Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 205 Can be declared dead

Chapter 205 Can be declared dead

"what is this?"

In the monitoring room, a man in black stared at the screen vigilantly.

"what's the situation?"

Another man in white was smoking a cigarette beautifully. When he noticed that his companion was nervous, he sat up straight and looked at the screen.

"No, we seem to have been attacked by a D-bomb!"

The man in black stared at the golden light on the screen that was crossing the sky and heading straight for the secret station, and quickly pressed the button of the alarm device.

"No, if it was really a D-bomb attack, why didn't our radar respond at all, and besides, our station has not been built for a long time, so it shouldn't be exposed so soon."

The man in white was also staring at the golden light on the screen, and was heading towards the secret station at an extremely fast speed. He was too late to react. He was terrified and couldn't understand why this happened?
"It's too late, let's quickly organize the defense."

The man in black said as he picked up his weapon and rushed out.

However, when the two rushed out of the monitoring room, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The entire resident was littered with corpses, and most of the people rushed to Huangquan before they even had time to realize what happened, and all the fatal injuries were surprisingly consistent.

They were all pierced through the torso by unknown weapons.


The man in black suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head, and then he was spinning for a while, and even saw his headless body slowly falling down.

I am dead?

Not only did the man in black die in a daze, but even the man in white didn't see clearly what killed his companion. It was too fast, as if a gust of wind had blown his head off.

At the last second of his life, the man in white put an end to his life with his puzzled and unwilling expression of astonishment.

This secret station was in an unknown deep mountain. Fifty members of the Earth Network were killed by Zhang Rui using a flying sword in less than half a minute.

Zhang Rui let go of his spiritual sense to confirm that there were no more people alive here, then stepped on the flying sword and went straight to Changtian, and went straight to the next secret station of the underground network.


The east is white.

There are about [-] secret stations of the underground network controlled by Zhang Rui. After half a night, Zhang Rui cleared more than a dozen of them, with footprints covering millions of square kilometers.

Now more than half of Zhang Rui's 48-hour spiritual consciousness has been used up, with less than 24 hours left, Feijian has been activated twice, and there is one more time left to activate.

It would obviously be a waste of time and energy to rush back to City S now and go out until dark. He hid in an attic abandoned by the owner, sat down to rest, and took a warrior inner strength pill to recover. Most of the true energy was consumed at once.

After half a day, the true qi in his body had almost recovered, Zhang Rui passed through this strange city, arrived at the suburbs, activated the flying sword for the third time, and a golden light shot straight into the sky...

馘 (guo) rock island.

The straight line is about thousands of kilometers away from the coastline, which is almost impossible to find on the map.

This small island of less than ten square kilometers, standing on the mountain in the center of the island, can see the blue waves surging around, as if it will be swallowed by the crazy sea at any time.

However, the inner rock formation of the island was hollowed out, forming a space with a height of 20 meters and a plane area of ​​[-] square meters.

Such an isolated space has bars, casinos, and indescribable places, and even opened the Internet to keep in touch with the outside world.

In the secret room of the headquarters, more than a dozen high-level officials sat around the table with dignified expressions, and the aroma of top-quality cigars and the aroma of red wine lingered around everyone.

And in front of everyone is a set of dishes cooked with top-quality ingredients, and those who are in charge of serving everyone's meals are all beauties whose appearance and temperament have reached the level of goddesses.

Alcohol, delicacies, beauties.

The top level of enjoyment failed to bring even half a second of pleasure to the top management of the ground network.

Everyone's eyes showed a murderous look with hesitation.

"This time we have met our opponent."

The chief of the ground network was the first to break the silence.

"The latest information confirms that our distribution in S City, including the masters we sent to S City, the entire army was wiped out and no one survived. The murderer all points to one person, which is Zhang Rui."

The secretary-general of the ground network pressed the remote control in his hand, and a curtain was lowered on one side of the wall, and at the same time, a projector was lowered from the top, and a full-body photo was projected onto the screen.

It was Zhang Rui's full body photo, young and full of vigor, wearing a student look.

"Until now, I still can't believe it, just how a young man has the blood of more than 20 of our colleagues on his hands. I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

The next person to speak was the logistics chief of the ground network. He inserted a half-smoked cigar into the top-quality caviar in front of him, and shook his head persistently.

Yes, among the 20 people who died, any one who stood up at random would be an expert enough to shock one side.

The head of intelligence at the ground network headquarters, with an increasingly ugly face, tried his best to keep calm and stood up, looked at everyone and said:

"Everyone, I just got a very bad news, that is, the more than [-] branches we set up suddenly lost contact. The last signal I received was to ask for help from the headquarters, saying that they had been bloodbathed."

More than [-] branches lost contact?

Was bloodbathed?
Everyone immediately exploded.

And the powerful momentum obviously belonging to the warrior erupted, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder that could explode at any time.

Di Sha, the number one martial art master recognized by the Earth Net, a warrior in the middle stage of inner strength, the cups and plates in front of him turned into powder one after another because they couldn't bear his powerful warrior aura.

Earth fire, the fastest master in the ground net, although he is only a master of fighting, his skills are said to be faster than lightning.

The murderous aura emanating from the two masters made even the chief of the ground network deeply afraid.


Suddenly, a strange alarm sounded from the headquarters of the ground network.

"what happened?"

The leader responsible for the security of the headquarters was so nervous that his heart would pop out of his throat.

"Report, we were attacked by an unknown person, and all the personnel responsible for the security of the island were killed!"

All killed!

Every word is like a sharp glass ball piercing into the hearts of everyone present.

There are thousands of people in the ground network headquarters, all of whom are elites who can independently complete special operations.

This is the basic disk of the ground network forces, and if all of them are killed, it means that the ground network can be declared dead.

"Who did it?"

Di Sha's eyes were bloodshot, his clothes bulged without wind under the impact of the powerful blood energy, and the joints of his body made intensive bean popping sounds, and the fighting spirit in Di Huo's eyes rose.

"Let me tell you, everyone, I don't know how to greet the guests when they come. Are you going to be a shrinking turtle?"

Zhang Rui strolled up to the high-level executives of the ground network, picked up a bottle of red wine from the table and poured himself a glass, then took a sip, and felt that it was too sour, so he threw it aside and discarded it.

"Did you kill everyone on the island?"

The earthshaking sound was like a thunderbolt, and it crushed Zhang Rui with mighty force.

(End of this chapter)

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