Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 619 Shameless Arrogance 1 Further Encouragement

Chapter 619 Shameless arrogance keeps fueling

"You are the Chairman Yin of the Yin Group, right? There must be some misunderstanding. My parents and I heard that my nephew might be in danger. We couldn't help, so we came here by plane to comfort my sister. Here No outsiders broke in at all."

Zhang Suo had just asked Zhang Zhiying not to tell outsiders about their forced palace, no matter whether Zhang Zhiying agreed or not, now he can only bite the bullet and try to get away with it.

"Zhang Suo, what do you mean we fabricated it out of thin air?"

Fu Wanzhou can be regarded as an old fox, how can he not see that Zhang Suo is pretending to be wrong.

"Dear family, it was a misunderstanding, it was really a misunderstanding, we thought something happened to Xiaorui, we were afraid that Zhiying wouldn't think about it, and we couldn't help, so we had to come here by plane, hoping to comfort Zhiying, by the way, we just got the news , Xiaorui is fine, she had a false alarm."

Of course Zhang Yuankui also knew that he would not offend any of these people in front of him.

They all came for Zhang Rui.

He was really puzzled, how did Zhang Zhiying raise such a powerful son?

In his early twenties, he owns the shares of many companies, and follows a group of famous and influential bigwigs, and then he looks at his son...

If Zhang Rui hadn't died and wanted to urge Zhang Zhiying to transfer Zhang Rui's inheritance rights to Zhang Suo as soon as possible, for Zhang Yuankui and even Lu Qiu, it would be too late to please this daughter, how could he be offended to death!
"Don't call me that, you really don't dare to call me that. Now that Zhiying is here, have you asked her how she feels, have you considered Xiaorui's feelings, and Ming people don't speak secretly, what the hell are you doing here? , openly admitted, can we still eat you?"

Fu Wanzhou couldn't bear the title of "in-law".

He sneaked a peek at Zhang Zhiying's reaction, and seeing Zhang Zhiying's calm face, he just let go.

At the same time, Fu Rui also blushed.

The man who almost became his father-in-law back then, his words were too harsh, and made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Liu Yuchun cheated on Fu Wanzhou's illegitimate son, Fu Youyu, and conspired to kill Zhang Zhiying, Zhang Rui's mother and son. After everything was revealed, although Fu Rui did not divorce her, the husband and wife had separated. In fact, they were almost separated.

But getting back together with Zhang Zhiying, he didn't even dare to think about it.

One is that he feels ashamed of Zhang Zhiying and Zhang Rui's mother and son, and he doesn't know how to face it, and the other is that he feels that he is no longer worthy of Zhang Zhiying.

"Sister, I know you are dissatisfied because your parents are biased, but we came here to really care about you, and we didn't have any thoughts about your nephew's inheritance... It's property. I hope you can speak with your conscience."

Zhang Suo was about to die and didn't say anything. Anyway, he just opened his mouth under his nose. There is no evidence. Just relying on Zhang Zhiying's one-sided words, don't try to put us on the pillar of shame.


Zhang Zhiying was stunned.

She was quite surprised.

It was the first time I knew that my younger brother dared to call black as white.

"Yeah Zhiying, no matter what, we are your relatives, you can't turn things upside down."

Lu Qiu also hit the snake with the pole.

The babysitter, who had been busy making tea for everyone, showed a trace of hesitation in her eyes, but was stared back by Zhang Yuankui, and had to lower her head.

Zhang Zhiying: "..."

Although, even if Zhang Yuankui and the other family's scandals are exposed to the world, there is no real loss for them. After all, the people headed by Qi Zhiyuan can't really do anything to them. After all, they are the relatives of Zhang Zhiying and Zhang Rui's mother and son. .

But obviously they also know that etiquette, righteousness and shame are a fig leaf for a person, and they don't want to be ripped off as a fig leaf, in public, so they forcibly kidnapped Zhang Zhiying again to cover up for them.

Qi Zhiyuan saw this.

Fu Wanzhou and Fu Rui saw it.

Mu Jun saw it.

Yin Qun saw it.

Li Wanyao, Lu Yiting, Wei Xue and others also noticed it.

To be able to become a bigwig who is as rich as an enemy must have a shrewdness beyond ordinary people.

However, Zhang Suo's move can be said to be both clever and shameless.

He knew that even if he hurt his sister, she would not make their scandal public out of family affection.

As for the other people, even if they are big brothers with great hands and eyes, they haven't seen or heard it with their own eyes, let alone have any evidence, and this is their family business, so naturally they can't talk about it.

Hehe, in good conscience...

Zhang Zhiying feels that she is also a weird person, and she will share with such weird parents. Maybe she was kicked out of the house by them when she was unmarried and pregnant. At that time, she should have realized that they are selfish people, and with the birth of her younger brother, they Doting on him without a bottom line pushes selfishness to its peak.

No matter how she complained in her heart, Zhang Zhiying could only remain silent.

"Everyone, you have also seen it. This is a misunderstanding. Seeing that you care so much about our family Zhiying and Xiaorui, I am really grateful in my heart. I haven't eaten yet. Why don't we go out for a light meal together? It will not waste your time."

Zhang Yuankui was very satisfied with his son's wit and his daughter's understanding of current affairs, and euphemistically issued an order to chase away guests.

Everyone: "..."

All are speechless.

These old people in the business field, the gray lives they have done or experienced, are all related to each other. It is the performance of Zhang Yuankui and other family members that refreshed their three views.

But so what.

Fortunately, Zhang Rui returned safely.

Zhang Zhiying did not suffer any harm.

As for a light meal, the word "polite" is enough.

The rest is Zhang Rui's own business.

So people are ready to get up and say goodbye.

"No, sorry, I can't be beaten for nothing."

Zhang Suo suddenly opened his mouth and made an inch of it.

Zhou Sheng witnessed Zhang Suo's shamelessness with his own eyes, but Zhang Zhiying didn't speak, and the rest of the bosses were also silent, which was tantamount to encouraging some people's shameless arrogance.

He only felt that the blood all over his body rushed to his head.


Qi Zhiyuan spoke.

"Zhou Sheng, hurry up and apologize to Mr. Zhang, Ms. Lu, and Mr. Zhang!"

At this moment, Zhou Sheng felt as if tens of thousands of beasts were floating in his heart.

However, he was Qi Zhiyuan's subordinate, so if the boss spoke, let alone apologized, even if he was to die, he could only endure it silently.


Just when Zhou Sheng was about to apologize, Zhang Suo spoke again.

"Kneel down."

Not to mention that Zhou Sheng was so angry that his eyes turned blue, even Qi Zhiyuan's face couldn't stop twitching.

Zhang Suo clearly wanted to slap Qi Zhiyuan in the face.

"Zhang Suo, don't go too far."

Zhang Zhiying closed her eyes and said in a lonely tone.

"Zhiying, this is your younger brother. He was beaten. Is it so difficult to ask for an apology?"

Zhang Yuankui's words undoubtedly fueled Zhang Suo's arrogance.

I didn't get the money today, so it's okay to save face. If you can force a big guy like Qi Zhiyuan to apologize, you will have more face if you say it, and you will have the confidence to borrow money from others in the future, right?

"Who wants to apologize?"

A cold voice made the atmosphere of the whole room tense.

(End of this chapter)

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