Chapter 740

Yang Xi really went to the magic capital empty-handed.

It's not that he doesn't pay attention to etiquette, but that the New Year's goods bought for the teachers and brothers have been delivered as early as the day of the new year.

Dean Lin personally arranged, one lamb hind leg, half a lamb chop, two free-range chickens, and more than ten kinds of local green vegetables and fruits, packed and frozen into boxes, and delivered a total of [-] boxes.

Make sure that all the doctors, nurses and fellow doctors in the departments of Mr. Qian and Professor Chen can have a copy.

Not cheap.

Even if there is no middleman to make the difference, the cost of purchasing this large box of New Year's goods will exceed 500 yuan.

One hundred boxes, that is, 5 yuan, not counting the courier fee.

But compared to previous years, it still saves a lot.

In the past years, Liuquan Hospital also sent out new year's goods, the county hospital had to send them, and the city hospital had to send them especially, and Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital or the Central Hospital must not forget that the relationship between all parties is very important. have to be maintained.

Moreover, you have to drive the car one by one, one by one.

From childhood to New Year's Eve, Dean Lin and Lao Liu had to work from dawn to midnight, and they didn't care about anything except giving gifts.

But this year...

What county hospital?

What thigh municipal hospital?
Also, in which direction do the gates of Najiang Medical Affiliated Hospital and Central Hospital face?


Don't say that I, Lin Tong'an, don't pay attention to anything. To save you, just say that our hospital is not doing well this year, and we don't have money to buy new year's goods.

If you don't want to lose face, then let's make it clear that Liuquan Hospital's waist has been straightened up, and I, Lin Tong'an, don't need to kneel and lick you anymore!
what to do.

My surname is Lin, and I am so ruthless.

Without further ado, let’s go back to the eighth day of the lunar new year.

Yang Xi brought Lian Xiangdong to the magic capital empty-handed, and met Chen Renran while holding a meal.

"Eldest brother, you must never think about giving me New Year's money for the teacher. If you give it to me, I won't take it. If you don't believe me, just give it a try."

Chen Renran was really prepared. He opened the drawer, took out two red envelopes, and threw them at Yang Xi and Lian Xiangdong across the desk.

Yang Xi caught it gracefully and stuffed it into his pocket.

And Lian Xiangdong was unavoidably nervous, his hands trembled, and the red envelope fell at Yang Xi's feet.

Yang Xi bent down to pick it up, stuffed it into his pocket again, and at the same time glared at Lian Xiangdong angrily, and scolded: "Your mentor gave you a red envelope for the New Year's money, that's to show you Lian Xiangdong, how could you throw it on the ground? ?”

Lian Xiangdong pouted aggrievedly, but in front of Chen Renran, he didn't even dare to take a breath.

Chen Renran laughed heartily.

"You boy, that's all for senior brother Kengkeng, but you are not allowed to torture senior senior brother's students! Come on, Xiao Lian, sit by the teacher's side and stay away from that bad boy."

Only then did Lian Xiangdong salute Yang Xi with an angry glare.

"The teacher has gone to his hometown in the country, and he will come back in the afternoon. Let's go to the teacher's house for dinner at night. I think we can have something casually in the hospital cafeteria at noon." Although Chen Renran does not smoke, he still handed Yang Xi a pack of Dazhonghua , and an exquisite glass ashtray.

Yang Xi took the cigarette and ashtray, but just put them aside.

"I'm too lazy to walk, senior brother, let's just order a few takeaways to eat. I just have something important to discuss with you in the time I save."

Chen Renran hesitated a little, but he still picked up the phone and ordered Dr. Corey to go to the hospital cafeteria to get three lunch boxes for the three of them.

"Eldest brother, it shouldn't be difficult for you to perform TaTme surgery with bare hands. Five surgeries, you do three and one assist, and I help you with two more, it's probably about the same."

Chen Renran replied suspiciously: "But why do I feel that I don't have enough confidence? To tell you the truth, I watched your surgery video twice again during the Spring Festival, and the more I watched it, the more mysterious it became. I feel like I can’t break through this link.”

Yang Xi smiled easily and said: "There are two reasons. First, you haven't tried it, so you can't feel it, so you have less confidence. Second, there are still some skills in it, and it's hard to understand just by watching the surgery video." Yes, but when you are on the operating table, you will understand everything as soon as I tell you."

Lian Xiangdong said: "Don't worry, teacher, Xishao can teach even our boss Gao. Your surgery skills are much deeper than Boss Gao, and you will definitely be able to learn it."

Yang Xi couldn't help but glared at Lian Xiangdong again.

What a fool!The young master who is flattering is quite comfortable, but we also have a time slot, don't we?You flatter other people in front of your doctoral supervisor, what the hell is going on?

Lian Xiangdong gave Yang Xi a disdainful look.

What happened?
Make it a habit!

As an old man, we don’t need to eat, drink, or study for a Ph. D., but we must not forget our lofty ideals.

One person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

My old butt's ideal is to hug your thigh tightly, Young Master Xi, and then follow you to heaven.


If you don't agree with me, just kick my old butt aside?We would like to see whether it was you Young Master Xi who kicked hard, or my old man who hugged me tightly.

On the other hand, Chen Renran didn't pay attention to the eye contact between the two, but was inspired by Lian Xiangdong's words.

"That's right, I have also watched Director Gao's other surgery videos. Objectively speaking, he is indeed a little thinner than me. Since he can do it, then I think I should be able to do it too."

On Yang Xi's side, seeing Lian Xiangdong showing a look of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Yang Xi could only let him go temporarily, and turned to Chen Renran:

"It's not supposed to, big brother, it's definitely, it's absolutely."

Chen Renran's smile became more intense, and he nodded again and again in response: "Yes, junior brother, you are right, definitely, absolutely."

A cloud of sadness suddenly appeared on Yang Xi's face, and he counted with his fingers: "I have me and Boss Gao on my side, and you can use your hands with full firepower after practicing, but it's still better for us to carry out this operation on both sides." Not enough, there are so many patients with low rectal cancer in the whole country..."

Chen Renran stared at Yang Xi, wondering, "What do you mean by that?"

Yang Xi raised his head, smiled recklessly at Chen Renran, and said, "I want to open a training class for unarmed TaTme surgery, but my status in the world is too low, so I thought of you, senior brother."

Chen Renran said, "You want to hold this training class under my banner?"

Yang Xi shook his head and said, "It's not your name, but I want to persuade you to host this training class."

Chen Renran was a little hesitant, and murmured as if talking to himself: "But I haven't learned it yet... Even if I have learned it in a short time, this training class..."

Yang Xi stepped forward and whispered a few more words in Chen Renran's ear.

Then Chen Renran immediately showed the expression of enlightenment, punched the table with a fist, and shouted excitedly: "This is a great plan! When we go to the teacher's house for dinner tonight, we and the teacher will make good plans."

(End of this chapter)

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