I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 742 Who Should I Help?

Chapter 742 Who Should I Help?

The next morning, 08:30.

Yang Xi stood on the operating table of East China Hospital for the second time.

Different from the first time more than 20 days ago, this time, Chen Renran's attitude was quite low-key.

Xinglin Garden Live?

Organize undergraduate doctors to observe and study in the demonstration classroom?


Still free.

Not for anything else, just because it is the first time for Professor Ben to participate in this super awesome unarmed TaTme operation.

What if something goes wrong on stage and a joke is made?

However, there is a Murphy's law in this world. The probability of good things happening is always much lower than bad things, and the result that goes against your wishes is the mainstream result.

I don't know who leaked the news. As soon as I went to work in the morning, the news that Academician Qian's new closed disciple was going to take Professor Chen Renran to complete the first unarmed TaTme operation in the hospital spread like wildfire.

"Is it Dr. Yang Xiyang who did the surgery for breast cancer last time?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him!"

"I watched his TaTme surgery video on Xinglinyuan. It was so ingenious and unbelievable. No, don't stop anyone today. I have to watch the whole surgery from beginning to end without blinking."

For a time, the operating room was overcrowded.

"Is there no surgery arrangement for you today? Get out!" The head nurse in the operating room is a bit like Sister Meng in the municipal hospital, and she is also quite strong.

Don't go out!

We are going to observe Professor Chen's operation.

"Professor Chen didn't make a teaching plan, wait until next time!"

Wait for next time?
But today's itching and unbearable how to solve it?
In line with the theory that the law does not blame the public, the surgeons despised the always strong style of the head nurse in the operating room.

A few of these doctors have already entered the rank of deputy senior professional. Although the deputy chief physician is not a big deal in a hospital of this level, their words still have some weight when facing the head nurse of the operating room. .

"Head nurse, please ask Professor Chen for instructions again. It's better to open the instruction room. Otherwise, this one will sneak into the operating room for a while, and that one will pretend to go to the wrong operating room to take a look. Isn't it affecting his work?" Surgery."

"Director Wang is right, the opportunity is rare, head nurse, please tell Teacher Chen, if the guys at the door can't see the operation, they have to go to his department to sit in and demonstrate."

The head nurse in the operating room couldn't help it, so she had to go to the operating room to report and discuss with Chen Renran.

Chen Renran was furious.

Mad, which dog leaked the news?

Since I got the promise from my younger brother on the first day of the Lunar New Year, I have secretly planned this operation. I survived the whole week, and it was ruined at the last moment?
The head nurse in the operating room responded with a wry smile: "Even if you shoot the person who leaked the news, it won't solve the problem!"

Chen Renran shook his head helplessly, and looked at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi understood in seconds.

It was the first time for the eldest brother to perform the TaTme operation with his own hands, and he was still a vital assistant. If something happened to him on stage, it might affect his reputation for the rest of his life.

Therefore, he had to keep the preparations for this operation in secret, and it would be best if he could complete this first operation experience quietly.

"Then teach, but turn off the audio." Yang Xi responded calmly instead of Chen Renran, and at the same time exchanged glances with Chen Renran.

Don't worry, big brother, everything has a little brother!

In Chen Renran's perception, if Junior Brother is naughty, there are few people who can be more assholes than him, but if he is serious, there are also few people who are more trustworthy than him.

Only video, not audio...

Chen Renran had already seen Yang Xi's intentions, and seeing Yang Xi's determined eyes, he felt more at ease.

"Then do as my little brother said!"

Chen Renran put on the surgical gown with peace of mind.

The operation begins.

Yang Xi slowed down his hands as much as possible, leaving enough time for Chen Renran to react to each step, and would explain a few words to Chen Renran when he reached a critical point.

And Chen Renran's surgical skills are really good, and he is very familiar with the TaTme operation. Although it is the first time to practice the operation method, he has tried Yang Xi's operation video many times before, so he doesn't know much about each step. strangeness.

On Yang Xi's side, he indeed slowed down his hand speed and left time for Chen Renran to react, but in the demonstration classroom, none of those observing the operation could see the clues. Human cooperation in surgery is like flowing water, giving people a pleasing feeling.

"It's no wonder that Professor Qian accepted him as a closed disciple. Look at the operation he performed, how safe it is!"

"Well, it feels more stable than Professor Chen."

"Professor Chen is also awesome. If he didn't say anything, who would have known that this was his first attempt at TaTme surgery with bare hands?"

"My fucking mentality is going to collapse! As far as the surgical level they have shown, I will never be able to catch up with them in my life!"

In the operating room, Yang Xi removed the tumor and prepared for intestinal reconstruction, while Chen Renran, with the cooperation of Lian Xiangdong, had already completed the upper rectal release operation in the first assistant position.

"Brother, do you want to try another position?"

Chen Renran responded with a smile: "Don't, let's start well and finish well. There are hundreds of eyes watching in the classroom."

This is Chen Renran's unfavorable performance compared to Gao Yong.

In terms of surgical skills, Chen Renran is naturally much deeper than Boss Gao, but in terms of mentality, he is a level behind Boss Gao.

No wonder.

After all, the status is there.

Chen Renran couldn't be as unscrupulous as Gao Yong and dared to fight. Anyway, Yang Xi was behind when something went wrong.

"But I think you seem to have found your confidence, don't you?"

Chen Renran nodded, and said, "I feel it a little bit, but it's not strong enough. I guess I'll make another one with you. By the third time, I'll almost dare to switch places with you."

Yang Xi suddenly stopped, looked at Chen Renran and said seriously: "Brother, I think your best choice is to go to Liuquan Hospital with me. There are many patients with low rectal cancer. Yesterday morning, I On the way, Boss Gao received two cases at home, and it is estimated that there will be more cases today and tomorrow."

Chen Renran couldn't help but froze.

As far as cases of low rectal cancer are concerned, there is no shortage of cases on his side, but his every move here will be watched by others, and it is inevitable that he will be a little psychologically burdened.

But when I went to Liuquan Hospital, once the door of the operating room was closed, wouldn't the little junior teach as he wanted?
good idea!
"Let's operate first. After the operation is over, I will say hello to the teacher. If there is nothing else, we will go to Jiangbei tonight."

In the second assistant position, Lian Xiangdong first glanced at Yang Xi, and then at Chen Renran, he couldn't help showing hesitation in his eyes.

Teacher, I'm afraid you have fallen into Xi Shao's trap again.

Alas, one side is a mentor, and the other side is a brother, who should I help?

(End of this chapter)

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