I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 94 A Little Excited

Chapter 94 A Little Excited
After the promotion, there is another change in the system.

The task of the day was canceled and replaced with a task of the week.

Waking up early the next morning, Yang Xi received this week's task assigned by the system.

[System task this week: The chief surgeon completes 12 general surgery operations above level 2, and the task deadline is until 24:[-] this Sunday. 】

This is another almost impossible task!
Although there is no shortage of patients in the municipal hospital, there are also a lot of congee and monks. There are as many as 8 doctors in regular training alone, and at least 12 or 3 doctors need to compete for 2 patients such as appendix, hernia and intestinal obstruction. emergency surgery.

The best time to rush for emergency surgery is to be on the main shift during the day or to be on the night shift at night. If you have a good personality, you can grab two or three surgeries in one shift. The main shift is a night shift for one night.

Therefore, the moment Yang Xi received this weekly task, he wished he could fly to a certain Haicheng immediately, and see that the hospital where Boss Zheng was located could have dozens of appendicitis patients in one night. I really don’t know the people in that Haicheng What kind of living habits are they all, and the incidence of appendicitis is calculated to be dozens of times higher than the national average.

Envy can't be eaten, and complaints can't solve the problem. Yang Xi has to adjust his mentality to face it calmly.After getting used to it for more than a month, Yang Xi knows that the cheating big pig's hooves often look unreliable, but they can always perform some miracles at critical moments. Maybe one day in the future, people in Jiangbei City They also had a collective convulsion, each of them scrambling to get their appendix inflamed, and then lined up to come to the city hospital for surgery.

I went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then came to the department to make routine rounds and give medical orders. Afterwards, Director Ma Da patted Yang Xi on the back.

The little old man in Modu has a pretty good memory. He remembers what he said at the dinner table last night better than anyone else.

What Director Ma University is going to do today is a mastectomy.In terms of professional segmentation, breast surgery is definitely a breast surgery. Although breast surgery belongs to the category of general surgery, under the current trend of more and more specialties, most tertiary hospitals have independent breast surgery.

But in the municipal hospital, the breast department is still only a disease of the general surgery department. One reason is that the director of Ma University has always refused to separate the general surgery department because of the strength of the director of the University of Ma. He is the chairman of the Jiangbei Breast Disease Society, and he is an academic leader in this field.If the mammary gland surgery was separated from the general surgery department, no one would dare to be the director of the department. In the end, it would have to be the department headed by Director Ma.

Breast cancer is the number one disease in the breast department. Of course, in terms of the number of outpatients, the number of patients who register for medical treatment due to hyperplasia of the breast is the most. However, hyperplasia of the breast is mostly treated conservatively with drugs, and there is no need for hospitalization or surgery. Therefore, in the ward, the most breast disease that doctors encounter is breast cancer with a low incidence.

As the leader of the city's first-level mastology society, Director Ma's weekly mastology outpatient clinics are all overcrowded, and every time he goes to the clinic, he can accept three to five breast cancer patients.

Following Director Ma into the operating room, Yang Xi had a thorough understanding of what it means to be a fox pretending to be a tiger.The nurses in the operating room are all snobbish. Whoever has a high rank and who performs well in surgery will naturally show enthusiasm and respect, but they will never take a group of doctors and trainees seriously. Take a look.

As for the intern, it would be a failure not to scold him to tears.

Last week, Yang Xi entered the operating room twice in a day shift and a night shift respectively. The night shift was better, but during the day shift, she was often looked down upon by the nurses in the operating room.

But this time...

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Director Ma wants to give this guy a little treat and take him on stage alone for surgery.

It's too late to find out what the background of this guy is, but, in the past ten years, there really hasn't been a doctor who has been able to eat Director Ma's Xiaozao.

You have to look at it differently!

The head nurse in the operating room who guarded the door, Meng Guiqin, the elder sister who never saw a smile all the year round and made most of the young surgeons in the city hospital tremble, actually smiled at Yang Xi at this moment.

The smile is genuine and warm.

"Come on, Doctor Xiao Yang, you can use wardrobe No. 14." Head nurse Meng handed over a wardrobe key to Yang Xi.

There are too many operations in the operating room in the morning. In order to maintain the proper order of the operating room, it is necessary to restrict the entry of non-operative doctors. This kind of offending work cannot be done by other nurses. The head nurse came to personally lock the door, and distributed and arranged the right to use the temporary wardrobe.

The double-sized wardrobe is on the upper floor, and there is no need to bend over when changing clothes. It was originally a privilege enjoyed by senior residents, but training doctors and fellow doctors are only allowed to use the single-sized wardrobe on the lower floor.

You tick, tick, tick, I must clatter, clatter, you.

Yang Xi responded modestly: "No need, Sister Meng, I'm short, so just use the lower wardrobe."

Meng Guiqin burst out laughing.

Yang Xi was puzzled for only a second, and then felt the hostility from Director Ma.

Little old man in Shanghai, there is a 1.6-meter-five, you a boy who is 1.7-meter-five says he is short, who are you calling him?
Yang Xi quickly smiled and scratched her head, took the key to the wardrobe, and slid into the changing room.

After brushing hands, disinfecting and marking the patient's operation area, laying surgical towels, putting on surgical gowns and sterile gloves, and just standing in the first assistant's position, Director Ma also brushed his hands and entered the operating room.

"Xiao Yang, is this your first breast surgery?" Director Ma asked casually while getting dressed.

Yang Xi answered politely: "I have had two breast lipomas removed, and this is the first time I have had breast cancer surgery."

Director Ma smiled lightly and said, "Are you nervous?"

Yang Xi shook his head, smiled and said, "I can't say I'm nervous, but I'm a little excited."

Director Ma was slightly taken aback, but did not speak again.

Putting on the surgical gown and sterile gloves, Director Ma stood at the chief surgeon's position, looked at the eye surgery area, and frowned involuntarily.

Seeing this, the roving nurse quickly reprimanded Yang Xi, and said, "Let me just say, how can you, a young doctor, master Director Ma's technique? Did you make a mistake?"

There are many surgical methods for breast cancer surgery. 20 years ago, major surgery was preferred clinically, and radical or extended radical surgery was generally adopted.However, with the development of medicine, the comprehensive treatment plan combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy plus castration after breast cancer surgery has achieved gratifying data on the cure rate and survival rate of patients. Therefore, in recent years, breast cancer that has gradually shrunk clinically Extended radical mastectomy has been completely abandoned, and classic radical mastectomy is rarely used. Simple mastectomy plus axillary lymph node dissection has become the most commonly used surgery for breast cancer.

(End of this chapter)

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