I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 760 The Hands of God

Chapter 760 The Hands of God
"Yang Xi..."

After listening to the statement made by the director of Corey's team, Jin Minghui couldn't help but frowned. After pondering for a moment, he asked:

"Is it the young man who publicly slapped Chen Renran in the face at the Nanjiang Provincial People's Hospital in the first two days of December last year?"

The group director replied: "That's him!"

Jin Minghui couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He was invited to the business event hosted by Professor Dongming Su of Nanjiang Province, but there is no room for two tigers. Since Chen Renran was going to attend, Jin Minghui could only decline Su Dongming's kindness.

Although no one went there, he knew exactly what happened at the scene.

Chen Renran's stunt of peeling grape skins with a surgical robot actually broke through the three-point mark, which made him very unhappy.However, the young doctor who was said to be from Jiangbei Municipal Hospital managed to peel six grape skins with his bare hands in 10 minutes, beating Chen Renran's old face until hundreds of people watched him. Noisy, which made him feel happy again.

A few days after this incident, he asked someone to inquire about the young doctor's basic situation.

He is not highly educated, just an undergraduate graduate from a second-tier medical school, but this son won the national champion in the doctor's qualification examination that year, and his score was still a shocking 599 points.

It is a good material!
At that time, Jin Minghui really gave birth to a heart of love.

However, then came the very bad news.

It was said that Yang Xi, the number one scholar in medicine, was handed over by the local procuratorate for accepting commercial bribes. Later, news came that the health authority of Nanjiang Province had dismissed the young doctor from practicing qualifications.

Jin Minghui had no choice but to put away his love and cherish talent.

Two and a half months have passed, Jin Minghui has almost forgotten about this matter, but unexpectedly, at this time today, that Yang Xi actually jumped out again, and even got together with Chen Renran, and stood on his own on the hostile side.

"Chen Renran..."

Looking back on the past, Jin Minghui couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said with emotion: "This Professor Chen is really insidious!"

The director of the team then reported: "It is said that Yang Xi initiated the TaTme operation, and it was broadcast live on Xinglin Garden at the end of December last year. Several young doctors in our department have seen it. Everyone admires the live video of the surgery."

No wonder!
Jin Minghui's already frowning brows moved closer to the middle.

No wonder Chen Renran gained so many fans after releasing the news about the training class.

It turned out that there had been witnesses in the Xinglin Garden a long time ago!
Following this direction, Jin Minghui thought deeply, and his heart twitched twice involuntarily.

Such an extremely difficult operation, which can even be said to be impossible to succeed at all, dares to be broadcast live on Xinglin Garden?

That can only show one point, the chief surgeon, including the entire surgical team, has [-]% confidence and certainty in completing this operation.

What kind of hands can achieve the precision, accuracy and strength required by this technique!

In the words of his mentor, Professor Constantine, Dean of the Department of Surgery, Pritzker School of Medicine, Zhijia University, it must be a pair of hands that have been kissed by God!


This sentence was evaluated by my mentor, Professor Constantine, and it is impossible for me to complete the TaTme operation.

So, Yang Xi's hands...

hand of God?

At least it is the hands of God!

At this moment, Jin Minghui inevitably felt discouraged.

What if he won the general election in October against Chen Renran?What does it mean that he became the chairman of the National General Surgery Society as he wished?
Now that Chen Renran has received the support of Yang Xi, who has the hands of gods, he only needs to continue to hold this training class. Then, the general surgery departments of the vast number of grassroots hospitals will receive the grace of Chen Renran, and taste the rapid progress in their business. Lou's sweetness, who wouldn't wholeheartedly fall for Chen Renran, the devil's capital?
Jin Minghui's worries are not unreasonable.

Lessons learned from the past are clearly in the industry.

Ten years ago, Professor Ling from Xuanwu Hospital in the Imperial Capital, with the help of many brain surgery experts, became the chairperson of the neurointervention subdivision sub-specialty under the Department of Extracerebral Surgery.

But Professor Liu in Shanghai couldn't swallow the dissatisfaction in his chest, and finally rose up.

However, for any academic conference or other academic activities hosted by Professor Ling, at the same time, Professor Liu will also host a conference or activity with a very similar nature and content.

In terms of the surgical and theoretical level of neurointervention, Professor Liu is indeed much higher than Professor Ling. Therefore, neurointerventional doctors in many primary hospitals have turned to Professor Liu in Shanghai.

As a result, the number of participants in conferences or activities hosted by Professor Na Ling was less than half of that of Professor Liu.

so embarrassing.

Jin Minghui didn't want to follow in Professor Ling's footsteps.


Now that things have come to this, is there any way out for him?

If he showed timidity, or expressed his willingness to retreat in spite of difficulties, then what would the seniors in the imperial capital who supported him think?
Maybe he wouldn't say much on the surface, but he gave Jin Minghui a contemptuous look in private. From then on, he, Jin Minghui, was an unsupportable fool in the eyes of these seniors.

The pinnacle of your career?
I am afraid that the director of a department in a top hospital in the country is his peak.

"Director Zhang, did you ask for any useful information?"

Director Zhang, who led the team, hesitated for a moment, and replied, "I also heard some news, but I'm not sure if it's true or not."

Jin Minghui said: "You just talk and listen. As for the truth and falsehood, we can analyze it."

Director Zhang coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said, "I heard that Yang Xi went to Brother Zhijia in mid-January...not for tourism, but as a guest exchange at Brother Yingzhi University Medical Center invite to go."

Jin Minghui's heart trembled.

Zhijiage University Medical Center?
Brother, Professor Daniel?
No way!
Why didn't the tutor, Professor Constantine, disclose this news to himself?
"How is the result?"

Jin Minghui asked subconsciously.

As soon as this question was uttered, Jin Minghui first blacked out his stupidity in his heart, and then dimly realized why his mentor, Professor Constantine, kept him so secret.

Director Zhang responded: "The result is that after Yang Xi came back, he opened a foreign-related ward in his Liuquan Hospital with more than 20 beds. Now it is basically full, and all of them are cancer patients from the United States. , I heard that it’s not only Brother Jue’s source, but also Twisting, Boiling City, Yatlanda and other places.”

Do not!
It shouldn't be like this!

Jin Minghui shouted loudly in his heart: The hands of God should have belonged to me, Jin Minghui's sect, not Chen Renran!

(End of this chapter)

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