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Chapter 121 Lu Xingyu Has Moved

Chapter 121 Lu Xingyu Has Moved


"I didn't expect it to move so fast."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Li Feifan hung up the phone and glanced at Tang Xuezhu who was hiding under the blanket.

"I left a little earlier, you remember to have breakfast yourself."

Based on Li Fanfan's understanding of her, she must be ashamed to see him now. If he stays here, she will be suffocated and will not come out.

So I can only dress myself and leave.


"what's the situation?"

When Li Feifan got out of the car, Su Mingyu came up to him.

"Brother Fan, Lu Xingyu and Su Bohong have been buying up various industries in Pinghai City these two days."

"And it's involved in all walks of life."

Seeing Li Feifan's arrival, Su Mingyu immediately seemed to have found his backbone.

"All walks of life? What a big deal!"

Hearing the news, Li Feifan sighed as he walked.

"Isn't that right, that Lu Xingyu brought some rich second generations in the provincial capital, and some of them had money to invest."

"Then have you ever thought about why he invests in various industries? Instead of defending one industry to death?"

"I really didn't expect that."

Hearing Li Feifan's question, Su Mingyu was silent for a moment, then replied.

"Sister, Brother Fan is here, you should come to the office together."

When passing by the company, Su Mingyu greeted her sister.


After explaining to the people around him, Su Mingyu followed immediately.

"Brother Fan just asked me why Lu Xingyu invested in various industries in Pinghai City. I can't answer."

"I can't answer that question either."

Su Mingyu was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said.

"If I were Lu Xingyu, I would connect investments from all walks of life to form a perfect industrial chain."

Li Feifan took a sip of water and reminded.

"All walks of life are connected together? How is this connected? It doesn't fit at all!"

"and many more!"

Hearing Li Feifan's words, Su Mingyu's brain suddenly rang.

"Connected together? Could it be that they want to engage in membership? Engage in a platform?"

After thinking for a while, Su Mingyu spoke out the bold idea that came to mind.

"Not bad, just one click."

Seeing Su Mingyu's enlightenment, Li Feifan nodded in satisfaction.

"Sister, what do you mean by all this?"

Su Mingyu climbed his head, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"The reason why they invest in various industries in Pinghai City is that they want to build a platform for each industry."

"For example, in a shopping mall, if you spend 300 yuan on meals, you can get a 30 yuan movie coupon. Then, will you choose to go to these two stores for dinner and movies in the future?"

"If there is such a discount, then I will definitely choose these two stores, sister, you mean they plan to use this model to manage Pinghai City?"

"Yes, this is just my initial thought."

"It's too scary, isn't it?"

Su Mingyu is also a smart person. As soon as an idea came out, he knew that if they really managed to operate it successfully, how could other businesses be their opponents?

The end result is either to be squeezed out by him, or to be swallowed up by him!
"Not only that, if they also have a universal membership card, as long as they spend in their industry, they can accumulate points, wouldn't it be more attractive?"

"Excellent, I didn't expect that these rich second generations are not only rich, but also have such ideas!"

Thinking of this, Su Mingyu suddenly felt cold sweat streaming down his body.

"Why are you panicking? Didn't I tell you to abandon all the other properties of the Su family last time? No matter how good they are, they won't have any effect on us."

Seeing Su Mingyu's flustered look, Li Feifan immediately gave him a supercilious look.

"Brother Fan is right. If you don't remind me, I'll forget about it."

Knowing that she was embarrassed, Su Mingyu could only smirk.

"Since it can't affect us anymore, should we still take care of Lu Xingyu's affairs?"

Su Mingyu frowned and asked.

"Do you think with their character, they will let us go?"

"Not to mention we're making acne products right now, which is something that hurts his roots."

"I'm sure that if he had the chance or was free, we'd get the worst revenge from him."

Seeing Su Mingyu's appearance of wanting to escape, Li Feifan sneered.

"Then what should we do? Now they are rich and powerful, and we are not rivals at all."

Of course Su Mingyu knew that the other party was an enemy, she just wanted to develop insignificantly, and after the acne-removing products really matured, she would compete with the Lu family.

"I praised you for being smart just now, why are you stupid again now?"

At the same time, Li Feifan rolled his eyes at her again.

"Only you are smart, only you are powerful!"

Seeing that she was despised, Su Mingyu pouted and remained silent, obviously trying to figure out a solution.

"Hey, why are you so stupid? An enemy's enemy is a friend! Why should I explain such a simple truth to you?"

Seeing that the siblings couldn't think of a good way, they had to remind them again.

"You mean to let the other three families unite to resist Lu Xingyu?"

This time it was Su Mingyu who reacted first, and asked with a look of surprise.

"Fortunately, I'm not too stupid!"

"Brother Fan is awesome!"

"Although Lu Xingyu is indeed rich and powerful, and Su Bohong also took refuge in him."

"But no matter what, Qianglong still doesn't overwhelm the top snake, let alone the cooperation of the three!"

"If the three can cooperate, Lu Xingyu really has no chance of winning!"

After such a small dial, Su Mingyu was instantly figured out about the following things.

"I believe that as long as we explain the pros and cons clearly, the three of them have no reason to refuse, unless they are willing to be slowly eroded by Lu Xingyu and his gang of rich second generations."

At this time, Su Mingyu also figured it out, and was full of confidence in this question.

"I'll leave this matter to you. You must convince them, and you must hurry up before Lu Xingyu's joint platform goes online!"

"Otherwise, once Lu Xingyu's platform comes out, it will be too late for them to unite again!"

"Don't worry about that. I, Su Mingyu, have no other skills. If this matter can't be handled well, it's too much to justify."

"During this time, you can't let go of acne products."

"You have to know that if Lu Xingyu's plan is cracked by us, that will be the beginning of revenge."

"At that time, we must have our own cards!"

Li Feifan looked at the two of them, Chunchun taught.

"Brother Fan, don't worry, it won't be long before our acne-removing products will be generous and radiant!"

Hearing Li Feifan's words, Su Mingyu also knew the seriousness of the matter, and patted his chest to assure him.

(End of this chapter)

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