I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 727 New Year's Day 1

Chapter 727
After eight o'clock in the evening, the emergency department of the hospital was busy again.

He came to the rescue after drinking so much that he fell into a coma.

I drank too much and didn't stand still and fell myself.

Overeating induced pancreatitis and my belly was as hard as a board.

Watching the Spring Festival Gala because it was not good-looking, my blood pressure soared and my old illness relapsed.


In one of the most bizarre cases, a man filled his butt pocket with guns, but forgot. As a result, his butt slammed, turning his snow-white butt black and burning a big blister.

The problem is not big.

But it is necessary to ask Yang Xi to check it out.

One after another, until after zero o'clock and the beginning of the new year, it finally stopped.

It had been cloudy for the entire New Year's Eve, and at this time, snowflakes finally fell.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year! This snow is extremely auspicious!" Cai Gang followed Yang Xi back to Corey's office, shook off the snowflakes from his hair and shoulders, and let out a sigh of emotion.

Wu Weihua is also very popular in poetry, and he chanted: "God bless me Dongshan, God bless me Jiangbei, and God bless me Huaguo!"

Yang Xi laughed and said, "One of you is extremely auspicious, and the other is blessed by God, but there are only four beds in the duty room. I will occupy one first, and you five will grab the other three. Do you want to return him to be auspicious? Do you want to return him?" God bless you?"

Cai Gang responded with a smile: "We have prepared sleeping bags, and they are in the car. It will be enough to borrow a floor in your office later."

Wu Weihua gave Yang Xi a blank look, and said with a snort, "Young Master Xi, don't forget that our department now has more than 80 beds in three wards, almost all of which are empty..."

Hearing this, Yang Xi turned around and left without replying.

Little Wu Zi, you are getting fatter!It's Chinese New Year, and in front of outsiders, the young master has to save face for your uncle no matter what, hum!Wait for him to celebrate the new year, and see how I deal with you.



Wake up.

It was already white outside.

Yang Xi ran out of the inpatient building, out of the hospital gate, and ran on the main street of the town.

Wind and rain can't stop Yang Xi's morning exercise habit, and snow can't stop it either.

"Xi Shao, happy new year!"

"Doctor Yang, Happy New Year to you!"

"Great benefactor, come and sit at home, eat a bowl of dumplings and then go for a run!"

In the early morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, most people are sleeping late, and there are not many people who get up early on the street. Compared with the usual morning exercises, the frequency of Yang Xi's greetings has dropped by at least [-]% to [-]%.

Even so, Yang Xi's arm in response to his father and fellow villagers was always raised in mid-air, and he couldn't let it go at all.

All the way east, ran out of the town, and rushed to the single dormitory building of the hospital.

The five-storey dormitory building was covered in silver and looked a bit lonely in the snow-white vastness. Fortunately, there was a row of elegant villas in front of it.

Villa No. [-] was quiet and quiet, while the gate of Villa No. [-] was closed. Only the yard of Villa No. [-] was moving. A man and a woman over half a century old were chatting and laughing as they cleared the snow from the yard.

"Dad, Mom, Happy New Year!"

The old couple in the courtyard of the villa was taken aback for a moment.

Are you greeting us?
Xiaohui is back?
The old couple hurriedly looked out of the courtyard gate.

No one was there.

He rushed to the door and looked around, only to see the back of a young guy disappearing at the other end of this row of villas.

It's Xiaoxi!
That's right, it's definitely Xiaoxi!

He called us parents!
After six and a half years, I finally heard my son calling us parents again!
Yang Xi, who flashed past the villa, was already running back to the hospital.

Just now, I seemed to hear someone calling Mom and Dad?

Who is calling?

It seems to be me...

Depend on!
What the hell, this is too unprincipled, too bottomless, too dishonest, right?
Didn't I say it many times, I won't reconcile with the two of them in this life, and I will never call them parents again until grass grows on their graves.

Yang Xi raised his hand and gave himself a mouthful.

Make you a bitch!

Shame on you!
Let you take swearing as a fart!
For this kind of heinous person, it is obviously not enough to just slap his mouth, so Yang Xi changed his hand and raised it.


The slap didn't hit the mouth, but the forehead.


The young master did not mean to be mean, nor was it shameless to treat the oath as fart.

Xiaoye's move is called retreating to advance, in order to torture them emotionally.

Thinking of it this way, Yang Xi's heart immediately went smoothly without hindrance, and a smile appeared on his face.

When he arrived at the hospital, Yang Xi went to the operating room to take a shower. When he returned to the department, Dean Lin led the chefs in the cafeteria to deliver steaming vegetarian dumplings to the doctors and nurses on duty.

The stuffing with chives and eggs mixed with shrimp skin is fresh and fragrant.

"You must be vegetarian for every meal on the New Year's Day! If you can't eat leeks, we also have cabbage and tofu stuffing. The canteen chefs rushed over before five o'clock and made stuffing with noodles."

Yang Xi ate the dumplings and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the canteen master.

The leading master waved his hand and declined Yang Xi's thanks, and said: "If you want to say thank you, which one of our hospital shouldn't thank you, Young Master Xi? It's not because of you, why should our salary and bonus increase by hundreds of dollars a month? This In [-], where did Dean Lin get the money to give us year-end bonuses?

So, anyone can say thank you to us, but you, Young Master Xi, can't. We still hope that the hospital will go up to a higher level under your leadership this year. You say, is what we said unreasonable? "

Others in Corey, including Dean Lin, nodded repeatedly.

Yang Xi responded solemnly: "There is a fatal mistake in what you said. It is not I, Yang Xi, but Dean Lin who leads the hospital to another level! As for me, it is just a gun in Dean Lin's hand. Wherever Director Lin points, I will call there, right, Director Lin?"

Dean Lin smiled and said nothing, scooped a large spoonful of freshly cooked dumplings from the pot, and added them to Yang Xi's bowl.

Slick tongue!

See if I don't hold you to death, brat.

While eating, George called Yang Xi.

The second batch of American cancer patients from brother Zhi's family has arrived in Shanghai. After a short rest at the airport, they will take the high-speed train to Jiangbei.


On the first day of the Lunar New Year, are you still letting people live?
"No way, it seems that the cheapest transoceanic flights are at this time, and the money of foreigners doesn't just fall from the sky. It's also foolish for them not to make money. Besides, in their hearts How can there be a concept of Chinese New Year?"

Yang Xi had no choice but to let out a long sigh to vent his dissatisfaction.

Everyone has come, so it won't be possible to drive them back.

Besides, are the only ones coming here are friends from the United States?

Do not!
It was a stack of [-] meters of gold.

"A few thirty thousand, oh no, how many patients?"


"Grass, brother Hei, I warn you, don't learn Japanese to swear at people."

(End of this chapter)

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