Chapter 755
Qian Xingjun and Chen Renran boarded the high-speed train heading south.

Dean Yang Xilin and Gao Yong returned happily.

For both parties, the four days from the beginning to the end have been fruitful.

Not only did Qian Xingjun taste all kinds of delicacies in Jiangbei, but he also got a promise from Yang Xi that when Chen Renran couldn't do it a few years later, his liver transplant center would still have successors, and it would be stronger than before.

For him, it is naturally flattering and makes him want to laugh just thinking about it.

Chen Renran learned to perform TaTme operation with bare hands, but this was enough to make him cheer, and Yang Xi also promised him that when the accumulation of bare-handed operations for low rectal cancer reached three digits, he would take it out and cooperate with the surgical robot. To do a retrospective study on the technique, at that time, Yang Xi will personally write this article.

Chen Renran has read Yang Xi's three articles for Gao Yong, Lu Haoming, and Lian Xiangdong. To be honest, although the content of the articles is of average value, the structure and logic of the articles are quite powerful. Compared with the articles he personally revised, the teacher seemed to be quite pale.

Once this article comes out, the target will only be the "Lancet" magazine, which ranks first in the medical category. As for the SCI score...

How much is 20?

How much is 30?

Or 40 points?

God knows what the upper limit is!

Therefore, this trip to Liuquan in the north of the Yangtze River was a big deal for Chen Renran.

On the way back to Liuquan Town.

Dean Yang Xilin, Gao Yong and the three were all excited beyond words.

Gao Yongbai picked up a chairman of the society.

Dean Lin has earned a lot of face, and has become the most famous dean in the industry, not one of them.

Yang Xi didn't get any benefits personally, but he was the happiest one in the whole hospital.

The hospital made money, which was his fundamental original intention.

It is just a small profit to teach the senior brother to perform TaTme operation with bare hands in exchange for the senior brother's great help in the construction of the hospital's brain surgery team.

The teacher's lecture made Liuquan Hospital a sacred place in the eyes of the surgical colleagues in various hospitals in the city yesterday, which is just a profit.

And winning the sub-station of the teacher's academician workstation is a good thing that makes a lot of money.

"It's more than that!" After Yang Xi counted with his fingers, Dean Lin added: "Last night, I cheated Director Dong's 500 million academician workstation construction funds."

Our side is just a sub-station, how can we spend so much money?
Dean Lin, you are so dark!
"The 500 million is just the county's support funds. Director Dong also promised that after the completion of the workstation, there will be a special reward of 300 million for talent introduction!"

Five plus three... seems to equal eight.

Yang Xi was dumbfounded.

After excluding the cost of building the workstation, the visit of the teacher and senior brother can at least bring more than 600 million profits to the hospital.

Just like that, when I and Lian Laodi came back from the Devil's Capital, they even took the money for the bus ticket of the elder brother.


In order to make up for the apology in his heart, Yang Xi secretly decided to wait until the next chance...

I still have to continue to grab the bus ticket of the big brother!

Who made your elder brother earn much more money than us?
Who made the word 'Lai' engraved in capital letters in the gene sequence of our Liuquan Hospital?

"Linyuan, after the money from the county arrives, I suggest you take out 50 and put it in the Spring Sunshine Medical Relief Fund, in the name of the Academician Workstation. Big brother originally wanted to donate 10 in his own name Yuan, I dissuaded me, the house price in Shanghai is too expensive, he should save his personal money to buy a house for his son to get married."

Although Chen Renran was about the same age as Ma Zongtai, he got married three years later than Ma Zongtai, and had children almost seven years later than Ma Zongtai.

Therefore, Ma Zongtai is now ready to have a grandson, but Chen Renran's only son has just finished his undergraduate degree.

"55? Make it less!" Dean Lin blinked. He saw that Yang Xi stuttered a little when he reported the number, and he immediately understood Yang Xi's hesitation.

Yang Xi murmured, "Well... it's indeed a little less... then 51?"

Gao Yong laughed contemptuously and said, "I'll see how you can pick it up? The money was given to our hospital by Academician Qian and Professor Chen..."

Yang Xi made a silent gesture, interrupted Gao Yong, and said, "Shhh! Boss, you made a mistake again. How did the elder brother tell you? You should call the teacher a teacher in front of and behind the scenes, and what about him?" forgotten?"

Gao Yong rolled his eyes and turned his head out of the car window.

Dean Lin said: "Boss Gao is right. We can't pick and choose in this regard. In my opinion, we either don't do it, or if we do, we should take out at least 100 million yuan." .”

Yang Xi sighed, and replied: "You are the dean, you have the final say."

Dean Lin responded with two dry laughs.

After a moment of silence, Yang Xi suddenly said: "By the way, Linyuan, my sister-in-law will be able to complete the transfer procedures in about a week. Have you made arrangements for her subordinates?"

Dean Lin showed embarrassment, and replied: "It's not difficult to arrange good nurses. The ones in our department were all brought out by Director Xu. Even if they were taken to the county hospital, they were all from the head nurse of the ward." Proficiency in foreign languages ​​is not difficult to find, there are already a few from the Normal University who are willing to come to our hospital for internship, and when they get home, they can arrange interviews."

After a short pause, Dean Lin said the real embarrassment: "However, it is hard to find a nurse who can speak foreign languages ​​well. As for your sister-in-law, I dare not say that it is one in a thousand, at least she is the only one in a thousand miles." .”

Yang Xi smiled and said, "My sister-in-law's foreign language proficiency is also learned from my brother Hui, why don't you send a few more handsome little nurses to my brother Hui to practice while my sister-in-law is not at home? "

Dean Lin laughed and said, "Even if I'm a leopard, I wouldn't dare to have such a thought."

Gao Yong couldn't bear the loneliness, so he interjected: "Let's just make it easy for now, hire a few people from the foreign language department of the Normal University to take care of the lives of foreigners. Even the old man and I can help."

Yang Xi followed up: "It's not a big problem in terms of expediency, but in the long run, we still have to hurry up and start our foreign language training courses. Linyuan, don't be afraid to spend money, let's hire the best teachers if we want."

Dean Lin said: "It's already been arranged, but isn't this the winter vacation for the Chinese New Year! Fuck, it's been almost fifty years for me, and it's the first time I think why the Chinese New Year is such a delay?"

Yang Xi then said with emotion: "I have only passed 25 years, but six and a half felt that things were delayed. I have never complained. Why are you always complaining?"

(End of this chapter)

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