Chapter 71
The operation started in embarrassment, but ended in shock.

Not because of speed, as Lu Haoming said, whether a surgery is done well depends not on speed, but on precision.

During the whole operation, Yang Xi didn't do any redundant operations, the range of movements was not large, and the hand speed was not necessarily fast, but there was absolutely no sense of sloppiness. Every step was clear, accurate and just right, completely comparable to the operations in textbooks. Explainer video.

However, the appendix incision in the teaching video was 5 centimeters long, but the incision made by Yang Xi was less than 3 centimeters.

In addition, in terms of skin suture method, Yang Xi gave up the commonly used and simplest simple interrupted suture, but adopted the subcutaneous continuous suture commonly used in plastic surgery.

If the cooperation of Yizhulian doctors can be more skillful.

If the surgical incision is longer, the surgical field can be exposed a little larger.

If the chief surgeon, Dr. Yang, can speed up his hand a little bit.

If instead of continuous subcutaneous sutures, only three stitches are sutured intermittently.

Will it break the record of 7 minutes and 20 seconds set by Director Qin Gewei for the shortest appendix operation in a municipal hospital?


In the operating room, everyone who saw Yang Xi's entire operation had the same and firm belief in it.

Because the operation time recorded by the anesthesiologist was only 7 minutes.

It seemed to be a few seconds away.

Monster... Everyone felt infinitely emotional in their hearts, is he still human?It is clearly an unknown organism that wanders between cow A and cow C!
Lu Haoming, who did not know when he entered the operating room, sighed and left silently.For a long time, he only aimed at Qin Gewei, not seeking to surpass, but only seeking to get close, because Qin Gewei is a surgical genius recognized by the whole hospital, including Director Ma, and he is the kind of one who meets once in ten years.

But what about the person on the operating table?

A once-in-a-decade surgical genius?

Lu Haoming shook his head secretly.

He had operated on the same stage as Qin Gewei, and had watched Qin Gewei's operations countless times in the audience. In terms of surgical techniques alone, the current Qin Gewei must be a little better than Yang Xi, or even two.However, now Qin Gewei has been immersed in general surgery for seventeen or eighteen years, and has performed at least 3000 surgeries alone. What about Yang Xi?How many surgeries has he had?
In other words, if you compare the current Yang Xi with the two-year-old Qin Gewei, can you beat Qin Gewei by a few blocks?
Lu Haoming didn't dare to think about it any further.

Just pretend I didn't see this operation, go back to the clinic to wash up and go to bed early, and tomorrow I will go to the night shift to accompany my wife for a beauty treatment.

Lu Haoming could hide, but Lian Xiangdong on the stage couldn't hide.

In the whole operation, except for the retractor, he was the retractor, but the retractor could not keep up with the rhythm of Yang Xi's operation, and he always felt that he was holding Yang Xi back.


As a surgeon in a tertiary first-class hospital and an elite graduate of a prestigious university with a master's degree, at this moment, I must have a strong sense of shame, and I must have the fighting spirit to bear the humiliation and fight hard... But, when Lian Xiangdong's eyes When it fell on Yang Xi's nimble hands again, his thinking suddenly turned a corner.

Why do I want to make trouble for myself?Can I just hang out with this evildoer from now on?
Neither breaking the rules nor breaking the law, if anyone dares to say that I am ashamed, then I will...don't listen!

Besides, Lao Tzu messed around with Yang Xi, that's what Boss Gao meant, and whoever dared to refuse to gossip, Lao Tzu went to report to Boss Gao, which annoyed Boss Gao... Huh, it's no wonder that Boss Gao didn't hit him with a sledgehammer!

Yang Xi felt the strange eyes of everyone, but at this moment, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Making a small incision was something he had planned before he stood on the operating table. Again, the little girl's parents are disgusting, and no amount of revenge can be too much, but the little girl is indeed innocent, and she shouldn't be An innocent victim.

Yang Xi was not completely sure about the operation, the small incision less than three centimeters was a challenge for any surgeon.He didn't worry about failure, even if he had to enlarge the incision because he couldn't do it and was ridiculed by even Xiangdong, he didn't care. What he wanted was to be worthy of his conscience.

But Yang Xi himself did not expect that when he picked up the scalpel, the words and pictures about appendectomy in "Huang Jiasi Surgery" that emerged in his mind were so clear, entering the system state. The feeling was so strong that he completely entered an ethereal state for the next seven minutes.

No one can influence him at all.

Including himself.

After the operation, a virtual interface appeared in front of Yang Xi's eyes.

[The degree of fusion between the host and the system is ≧60%, and the score (percentage system) for this operation is 62 points. 】

"Barely pass!?" Yang Xi blurted out four words.

The system then gives the reason for the deduction.

[The incision line is not up to standard: -1 point;]

[Pause when cutting the skin: -3 points;]

[Incision length is too short: -5 points;]

[Separate and stretch the muscle layer roughly: -3 points;]

[Excessive force when pulling the peritoneum: -3 points;]


[The subcutaneous continuous suture technique is not proficient enough: -4 points;]

[The needle size and suture line selected for skin suturing are incorrect: -3 points;]

Yang Xi saw more than a dozen points deducted one by one, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he can't accept it, every point deducted by the little lunatic is justified and well-founded.

Thoughtful, followed by actions, Yang Xi subconsciously let out a sigh.

This process is really normal for Yang Xi, but for other people in the operating room, it is full of mixed feelings.

Especially the opposite Lian Xiangdong.

His face changed rapidly.

Your uncle, you have achieved this level of surgery, but you just barely passed?
Does this keep people alive?

Police officer, is it self-defense for me to kill this shameless pretender now?

don't count?

It's so unreasonable... I killed him as a way of eliminating harm for the people!Anyway, it is also a kind of bravery, right?
"Then what, Yang..." Lian Xiangdong was at a loss for words as soon as he opened his mouth. Calling Dr. Yang is not respectful enough to call Dr. Yang, what should be called?
Thanks to Lian Xiangdong's quick brain, he remembered Yang Xi's WeChat name, and it didn't make sense when he called it, and it didn't look low. "Master Xi, please rest first, I will explain to the relatives of the patient, and fill in the pathology by the way." Before the words fell, Lian Xiangdong had already retreated with the tray, as if staying opposite Yang Xi for a second longer. will suffocate.

Yang Xi hesitated a little, and he could earn charm points by explaining to the patient's relatives. Yang Xi was reluctant to let go of this opportunity, but after thinking about it again, outside the operating room, the little girl's relatives were the parents. Even if you break the sky, you can bring yourself ten or twenty points of charm, so it's really better to enjoy the feeling of a superior doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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