Chapter 723

Just as she was about to go on stage and start working, the chief itinerant nurse Meng Fanfang hurried over and said, "Dr. Yang, Dr. Gao Chao told you to go to his side to have a quick look. The wounded in his operation seems to have signs of intracranial hemorrhage."

Intracranial hemorrhage is much more dangerous than bone trauma. Yang Xi didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped back from the operating table and rushed to the opposite laminar flow operating room.

This is the third batch of wounded to be transported over. When Yang Xi first saw him, the intelligent diagnosis system gave the diagnosis result that the intracranial injury was ranked last, and there was a question mark.

That is to say, at that time, Little Epilepsy could not diagnose the intracranial injury of the wounded, but he did not rule out the possibility of intracranial injury.

When Yang Xi entered the operating room where Gao Chao was located and saw the wounded again, the intelligent diagnosis system gave a clear diagnosis result in the upper right corner of his line of sight: subdural hematoma at the base of the skull and intracerebral hemorrhage, the amount of bleeding was about 40 milliliters.

40 milliliters, poured into the wine jug is barely enough to cover the bottom, and when it comes out in the abdominal cavity, it is the opening and closing of the suction device, but for the cranial cavity, it is not a small amount of bleeding.

Although the hemorrhage at the base of the skull is not as dangerous as the hemorrhage at the brain stem, and a hemorrhage of only 5 milliliters can endanger the life of the injured, but considering that the hemorrhage at the base of the skull is still in the early stage, the possibility of continued bleeding is very high, so we can It was concluded that if the craniotomy and drainage could not be performed in time, the wounded person would most likely not be able to get off the operating table.

Craniotomy and drainage surgery is not difficult.

But that's for experienced brain surgeons.

And right now, only Yang Xi has this certainty.

"Hurry up and prepare the craniotomy instrument!"

"Notify Boss that the bone injury surgery is temporarily postponed."

"Ask Li Ying to come over and get general anesthesia."

At this moment, Yang Xi can't wait to use the avatar technique.

It's a pity that the avatar technique will only appear in novels, and it is impossible to manifest it in reality.

Yang Xi can only focus on the big and let go of the small, and give way to the light.

At this moment, the automatic door of the operating room made the sound of a motor starting.

The door opened, and the two old men appeared in Yang Xi's sight one after the other.

"Master Patriarch, Master Grandpa, why are you two here?"

Jiang Pujun's eyes were gloomy, and he snorted coldly at Yang Xi.

Ma Zongtai went too far, and opened his mouth to scold directly: "Well, you brat, do you regard us as outsiders, or do you despise our two old bones as useless?"

Jiang Pujun said angrily: "It must be because we are too old and useless, look at the tail on his buttocks, it's all up to the sky!"

Yang Xi reacted very quickly, and immediately turned to look behind her.

"No! Isn't my tail well hidden, it's a lie."

The two old men were just pretending to be angry rather than really angry. Being teased by Yang Xi, one couldn't help but burst out laughing, the other also had a smile in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Yang Xi said again: "Also, what I told Dean Lin at the time was to call back all the doctors who stayed in the town for the surgical department of the hospital. It's over, I will educate Dean Lin for your two elders."

Ma Zongtai waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't put the shit pot on Dean Lin's head with your sweet words, don't I know you yet?"

Jiang Pujun walked to the operating table, glanced at the wounded on the operating table, and saw that the instrument nurse was preparing the craniotomy instrument, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Do you suspect intracranial hemorrhage?"

Yang Xi nodded and said, "It's not doubt, it's certainty!"

Jiang Pujun said: "Have you had a CT scan? Where is the bleeding site? Lao Jiangtou is indeed too old to perform orthopedic surgery, but it shouldn't be a problem to have a craniotomy and drainage."

Hearing this, Yang Xi's heart suddenly brightened.

Really, why did you ignore the existence of these two old men?

Especially that old monster.

In the past, Zeng was also a master who would do any operation after seeing it once. The simplest brain surgery such as craniotomy and drainage would definitely not trouble him.

"It's too late for CT." Yang Xi hurried to the anesthesia area, picked up a pen, picked up a piece of paper, and sketched the anatomical structure of the skull base with a few strokes.

"The bleeding point should be here, and the amount of bleeding is about 40 milliliters."

Jiang Pujun stared at the schematic diagram drawn by Yang Xi, and said: "The difficulty is average, Xiao Ma and I can take it, you can rest assured to do other operations."

As for how Yang Xi was able to diagnose skull base hemorrhage and accurately locate the bleeding point without a CT scan, Jiang Pu didn't ask any more questions. He only knew that Yang Xi was absolutely right. If this kid was not fully sure, Certainly not so sure.

The old evildoer took over the craniotomy and drainage operation, and Yang Xi suddenly felt that the pressure on his shoulders was significantly relieved.

Needless to say, just cheer up, change the battlefield, and continue fighting!


Cai Gang and the other four reporters were also sweating profusely at this time, especially the two older brothers who were carrying the cameras. The chest, back, and crotch of the operating room underwear they were wearing were already soaked in sweat.

No way, the operating room must focus on the patient's needs. Although it is cold and windy outside, the temperature in the operating room must be kept above 24 degrees. smaller.

You can only drink plenty of water to replenish the water consumed by sweating in your body.

Cai Gang took a break, ran to the lounge and drank three full cups of room-temperature purified water. After taking a few breaths, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

Whether it's physical exertion or sweating, those doctors and nurses are no less than them.However, this battle-like first aid operation has lasted for three hours. During this period, the four reporters have entered the lounge several times to drink water and gasp to replenish their strength, but hardly any doctors and nurses have entered the room. Come to the lounge.

Are these men and women all made of iron?
"Cheer up, you have to hold on to the end even if you grit your teeth, we must not lose to these doctors and nurses!"

Cai Gang took a deep breath, took the equipment from the shoulder of a big cameraman, raised his chest, and strode out of the lounge.

Another hour.

The sound of fighting on the battlefield finally stopped.

The operations in each operating room have entered the final finishing stage.

Outside the window, it was already dark.

Indoors, it is even more brightly lit.

In the No. [-] operating room, Yang Xi sewed the last stitch and stepped off the stage exhausted. Before taking off the blood-stained surgical gown, he just took off the surgical gloves, casually picked up a bag of glucose injection from the locker, cut it open. A gap, and then poured into the mouth.

Cai Gang carried the camera, recorded the scene, and asked, "Is this water delicious?"

Yang Xi didn't answer, but cut open another bag of glucose water and handed it to Cai Gang.

Cai Gang only took a sip, then frowned to express that he couldn't finish it.

(End of this chapter)

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