I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 705 One Gang of Versailles

Chapter 705 A Bunch of Versailles
Among the people in Jiangbei City, there is such a catchphrase that there is a scumbag in the middle of the Southern barbarian and the Northern barbarian.

This scum is the self-mockery of the people in Jiangbei for the embarrassing position that they live in the south and don't like the north.

In terms of administrative ownership, Jiangbei is a city in Nanjiang Province, and Nanjiang Province should of course belong to the southern province.But in terms of customs and customs, the various customs and habits of the people in Jiangbei are in the proper northern style.

For example, this is a small year.

Twelve of the 13 prefecture-level cities in Nanjiang Province celebrate the 12th of the twelfth lunar month, but Jiangbei, which maintains a high degree of agreement with the northern people, recognizes the 24rd of the twelfth lunar month.

During the new year, we have to sweep the dust and worship the stove, so this day is also called the Kitchen King Festival.But for the common people, sweeping the dust and offering sacrifices to the stove is a simple ceremony, which can be achieved at a glance, and the most important thing is to buy new year's goods.

In the early years, the social material supply was not so sufficient, and in the young years, the city and the countryside were full of excitement.Every family lived frugally for a whole year, but on this day they all became extravagant.

The cloth was torn for ten or eight yuan, and each of the elderly and children in the family had to sew a new suit.

Buy meat, large pieces of pork and mutton, buy them home and hang them under the eaves outside the house.

Buy wine, sell it in barrels and cans, take it home and seal it, and save it until the New Year's Eve to drink vigorously.

Asking for Spring Festival couplets, buying firecrackers, adding new pots and changing sets of bowls and chopsticks...

But in the past 20 years, the fun of these New Years has been decreasing year by year.

Especially the pleasure of buying, buying, and buying when buying new year's goods has already moved forward from the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth lunar month to Double Eleven in the Gregorian calendar.

So much so that today's Xiaonian has been reduced to the point where it is not even as good as ordinary Saturdays and Sundays.

However, for all the staff of Liuquan Hospital, this day of Xiaonian this year is extraordinary.

"I heard that the year-end bonus will be given out today?"

As soon as I got to work early in the morning, someone spread the gossip.

"What kind of year-end bonus? Isn't it just a festival fee!"

I don't know what happened to other places, but here in Jiangbei, there is really no such thing as a year-end bonus in the hospital.Hospitals with good benefits may pay a holiday fee of thousands of dollars, while hospitals with average benefits may send two barrels of salad oil to make a difference.

"No! Dean Lin said that our festival fee this year is the festival fee, and the year-end bonus is the year-end bonus."

Those who spread the gossip showed unconcealable pride on their faces, while those who heard the gossip showed uncontrollable excitement.

"Is the news reliable? How much is the year-end bonus? Is it punch card or cash?"

"Director Liu of the hospital office said in person that he heard with his own ears last night when he had dinner with Xi Shao and Dean Lin that they had discussed it. The festival fee is still in accordance with the previous standard, 500 yuan per person, but the year-end bonus is It is paid according to the individual salary, which is equivalent to getting an extra month's salary for each person."

One month's salary is not much!
In the hospital, Dean Wu had the highest salary, and the total did not exceed [-] yuan. The lowest salary, that is, the doctors and nurses who had just entered the hospital in August and September last year, had a monthly salary of around [-] yuan.

However, no matter how much or how little, this year-end bonus is a windfall for all the staff in the hospital. After hearing the news, everyone's expressions are filled with incomparable joy.

"You said, our hospital will develop according to this momentum. What will it look like next year's Spring Festival?"

"Then needless to say, the year-end bonus must be doubled!"

"I heard that our total income last year increased by nearly [-]% compared with the previous year. In my opinion, two-thirds of this increase was achieved in the last quarter. If the current momentum continues, I estimate that our hospital This year’s total revenue has to be double that of last year.”

"Double it? Last year it was more than 5000 million. If it doubles, won't it be over [-] million this year?"

"Over [-] million? Just over [-] million?" The person who first spread the gossip smiled contemptuously, shook his head, and said, "Last night, when Master Xi was discussing the year-end bonus with Dean Lin, we decided that our hospital This year's revenue target is [-] million!"

The others couldn't help but be speechless.

[-] million, compared with the one billion starting point of the five major family hospitals in the city, it is still far behind, not worth mentioning.

But in a horizontal comparison, looking at Dongshan County, and even the entire Jiangbei City, which township hospitals were at the same level at the beginning, which one can surpass the heels of our Liuquan Hospital?

Even if it is a county hospital, it is only more than [-] million in size, and it will take at most two years to catch up with it.

At this moment, apart from the excitement and excitement among the medical staff in the hospital, everyone was also under a lot of pressure at the same time.

You can no longer hold the idea that you can enjoy the shade under the big tree. You must work hard and strive to improve your professional level. Otherwise, depending on the development speed of the hospital, you will have to eliminate yourself sooner or later to cool off.

This gossip spread all morning and noon, and it was verified as soon as I went to work in the afternoon.

That's true!

Every department in the hospital is full of beaming scenes.

Only general surgery.

Didn't we agree?
After waiting for the new year, except for a few emergency patients, the patients in Corey just go in and out.

But what about the reality?
Why did you accept three cancer patients in one breath?

And still...

Crooked nuts with blue eyes and high nose!
"Damn it, I miscalculated!"

Yang Xi smiled wryly at Boss Gao and spread his hands.

you do not say.

Yang Xi thought of East and West, but he just forgot that Wai Guoren has no concept of the Lunar New Year at all, while Kangli from Brother Zhi's side is eager to make money, and his enthusiasm explodes. Through various channels, three tumor patients came over.

The little black brother George who led the team shrugged his shoulders, and said in a rather Versailles style: "It's really annoying, these three patients are just the first batch, and there are still five patients over there who are going through procedures, and it is estimated that they will be ready in the next week." Send it over... Well, I originally thought that I could stay here this year and spend the Spring Festival comfortably, but now it seems that I'm going to spend the New Year's Eve on the flight, what a fate!"

Gao Yong followed, "Who doesn't have a hard life? I originally wanted to take my wife and children to travel during the Spring Festival holiday. Isn't this going to be ruined?"

Isn't it Versailles literature!
It's like who doesn't understand.

Lian Xiangdong didn't want to be left behind, but just kept up with Gao Yong's voice.

"If you want to talk about bitterness, who is suffering more than my old buttock? You just got in by yourself, but as for my old buttock, both of you are going to get in. But there is no way, it's my old buttocks who follow The misfortune that Xi Shao caused by Brother Zhi, you have to resist with tears in your eyes, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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