I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 698 The Deeds of the Best Alumni

Chapter 698 The Deeds of the Best Alumni

When Yang Xi heard the proposal to jointly imagine the development plan of the college, he felt very uncomfortable.

This kind of activity whose form is far greater than the content is useless at all, and it is a waste of time.

The development bottleneck problem encountered by his alma mater was evident as early as when Yang Xi was in school.

It is said that the background of the school is weak, the faculty is weak, the city is small, the economy is not developed enough, and the influence is not enough, etc., although these are all objective reasons, they are definitely not decisive factors.

The decisive factor that accounts for more than 50.00% is that there is a problem with the school's educational thinking, or that the former president of the school who has been sitting in the top position for ten years has outdated ideas and failed to keep up. The development of the times.

What are the top concerns for students choosing a college?
Is it accommodation?

Is it the speed of the internet?

Or the quality of canteen food?

These are of course concerns, but not premise concerns.

As a prerequisite, there is only one focus, the employment rate after graduation!
If there is such a second or third college that can guarantee that its undergraduate students can easily find a job with an annual salary of more than 985 yuan after graduation, then its admission score will skyrocket, directly challenging those 211, [-], or What a double first class.

Even if your Internet speed is as slow as a dog, your dormitory is comparable to a pigsty, and the food in the cafeteria is hard to swallow, that will not annihilate the pursuit of students.

For medical schools, it is quite difficult to find employment after graduation, and not many undergraduate medical students are willing to sink into "barefoot" doctors in township hospitals. For them, the most prosperous and brightest way out is to take the postgraduate entrance examination .

Why is Jiangbei Medical University so awesome?
Every year, more than [-]% of undergraduate graduates can be admitted to higher-level prestigious universities, and their own graduate teaching can absorb more than [-]% of undergraduate graduates. Nearly [-]% of undergraduates have found their ideal direction after graduation.

As for Yang Xi's alma mater, less than [-]% of undergraduate graduates are admitted to graduate schools every year.

On the other hand, Jiangbei Medical University has maintained a very good cooperative relationship with many domestic companies engaged in the medical industry. Every spring and autumn, many large medical industry companies will come to Jiangbei Medical University to hold school recruitment. Students who don't really want to be doctors, or students who feel that they have little hope of taking the postgraduate entrance examination, can almost find a satisfactory job after two batches of school recruitment.

Therefore, Jiangbei Medical University's annual college entrance examination scores can exceed the undergraduate score line by several points, and even reach the heavy-duty score line.

But at Yang Xi's alma mater, school recruitment is limited to a noun, which is a matter of other people's schools and has nothing to do with him.

Graduation means unemployment, who is lonely if you are not lonely?
If you don't want to be lonely, that's not in the sky!
Yang Xi thought that he should no longer be as stubborn as his predecessor, and that with his own achievements, he should be able to talk to the president of Ye College, so , At the school gate, Yang Xi's words that his alma mater is hopeful were not pure compliments.

Unexpectedly, the principal of Ye Xueyuan is nothing more than that, the leader who likes to engage in such ostentatious activities can basically be concluded that he is not very good at practical work.

If you don't believe me, compare it with Lao Lin?
Then Lao Lin would definitely not do such a useless thing that would only waste time and energy. With that time and energy, it would be better to call a few people to drink and brag.

Drinking bragging can promote active thinking, and inspiration is often generated and demonstrated in all kinds of bragging about drinking.


When Yang Xi caught a glimpse of Director Fan Da, who was on the other side of President Ye Xueyuan from the corner of his eye, his thoughts changed immediately.

It's good to retreat for a while!
Giving others a chance is giving yourself a chance. Isn't it said that giving roses to others has a lingering fragrance?The young master has always respected teachers and valued teaching, and it is time to double repay the kindness of this Director Fan's teaching.

In the conference room, more than [-] teachers who were reluctant but had to hold their noses and obey the arrangement sat down one by one.

Principal Ye Yuan invited Yang Xi to the first seat, and then began his corrective action.

"Yesterday, I asked Director Fan to inform everyone to go to the Xinglinyuan website to learn about the deeds of Yang Xi, our best alumnus, but today, it seems that the teachers don't know much about Yang Xi's alumni. Maybe I didn't make it clear. , or it may be that Director Fan is too busy, it doesn't matter, we can take 10 minutes to understand the amazing performance of our best alumnus."

Principal Ye was talking on one side, while on the other side, some of his subordinates had already turned on the projector and connected it to Principal Ye's office computer.

"You should all know that after graduating from our college and entering the hospital, the students of our school still need to pass the doctor qualification examination to become a qualified doctor. The doctor qualification examination is held every year, and the total score is 360 points. If you get a score of 30.00, you can basically pass the exam and get a qualification certificate. Maybe you all think it’s quite simple. If you convert it into a [-]-point system, isn’t it just a passing line of [-]? Of course, there is no problem with this calculation, but what I want to tell you is a doctor The pass rate of the qualifying exam is not high, the national average is less than [-]%.”

Yang Xi was sitting upright, feeling a little anxious, is such a trivial matter worth so much fuss?It's just a medical champion, it's no big deal, wouldn't it be nice if we go straight to the next link?
Not fragrant!

What President Ye Yuan wants is not only to raise Yang Xi's reputation, but also to wake up all the teachers sitting here through this incident. They can no longer be like before, indifferent to the clinical medical field but not wrong.

"The low pass rate may be explained by the fact that the overall quality of the reference group needs to be improved, but the high score rate is also very low, so it is difficult to explain it with other reasons. Six eight four hundred and eight, six nine five hundred and four, can be in Candidates in this score range are already quite a game, and those with a score of more than 540 will not exceed one thousandth of each year."

After fully paving the way, Principal Ye changed the subject and finally got to the point: "I have said so much, you must be able to imagine that our alumni Yang Xi must have scored high in this doctor qualification examination. Yes, indeed. Like this, but you don’t know how high our alumni Yang Xi’s high score is!”

Having said that, President Ye's emotions completely exploded. He raised his right index finger, pointed firmly at the ceiling, and said sonorously: "He was the national champion in the doctor's qualification examination last year, and he is a man who has never been seen before or since. No. 599 medical student, because he scored an astonishing [-] points!"

(End of this chapter)

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