Chapter 750
Yang Xi's absence on stage still had some influence on Chen Renran, who was the chief surgeon.Coupled with the fact that Lu Haoming's level was obviously lacking in several levels, Chen Renran's operation was quite difficult.

But Yang Xi, Gao Yong, who were on the sidelines, kept their mouths tightly shut, just watching but not speaking.

It's not to deliberately make things difficult for Chen Renran, but because this is a hurdle that Chen Renran must pass through in the new technique.

However, even though Professor Chen seemed a little strenuous on stage, every step and link was completed quite cleanly.

With the deepening of the operation, the sense of strain shown by the chief surgeon Chen Renran was obviously weakened. When the operation was halfway through, Professor Chen obviously adapted to Lu Haoming's style. At the same time, according to the operation skills taught by Yang Xi, with his own The technical characteristics of the operation were adjusted slightly, and the operation finally became smoother.

At this moment, the landline in the operating room rang.

After a while, the patrol guard Gu Yajing entered the operating room and said to Yang Xi: "Young Master Xi, your call is said to be Brother Hui from your family."

Dong Junhui?
What's the rush of chasing the phone to the operating room?
Yang Xi didn't dare to neglect, and hurried over to answer the phone.

"What's the matter, Brother Hui, is there anything urgent?"

Dong Junhui scolded Yang Xi on the phone.

"It's such a big deal, why don't you say hello to me? Do you still have Brother Hui in your heart? Can you still count on your full support for my work?"

Yang Xi was taken aback by the count.

"Brother Hui, did you forget to take your medicine when you went out in the morning?"

Dong Junhui responded angrily: "I took the wrong medicine, I took too much medicine!"

Yang Xi scratched his head subconsciously, and said: "But you have to make your words clear. What kind of big deal are you talking about? Why does it have anything to do with support for your work?"

Dong Junhui sighed: "I heard that an academician came to your hospital. Is it true? Is it a big deal? Does it have anything to do with your Brother Hui's work?"

Yang Xi couldn't help but shudder.


This is really the case.

In this Dongshan County, a doctoral degree will be regarded as a treasure. If there are titles such as the Thousand Talents Program and Changjiang Scholars, it must be the first and second bosses in the county who personally received and arranged it. thing.

And academicians...

A well-known medical academician came to Dongshan County, but the person in charge of the talent introduction work didn't even know about it?
That's not incompetent work, but dereliction of duty and incompetence!

No wonder Brother Hui was so angry at himself.

"Why are you in a hurry? Don't you just want to meet my teacher for a meal? I'll just arrange it."

On the other end of the phone, Dong Junhui's goal was achieved, and his tone immediately softened.

"How long will Academician Qian's lecture in the afternoon last? I will report to the two big leaders later. I will visit Academician Qian in Liuquan Town in the afternoon, and I will pick up the county town for dinner. Do you think it is okay?"

Yang Xi replied: "You are the leader, you have the final say. Teacher, he will start the lecture at three o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be an hour at most. Oh, by the way, I guess my elder brother will go up and talk a few words. You start at four o'clock , the time should be just right."

Dong Junhui said with some doubts: "Do you want to say hello to Academician Qian in advance? It doesn't matter if I wait for 10 minutes or an hour, but I'm afraid that things will go wrong, what do you think?"

Yang Xi replied without hesitation: "No need! My teacher is very easy-going, though! He doesn't like eating and drinking with you people's servants."

Dong Junhui said with emotion: "I can understand this point. Who really engages in academics likes to waste time on this kind of boring entertainment? But there is no way, your Brother Hui's job is this way, this kind of request ..."

Yang Xi interrupted Dong Junhui with a smile, and said: "It's almost enough, let's not get cheap and act like a good boy. If you feel that you owe my teacher, that's easy to handle. After you have dinner with the leader, you can arrange my teacher again." It’s OK to try our Jiangbei skewers.”

After hanging up the phone, on the way back to the operating room, Yang Xi couldn't help but have a question in his mind.

Where did Vice Minister Dong get the news from?
Could it be that he had placed eyeliner in Liuquan Hospital?

its not right!
Although the sister-in-law Xu Rujin was determined to be transferred back, the formalities hadn't been completed yet, and she was still in the county hospital!

At this time, outside the operating room, the whole hospital was mobilized.

Needless to say, the logistics staff had to put down their work and devote themselves to the task of cleaning up the hospital environment and meeting rooms assigned by Dean Lin last night.

All clinical departments can't be idle either. Those who are on or off the night shift are not allowed to go home. They all work overtime to cooperate with the logistics to complete this urgent task.

And outside the hospital.

Zongshu Jihan and the mayor of the town urgently summoned hundreds of strong laborers, and prepared their own construction tools. They had to build a temporary parking lot enough for a hundred cars within three hours.

There is no way, that bird surnamed Lin assigned this drudgery to the Zhenzheng Mansion last night, and the two of them just expressed a little bit of the difficulty, mainly because of money. As a result, this morning, they He was sued by that defeated veteran and brought to Vice Minister Dong.

Officials crushed people to death.

Whether it is Zong Shuji or Mayor Han, when faced with the strict order of Vice Minister Dong, he dared not mention anything about money at all. He could only pat his chest and say, please rest assured, the leader, we will be on time and set high standards mission accomplished.

Instead, Dean Lin and Lao Liu were free. After making arrangements, these two guys drove Qian Xingjun with them, and went leisurely to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the north of the Yangtze River. After booking a private room in the fish restaurant, they just waited for lunch time. After a feast, they returned to the hospital to host a lecture by Academician Qian Xingjun.

Inside and outside the hospital, hundreds of people were working in full swing, but in the operating room, they couldn't feel it at all.

Chen Renran's main knife became smoother and smoother, and the cooperation of the first assistant Lu Haoming became more and more perfect. Needless to say, the second assistant Lian Xiangdong, this guy has long been dissatisfied with Lu Haoming and put him in the second assistant In terms of position, you can only bend your talents, and you will never be in place.

At a quarter past eleven, it ended at the same time as the operation performed by Yang Xi yesterday morning.

Chen Renran's excitement and joy were beyond words.

For anyone else, just performing two surgeries does not mean that he has fully mastered this technique.But for Chen Renran, one is that his surgical skills are super deep, and the other is that he is proficient in TaTme surgery with the help of surgical robots. Therefore, with just the successful experience of these two surgeons, he So he can say with confidence that he will definitely be able to master this technique in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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