I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 74 The Mayor Arrives

Chapter 74 The Mayor Arrives
It's also on the third floor, in the nurse's station.

Nurse Ma Dong, the representative of the fat world, is dispensing medicines for patients in the ward.

On weekdays, he was so proficient in breaking the ampoule that he couldn't be more proficient, but he made mistakes one after another. In the end, he accidentally pricked his finger and let out an exclamation.

Beside him, Bai Lin, who took over from Xu Rujin as the head nurse of the major surgery, hurriedly debrided and bandaged Ma Dong, and joked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling spring?"

Ma Dong blushed, and said angrily: "No, head nurse, you can't talk nonsense!"

Bai Lin laughed and said, "Then what's there to be ashamed of? Boys should be married and girls should be married. At this age, it's not normal for you not to be pregnant!"

Ma Dong argued strongly: "That's not true, he is so short and so ugly..."

Bai Lin laughed, poked Ma Dong's cheek, and said, "Who is he?"

Ma Dong was obviously taken aback, his face was even more red, he could not help but lower his head, not daring to answer any more words.

One floor higher, the operating room on the fourth floor.

Fang Chang and Gu Yaqian, who were on duty, stood by the window of the lounge, looking at the busy colleagues downstairs and the folks who came one after another, and they were also filled with emotion.

"A good person doesn't live long, but a scourge lasts for thousands of years. This stinky rascal will be hit by a car sooner or later!" Fang Chang felt a little bit gritted. Ever since the day Boss Hu invited guests, whenever someone was mentioned, Fang Chang would definitely feel pain. Scolding or even a few stinky hooligans.

Gu Yaqian smiled and said, "Hitting is pain and scolding is love. It seems that you really like this stinky hooligan."

Fang Chang snorted coldly, and said, "You can push him down, I will like him? Unless all the men in the world are dead!"

Gu Yaqian laughed out loud, and said, "So, if my sister did something to him, you wouldn't be jealous, would you?"

Fang Chang snorted again, and said, "If you can't fall in love, it's as if someone cares about him."

Gu Yaqian sighed softly, and said: "If my sister was as beautiful as you, I would have done it long ago, but unfortunately, that stinky hooligan is not interested in my sister, otherwise, if I fell in love with him, wouldn't I be in trouble for the rest of my life? "

Fang Chang's eyes moved slightly, his cheeks were slightly red, but he didn't answer any more.

Opposite the hospital, there is a Hunan restaurant.

On the second floor, in a box facing the hospital gate, sat a couple who were nearly sixty years old.

At this time, it was just after ten o'clock in the morning, it was still early for lunch, and the Hunan restaurant had just opened. The couple was not in a hurry to order, but was drinking tea peacefully, as if they were waiting for someone.

Soon, the door of the box opened, and a 34-year-old young woman led a little girl who was less than five years old into the box.As soon as the little Lolita entered the door, she shouted cheerfully: "Grandpa! Grandma!"

A flowery smile appeared on the faces of the couple.

"Good baby, let grandma hug you!" The old woman opened her arms and hugged little Lolita in her arms.

The young woman was also full of smiles, she pulled out the chair, sat beside the old woman, and said angrily to the little loli, "Dong Ruoyao, I warn you, don't ask your grandparents for toys!"

With the support of her grandparents, Dong Ruoyao didn't pay attention to her mother's warning, and stuck out her tongue at the young woman to make a face.

That young woman was naturally Xu Rujin.

And the old couple, who are nearly sixty years old, are vice principal Yang and teacher Zhou of the county middle school.

It is strange to say.

On Thursday night, Teacher Zhou called Xu Rujin and said that there was a classmate in her class who was from Liuquan Town. His mother was ill and was hospitalized in Liuquan Town Hospital. The hospital came to visit the student's parents, and asked Xu Rujin to take the old couple to Liuquan Town on Saturday.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this.

The old couple are indeed good teachers who are responsible and warm-hearted. It is not surprising that they want to visit the students' parents.But the strange thing is that Mr. Yang is the core of the entire third-year teaching and research group. How could he be willing to spare a day to accompany Mr. Zhou to visit the parents of Mr. Zhou's students?

Putting down the phone, Xu Rujin immediately got in touch with her old colleagues in Liuquan Town Hospital. After a short chat, Xu Rujin understood.

Seeing through, Xu Rujin reserved a box at the Hunan Restaurant one day in advance, and designated the one facing the hospital gate.The owner of the Hunan restaurant knew Xu Rujin, and knew that Xu Rujin's husband was Mayor Dong who was respected by almost all the villagers in Liuquan Town. Therefore, he fully agreed to Xu Rujin's request and promised that they would open the door halfway early on Saturday. For an hour, I was waiting for the arrival of Vice President Yang and Teacher Zhou.

Unfortunately, when Dong Junhui went to the countryside to do research, he habitually drove his own private car and couldn't come back on Saturday.Xu Rujin entrusted a colleague from the county hospital who was going to the city to take the old couple to Liuquan Town after a short detour, while she took the bus with her daughter and arrived at the Hunan Restaurant half an hour late.

"Dad, Mom, I asked. The parent of the student you mentioned lives in the second internal medicine ward. Why don't we go and have a look now?" After drinking a cup of tea and taking a breath, Xu Rujin proposed to Yang Zhou and the old couple. suggested.

Teacher Zhou replied: "We have already seen it. It is not a big deal. The doctor said that he will be discharged from the hospital next week."

Xu Rujin smiled and didn't answer any more.

The father and son of the Yang family, including the former Mayor Dong, later Secretary Dong, and now Minister Dong, are all the same. A half twisted personality.

Xu Rujin's one-on-four, although a bit difficult, was able to deal with it freely and enjoyed it.

In the hospital, the free clinic activities have already started, and the villagers who came one after another gradually tended to block the hospital.

People eat whole grains, and it is difficult for anyone to guarantee that they will not suffer from any illness. Although the purpose of most of the people who come here is not to see a doctor, they are also idle, and they can’t eat much by chatting with the doctors in the town hospital. Unfortunately, as a result, the whole free clinic activity seemed very lively.

At a quarter past eleven, Mayor Han arrived.

The two vice-presidents of the town hospital and director Liu of the hospital office greeted him personally at the gate of the hospital. The crowded crowd inside and outside the hospital caused quite a commotion.

Mayor Han thought about the sensational effect that a medical champion would bring, but he was still surprised when he came to the town hospital.He couldn't help cursing Dean Lin in his heart. With so many people gathered, if something goes wrong, can the black gauze hat on his head be kept?
However, Mayor Han was not selected. When Dean Lin asked him for instructions, he accidentally revealed the background of the number one scholar... Dong Junhui, that is a very popular figure in the political arena of Dongshan County. Ask if you can take this opportunity to get close to this person, but at least you can't offend him because of it.

 Resurrection with full blood, continue to double update, if the recommendation ticket can enter the top 1000, we will add update.

  PS: Can anyone tell me what is going on with this 'crowdfunding leader'? It really wasn't Lao Yan's original intention, it was imposed.


(End of this chapter)

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