Chapter 693
Yang Xi's alma mater...

When the school was first established 49 years ago, it was just a local health school, a small technical secondary school, with the main responsibility of training nurses, and also training a small number of grassroots health personnel.

31 years ago, the school finally jumped to a higher level, upgraded to a medical college, and was associated with the annual national college entrance examination.

Seventeen years ago, taking advantage of the policy of expanding enrollment in colleges and universities, the school recruited the first batch of undergraduates majoring in clinical medicine. Although it was only the third batch of undergraduates, it was enough to support the school's renaming as a medical school.

During Yang Xi's time at school, the national college admissions policy changed again, and the third batch of undergraduate admissions was canceled nationwide.

Since there are no three copies, there can only be two copies!

Whether others believe it or not, anyway, the leader of the academy at that time believed it first.

After being happy and excited for half a year, when the college entrance examination enrolls students that year, the school leaders were all dumbfounded.

Compared with previous years, enrollment is more difficult. The number of students whose undergraduate scores are submitted online to the school is actually less than [-]% of the enrollment plan.

Drop points?

It seems to be the same.

However, lowering the score for admission is definitely a quenching thirst for colleges and universities.

In the first year, the score dropped by five points. In the second year, the drop rate soared to eight points. This year is the third year. After rigorous and scientific investigation, the teachers in charge of enrollment believe that if the college does not reduce the enrollment plan, Then, if you still want to complete the enrollment plan this year, I am afraid that the score reduction will exceed double digits.

Narrowing the enrollment plan?

It's easy to say, but in practice...

The number of enrollment plans represents the amount of appropriation in the province. If the appropriation has been reduced, how can the salaries of the teaching staff be guaranteed?

Worse still, shrinking the enrollment plan is tantamount to admitting defeat and admitting that you can't lead well enough to lead the institution to continue to climb to the top.If one ugliness covers one hundred handsome, if one takes half a step back in this respect, then the glorious image of the institution may collapse in the eyes of higher-level leaders.

However, if the enrollment plan is not reduced, this year's college entrance examination enrollment will be reduced by double digits. As a result, the image of our institution will not only collapse in the eyes of the leaders, but also in the eyes of the candidates!
Makes sense!
Therefore, under the dilemma, the old dean had no choice but to resort to a nirvana.

I'm sick!
Had to be hospitalized.

In order not to affect the flourishing development of the school, Lao Tzu took the initiative to let the virtuous and applied to be relegated to the second line.

This move is ruthless and powerful, but the disadvantage is that it is not an exclusive secret skill.

The first deputy dean of the school also mastered this trick very well. On the second day after the dean moved into the attached courtyard, he also found a bed in another department of the attached courtyard to live in.

This is not called admitting counsel, what the hell is it called knowing current affairs.

Those who know current affairs are heroes, and it is not ashamed to be sick and hospitalized at this time!
Some people know the current affairs, and naturally some people don't.

Ye Yongyu, the deputy principal, head of the Department of Surgery, associate professor, and director of the Department of General Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital, who was ranked last at the bottom, stood up at this moment.

If the organization can trust me, Lao Ye, I am willing to take on the heavy responsibility and lead the school to recover from the decline and build another glory.

Organizationally, there is no choice.Seeing that the old dean's nirvana has been learned by the entire school leadership, the second-ranked president of the affiliated college is actively looking for a bed in the affiliated college, and the organization can only be regarded as a dead horse. He expressed his trust and support to Vice President Ye, who recommended himself.

At the beginning of the new year, Vice President Ye handed over the position of director of the General Surgery Department of the Affiliated Hospital to the brother below, and then sat in the office of the president of the medical school.

The faculty and staff of the whole school expressed their congratulations on Ye Xueyuan's appointment, but in private, they all had a heart to see his jokes.

In recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has continued to deteriorate, various cases of injury to doctors have occurred frequently, and the state has continuously strengthened its crackdown on medical commercial bribery. Even the enrollment of medical universities has generally declined, not to mention their newly promoted low-level medical schools with no background, influence, and regional advantages?
The trend of the times, want to go against the current, easier said than done!
This Dean Ye is just a fan of officials. Wait, at most two years, he will regret it.

However, after taking the stage, Ye Yong showed a confident attitude.

Just this year.

Enrollment for this year's college entrance examination.

I, Lao Ye, let out this cruel sentence first, if I can’t complete the enrollment plan on the undergraduate score line, I, Ye Yong, will not only take the initiative to resign from the organization, but also hang my old face on the gate of the college and let you scold and laugh at me.

This sentence was indeed cruel enough to be said at the faculty meeting of the whole school. It was so cruel that most people did not dare to wait to see President Ye's jokes, but instead became worried about him.

Is this old leaf crazy?

Not like ah!
Then why does he have such confidence?
It is commendable and admirable to take the initiative to cut off all his escape routes and put himself in a death situation, but doesn't he know that going against the current and going against the trend requires strong strength to support it?
Ye Yong, can he have this strength?
just wait.

Wait and see how his three fires are going to burn!

But Principal Ye just laughed.

What are the three fires for a new official to take office?

Not interested!

We only do two things in the first half of this year. One is to invite those elite alumni of our school back to their alma mater in the name of the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the school, and record their great achievements into exquisite videos and brochures. Before, I was going to see videos and brochures.

The next thing is the second thing. Gather the eloquent teachers of the whole school, bring these videos and brochures, and run from high school to high school. I'm not afraid that you will blow it up, but I'm afraid you will not blow it loud enough. Not bright enough.

The eyes of the faculty and staff suddenly lit up.

This is a good strategy.

The fragrance of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. If you want to sell the wine, you have to put the wine on the street.

As for the question of whether the wine is fragrant enough...

Add more spices and blow it hard, it always deceives people, doesn't it?
The Office of Academic Affairs listened to President Ye's plan and became motivated. It only took a week to sort out a list of elite alumni with as many as [-] people.

After Principal Ye looked at it, he crossed out more than half of it.The remaining list of less than 40 people was also divided into two levels by Principal Ye.

The first nine, please come back to their alma mater no matter what, and the last twenty or so, save some money if you can, don't force it.

But, this man, you have to invite him back to his alma mater in the first batch, no matter how much you pay, I, Lao Ye, will not stutter.

While giving instructions, Principal Ye wrote down Yang Xi's name on the prominent place at the top of the list.

(End of this chapter)

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