her die!" Anyway, after working in the hospital for so many years, death has become commonplace for them.

Shu Zhiming still doesn't believe it, can they still watch Mu Mu die alive in front of him?

"Fan Fei, give it to him, it's important to save my mother first!" Mu Ziyue couldn't handle the issue of fake bills at this time, she begged Li Fei Fei with tears in her eyes.

"Hmph, don't blame me for not reminding you, if it's a few minutes later, this person will be completely hopeless!" Shu Zhiming looked at Mumu whose face was gradually turning purple, and said confidently.

"Damn you! I'll deal with you later!" Li Feifan naturally noticed Huangmei's critical situation, and quickly took out the silver needle that he had prepared before in his pocket.

"Silver needles? What do you want to do? You don't want to use silver needles to treat heart problems, do you?" Seeing Li Feifan taking out the silver needles, Shu Zhiming was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered: "If there is a medical accident , then it’s all your responsibility.”

In this regard, Shu Zhiming did not stop him. If Li Feifan really put Huang Mei to death, it would be a criminal case. How credible would a prisoner say?
Hearing what Shu Zhiming said, Mu Ziyue wanted to stop Li Feifan, but when she saw Li Feifan's serious expression, she unconsciously chose to trust him.

I saw that Li Feifan's hands were fast, and he inserted silver needles all over Mumu's body in a short while.

After the acupuncture treatment, Huang Mei, who was still trembling all over, gradually calmed down as if she had been given a tranquilizer.

"He's dying? Hehe, you're in trouble!" Seeing Huang Mei lying motionless on the hospital bed, Shu Zhiming quickly opened the door of the ward and ran out.

Because in his cognition, if there is a sudden heart problem, as long as he is not treated in time, death is a certainty.

"Is my mother okay?" Mu Ziyue was very close, so she could feel that her mother was still breathing, but she still asked Li Feifan worriedly.

"Don't worry, you should be able to wake up in half an hour at the latest." Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Li Fanhua said slightly.

According to Shennong's acupuncture method, a kind of true energy is also needed, but there is no true energy in Li Feifan's body, but last time because he had taken a golden pill and there was still mana immortal energy left in his body, so Li Feifan directly Through the silver needle, it transitioned into Mumu's body.


The door of the ward was pushed open in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight security guards rushed in first, and then four or five white-haired old men walked in under the leadership of Shu Zhiming.

"Dean Jin, that's the one who stopped me when the patient fell ill and refused to allow me to receive treatment. He also inserted silver needles all over the patient's body on his own initiative, which caused the patient to miss the best time to rescue him!" Shu As soon as Zhiming came in, he pointed at Li Feifan and began to beat him up.

When everyone saw it, the patient was indeed covered with silver needles and was lying motionless on the hospital bed.

In this way, the authenticity of what Shu Zhiming said was basically inseparable.

"Who are you, you dare to make your own way in the hospital and do anything wrong?" Dean Jin asked Li Feifan with a livid face when he heard that the patient died because of Li Feifan.

"Dean Jin, why are you still telling him what you are doing? Hurry up and call the police and arrest him. Don't let him run away later, it will be troublesome!" Shu Zhiming was afraid that Li Fanfan would take out the bill, and said to the security guard: "You guys Why are you still standing there, why don't you arrest him and search him to see if there is any murder weapon on him!"

As soon as the security guard heard the word "murder weapon", he immediately cheered up and rushed towards Li Feifan.

Li Feifan was never given a chance to explain.

There is no way, the relationship between doctors and patients has been too tense in recent years, and many people with broken minds came to the hospital with murder weapons to retaliate against the society.

Therefore, the security guards in the hospital didn't care whether Li Feifan had a murder weapon or not, and would rather control the person first.

"Ahem, water, water..."

At this critical moment, Huang Mei suddenly coughed twice.


(End of this chapter)

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