I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 738 Am I that kind of person?

Chapter 738 Am I that kind of person?
Dean Lin had already discussed with Yang Xi about An Zhengyang's desire for arthroscopic surgery.

First, it should.

If the department wants to develop and become bigger and stronger, it must have the most advanced and convenient equipment and instruments.

This is the same as fighting on the battlefield. A large group of Dashi Johnson holding cold weapons can't beat a Guo Xiaosi holding a Gatling machine gun.

Second, it's worth it.

The reason why An Zhengyang was able to be lured into Liuquan Hospital by Dean Lin from a county hospital in another city was not only because he was interested in the future of Liuquan Hospital, but also because he still had certain academic ambitions.

Unlike Rong Liangqun, who was only thinking about how to earn more equipment rebates.

Being ambitious is by no means a bad thing, especially for Liuquan Hospital. It is not a big problem to be a little weaker in terms of professional level. After all, there is a monster here. As long as you are willing to learn and practice, you will be able to make up for your shortcomings sooner or later. .

But if there is no ambition, then it will be troublesome. A tepid academic leader in a department is definitely not the talent Liuquan Hospital needs.

Therefore, the investment in Anzhengyang is definitely worth it.

Third, the hospital has plenty of money now, and it is not a big deal to spend a few hundred thousand to buy a set of osteoarthroscopy.

However, when An Zhengyang mentioned this matter, Yang Xi interrupted him without hesitation and reminded him that he should go to Dean Lin.Such a move is not because Yang Xi holds an opposing attitude, but because he intends to maintain the authority of Dean Lin.

An Zhengyang responded with a smile: "Doctor Yang, you misunderstood, Dean Lin has already agreed to my application. I came to you because I am not very sure about these new techniques, so I just want you A word from..."

Yang Xi answered the words comfortably: "Don't worry, you can boldly expand your orthopedics business. If you have any surgery that you can't handle, just tell me."

An Zhengyang was overjoyed immediately, and it was definitely not a disguise.

"If you know what you say, then I have nothing to worry about. One word, do it! Wipe off your arms and work hard. The first goal is to overthrow the Dongshan County Hospital first."

Yang Xi couldn't hide his joy.

Not to mention, Director An, whom Dean Lin dug up, really has a bad temper with him.

The rainbow farts released are exquisite and high-quality, and they are awesome and tough. The only downside is that this guy doesn't smoke or drink.

This disposition...

You can't piss in a pot with us guys!
Yang Xi was once skeptical of An Zhengyang.

But fortunately, An Zhengyang has another hobby, playing basketball. According to him, his basketball addiction is not small. If he doesn't play for three days, he will feel uncomfortable all over his body, and his basketball is not bad.

It was precisely because of An Zhengyang's specialty that Yang Xi nodded in agreement with Dean Lin's poaching plan.

The principle of judging people in this way is not that Yang Xi is arrogant and makes emotional judgments based on his own preferences. His method has a solid theoretical foundation.

The pressure of a surgeon is beyond any other profession, and the pressure of an ambitious surgeon is even greater than that of other surgeons. If there is no easy-to-operate way to relieve pressure, then this surgeon will not be able to bear it for a few years. will collapse.

Smoking or drinking has become a life hobby of most surgeons. Even if they know that it is harmful to the body, they have to stick to it without hesitation. It can decompress, and it is effective.

He neither smokes nor drinks, so how does he decompress?Do you use calculating others as your way of decompression like Old Ghost Qin?

Therefore, Yang Xi had to have doubts about An Zhengyang at first.

But this dude likes to play basketball, so that's different.

In addition to one-on-one single-handed bullfighting, the most common half-court confrontations of three-on-three or four-on-four on the basketball court, or five-on-five full-court games, not only pay attention to individual ability, but also pay attention to teamwork.

Therefore, a person who dares to say that he is a good basketball player must be a person who knows how to cooperate with a team, at least he will not have an evil and withdrawn personality.

Today's brief exchange confirmed Yang Xi's judgment on An Zhengyang, so his full of joy unconsciously showed on his face.


There is finally a show.

Next, is it time to consider brain surgery?

Six major departments of surgery.

General surgery, bone surgery, thoracic surgery, urology surgery, brain surgery and obstetrics.

Among them, the three majors of thoracic urology and obstetrics and gynecology are all extended from the general surgery major. That is to say, after Yang Xi brings people out, he can fill up the strength of doctors in these three departments at any time.

But brain surgery...

The professional span is relatively large, and it is really difficult to achieve the goal with the above method.

After sending An Zhengyang away, Yang Xi did not return to the operating room in a hurry, but stayed in the lounge, smoking, thinking about this issue.

Brain surgery is a common name, and the official name is neurosurgery. It sounds so fantastical, so many ignorant people think that doctors who practice brain surgery are top-notch doctors, and they should look down on the existence of other professional surgeons.

But in fact……

The anatomical structure of the brain is very simple, with rare mutations. Moreover, the functional areas only occupy a small part of the cerebral cortex. During the operation, it is only necessary to avoid these functional areas, and this operation will not cause any trouble.

Moreover, the types of diseases in brain surgery are equally simple.

Hemorrhage, ischemia, and mass.

If we only talk about the complexity of surgery, compared with general surgery, brain surgery is like plane geometry and solid geometry. The difference is not much, that is, there is one less dimension.

It's not difficult, it's not difficult, but the problem is that it's not so simple as to move bricks and mortar. If you want to set up this department, you won't be able to do it if you don't have enough professionals.

The leader of the department is not hard to find, the old evildoer who has nothing to do every day and just quarrels with the little old man in Shanghai for fun is very suitable.

This old guy wiped his butt with gauze on New Year's Eve, but he revealed (leaked) a hand.Not to mention, the operation was really beautiful.

But it is not enough to rely on him alone, and he has to be equipped with the backbone and basic level.

After smoking a cigarette, Yang Xi got up and went to the dressing room, opened the closet, and took out his mobile phone.

"Lin Yuan, who is that, have you settled it yet?"

Dean Lin responded cheerfully: "I just got it a minute ago."

"That's good. I've saved you a lot of expenses. You have to express it no matter what you do?"

Dean Lin replied tremblingly: "What do you want to trick me again, kid?"

"Fuck, am I that kind of person?"

Dean Lin said firmly: "Absolutely! 75 billion people around the world can testify to this."

Yang Xi laughed and said, "You can push me down, I really didn't intend to cheat you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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