Chapter 771

The first half-month training course ended successfully.

The 25 students have only learned a little bit, and there is still a long way to go before they can perform TaTme surgery alone.

This is normal.

Not just anyone's foundation and talent can reach the level of the two great professors Chen Renran or Daniel. Therefore, in just 25 days of study time, less than ten opportunities to practice mobile phones on stage, for these [-] students , it is not easy to learn a superficial knowledge.

No one is dissatisfied.

Because at the graduation ceremony, both Chen Renran and Yang Xi personally promised you that when they return to their jobs and encounter patients with low rectal cancer who plan to perform free-hand TaTme surgery, they can contact either of them. bit.

No matter how far it is or how inappropriate the date is, they will definitely make reasonable itinerary arrangements to help students complete the operation in their own hospital.

The meaning of this is actually to say that the small stove here is ready for you at any time, whether you want to eat it, how much you want to eat, the initiative is actually in your own hands.

Behind such kindness...

Isn't it just to win people's hearts and expand the territory?

The students smiled knowingly.

Yang Xi and Chen Renran's eyes intertwined, and they also smiled knowingly.

It's really not just to win people's hearts and expand the territory. The more important purpose of such a willingness to endure the hardships of the boat and the boat is to prevent the failure of the past, and we must not let the bold advances of the students after returning, so as not to leave behind and be used by others.

Although this training class project has been endorsed by several heavyweight leaders, even if something goes wrong, someone will stand in front of it, but, as a professional, the most important rule is not to cause trouble for the leader.

This point must not be ignored.

Besides, Professor Jin Da has secretly surrendered, and now he is planning an uprising ceremony. A person as particular as Yang Xi, of course, must give Professor Jin Da enough support.

If something happened and was caught by those old people, even if it didn't cause much trouble, it would bring some troubles to Professor Jin Da.

After the first training session ended, Chen Renran temporarily suppressed all news about the second training session.

People can't help but have some kind of illusion, it seems that something went wrong in the first training session that just ended.

It's this effect.

The purpose is to paralyze the group of old seniors in the imperial capital.

Feeling that the effect is not bad, Professor Jin Da told Yang Xi on the phone that the pressure on him has been significantly relieved recently, and the frequency of calls from the group of seniors behind him has more than doubled.

The invisible turbulent waves caused by the open and secret struggle between the North and South academic circles seem to have calmed down.

Yang Xi took this opportunity to learn a lot about liver transplantation from Qian Xingjun.

Just as Chen Renran made and was approved by Qian Xingjun, the difficulty of liver transplantation is not a big deal for the junior brother at all. Isn’t it just cutting off the old one and sewing the new one on? Do more and keep up with the last three or five operations and you will be able to master it.

What he needs to focus on learning should be the relatively easy part in the eyes of others.

Preoperative preparation.

and postoperative treatment.

Chen Renran guessed the beginning correctly, but guessed the result wrong.

The preoperative preparations for liver transplantation are very complicated, not only the various preoperative preparations for the recipient, but also various preparations for the donor, as well as the coordinated preparations for both the recipient and the donor.

Postoperative treatment is a big question.

The perioperative period of huge traumatic surgery itself is a clinical difficulty, and after organ transplantation, it is necessary to solve the body's anti-host rejection reaction. This is no longer a matter of superb surgical skills that can solve all problems, it also involves Immunology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, critical care (anti-infection) medicine, blood transfusion... and more than a dozen clinical disciplines.

However, these didn't seem to be a difficult point for Yang Xi.

In mid-to-late March, when Yang Xi opened his posture and was about to ask Qian Xingjun for a good lesson, Chen Renran, a senior brother, planned to teach on behalf of the teacher, but the lecture only lasted less than 10 minutes, and the senior brother Showed the appearance of 'indignantly unacceptable'.

In theory alone, that little junior brother is actually more reliable than his senior brother.

"I came to Shanghai on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Didn't the teacher give me a few books on organ transplantation? I read them all. I also found some other books and read them twice."

Remember it after reading it twice?

Is there any problem that I don't understand?
"It can't be said that I have memorized everything, but eighty to ninety percent, there are always some. There were a few problems that I didn't understand, but after thinking about it a little more, I figured it out."

Chen Renran's face was livid.

Ma De, senior brother, I have been immersed in the field of liver transplantation with my teacher for more than ten years and almost 20 years, and I dare not say that I can remember more than half of so much theoretical knowledge, but you kid...

It only took more than a month to surpass my senior brother in the mastery of theoretical knowledge?
Yang Xi was very wronged.

Blame me?
That super memory card...

Did he have sequelae!
And the young master just happens to love learning so much.

Chen Renran had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​showing off to Yang Xi by teaching on behalf of the teacher. After reporting to Qian Xingjun, he arranged for Yang Xi to skip the theoretical study stage and enter the clinic.


Accumulation of clinical experience takes time, cases and lessons, not five or eight years, do you want to surpass my elder brother?
no way!

As a result, only one week, only one case, Chen Renran had no choice but to adjust the prediction.

Eight years will definitely not work.

Five years seems like too much.

Three years.

Lao Tzu can still play around in front of that kid for another three years or so.

Qian Xingjun reminded him friendly: "What if that kid has a seizure and leaves all the family affairs to Boss Gao, so he comes to the transplant center to stay for more than half a year?"


Chen Renran subconsciously wiped the tiny beads of sweat that were quietly oozing from his forehead.

We must quickly find a way to make up for this flaw.

After only half a year of getting started, he left his senior brother behind...


Don't tell me, big brother, I won't talk about noodles?
After some hard thinking, Chen Renran finally came up with a coup.

One phone call solves the problem.

"Mr. Xie, is your project at Liuquan going well?"


"Well, that's good. I actually have another purpose for calling you."


"I fully support your arrangement for Yang Xi to go to the United States for an exchange, but how can a single Brother Zhi do it? There are so many big cities and big hospitals, I think you should seriously consider it!"


"Oh, it's like this, very good, very good, this trip, how long are you going to arrange for my little brother to go?"


"A week is too intense, I suggest at least half a month."

(End of this chapter)

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