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Chapter 103 Lu Xingyu's Killing Chapter Comes

Chapter 103 Lu Xingyu is Back

"I didn't get hurt by him in the first place, I'm not in the way."

"I just don't know if they will come to trouble you again later!"

The most that Huang Mei suffered was that he tore two pieces of clothes, but the actual damage was nothing.

What she is most worried about now is Li Feifan, and she is afraid that they will continue to retaliate against him.

"Auntie, don't worry, he will be sent directly to prison when he comes out of the hospital. After all, he committed a crime before! He can't escape."

Seeing that Huang Mei was not greatly affected by anything, Li Feifan breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the few of them, Li Feifan still believed in the abilities of the Su family.

Don't look at Su Mingyu acting like a little brother in front of her.

That's because in front of me.

You put him in front of others to try?
You really look down on the big dandies in Pinghai City, don't you? !
"That's fine, that's fine."

After hearing Li Feifan's explanation, Huang Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, if you encounter such a situation in the future, you must tell us!"

"If Feifan hadn't come here in time today, I wouldn't dare to think about the consequences."

Mu Ziyue hugged Huang Mei beside her, and said with red eyes.

"Don't talk about those unhappy things, anyway, it's over."

"By the way, why did you suddenly come to the supermarket to look for me today?"

Huang Mei caressed Mu Ziyue's face lightly, and asked softly.

"Fan Fei helped you open a flower shop. I wanted to celebrate today."

"Flower shop? What flower shop? Where is it?"

In order to dilute the previous unhappiness as much as possible, Huang Meiqiang cheered up and said.

"Go back and take a shower and have a meal. Let's go to the flower shop in the afternoon."

Since it was a happy thing, Li Feifan still wanted them to calm down as much as possible.

Time is fast.

When Li Feifan brought Huang Mei and Mu Ziyue to the flower shop, the two were overjoyed.

Especially yellow plum.

When she saw such a high-end flower shop with such a good atmosphere and such a good location, she was so happy.

"Auntie, I still have some flower seeds here."

"I heard from my friend that these flower seeds are not ordinary, and each one is basically a good variety that is hard to find in the world."

"If it's planted well, it will be a big deal."

At this time, Li Feifan took out the flower seeds he asked for from Baihua Fairy from his pocket.

"Don't worry if you leave it to me, I will definitely train them well."

Huang Mei took the flower seeds and said confidently.

"By the way, this bucket of water is a nutrient solution specially prepared by my friend, and it is extremely precious."

"If there are any plants that are going to die in the future, or plants that cannot be saved, just water some of this nutrient solution to ensure they can survive."

Li Fanfan took out the spiritual liquid that had been stored here before and handed it to Huang Mei.

"Is it so magical?"

"I don't know if it's magical or not. Anyway, I heard from him that it would cost at least tens of thousands of dollars to adjust a catty of water."

Li Feifan was afraid that Huang Mei would not care, so he told such a lie.

"It takes tens of thousands of dollars to make a catty? Is this too exaggerated?"

Hearing what Li Feifan said, Huang Mei was taken aback.

"Really, this is the latest product of their company. You must not let others know. I have signed a non-disclosure agreement with others."

"This bucket of flower and plant nutrient solution can only be used by myself. If someone else finds out about it, or steals it and researches it, I will go to jail."

"Also, don't drink this water, you can just use it to water the flowers."

Afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, Li Feifan babbled a few more words.

"Since it's so important, why don't you put it in the store?"

Seeing that what Li Feifan said was serious, Huang Mei suddenly became a little nervous.

"It's okay, he and I are good friends, as long as you use it to water the flowers."

"Auntie, if you have time, you can cultivate all the seeds I gave you. Anyway, there are more of them on my friend's side."

"Okay, then how should I give you the money this store earns?"

Huang Mei continued to ask.

"Hey, auntie, what are you talking about?"

"Anyway, this shop is under my name, and there is no need for rent. You can get as much as you earn."

Having said this, Li Feifan started to be careless.

"How does this work?"

"You helped Auntie flower shop, Auntie has already thanked you very much, why don't you have the nerve to not give you rent."

"Tell me, what was your rent here before, and I will give you how much in the future."

At this time, Huang Mei said seriously.

"Auntie, no need, it's too outlandish for you to say this?"

"If you don't charge my rent, then my shop will not open!"

As he said that, he was about to drag Mu Ziyue away.

"All right, all right, since you insist on paying the rent, I can only accept it."

Li Feifan took out the previous rental contract and handed it to Huang Mei.

Fortunately, Li Feifan had the foresight to forge a fake rental contract, and the rent on it was only half of the previous rent.

"Why is the rent here so cheap?"

Looking at the previous rental contract, although Huang Mei didn't believe it, she couldn't find any other suspicious points.

There is no way, this contract was made by Li Fanfan who asked Su Mingyu to find a professional.

If Huang Mei can easily see it, then it's a mess.

"Okay, then I will start paying your rent next month!"

Since she couldn't find the problem, and a new flower shop let her take care of it, Huang Mei almost forgot about the unpleasant things in the morning.

"Auntie, from now on, you will be responsible for the profit and loss of this flower shop."

Li Feifan knows that no matter what age group women are, they are all very aggressive.

That's why I said it on purpose.

"Don't worry, I was a master before anyway!"

"This flower shop is so big, and the location is so good, if I still can't make money, then I just go home and forget it!"

Regarding Li Feifan's words, Huang Mei said confidently.

"Okay, do you need me to help you find two employees?"

For such a big flower shop, Huang Mei must not be able to handle it by herself.

"No, Zhang Min doesn't want to work in the supermarket anyway, so I just called her to help me."

"OK then."

The last three chatted while tidying up the new flower shop, and quickly passed the day.


"Zhang Dongnan, inform the brothers that we will drive a sports car the day after tomorrow and head to Pinghai City!"

After Lu Xingyu took the medicine given by Zhang Dongnan in the past few days, let alone how good he was.

Anyway, it's almost time to recover from injuries, and Liu Zitong's concert is about to start, it's time to seek revenge from Li Feifan!

"Go all in a sports car?"

"Think about the grandeur!"

Hearing what Lu Xingyu said, Zhang Dongnan said with longing.

"What you want is the ostentation!"

"What I want is a sensation. I want that idiot to see what kind of person he has offended!"

When Li Feifan saw him, he brought so many rich second generations who drove sports cars to the past.

Then, with the mood and expression of panic and fear, and finally begging for mercy, the picture of himself slapping him directly.

Not to mention how happy Lu Xingyu was.


(End of this chapter)

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