I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 69 How Can You Do This?

Chapter 69 How Can You Do This?

Lian Xiangdong's luck was overwhelming.

The emergency department admitted two patients at the same time, one with appendicitis, who was transferred to the general department, and the other with intestinal obstruction, who was sent for examination, and planned to stay and practice knife by himself.

I thought this move was extremely ingenious, and the doctor on the night shift of the general surgery department must have no time to go to the front to investigate when he was preparing for an emergency appendix operation. Yang Xi also arrived.

The moment the emergency surgery doctor saw Lian Xiangdong, he wanted to die.

This is the meat already in his mouth, but Lian Xiangdong will take it away forcefully, the hatred in his heart can be imagined.

Lian Xiangdong has nothing to be afraid of. A doctor who has just completed a year of training is not qualified to tell them what to do, to give him face, to deal with it, and if he doesn't want to give him face, he just treats him like a piece of air.

However, the backing of Nalian Xiangdong... The doctor in the emergency department shivered unconsciously when he thought of Director Ma Zongtai.

Hurry up to confess, hurry up to explain, and the attitude has to be respectful, otherwise, Director Ma will definitely come to the door tomorrow, and by then, the emergency department and even the entire emergency center will be full of bloody corpses.

With tears in his eyes, blood dripping from his heart, an apologetic smile on his face, a cigarette in his hand, and a low humming, he sent the arrogant Lian Xiangdong and the patient out of the house respectfully.

Yang Xi witnessed the whole process and couldn't help but sigh.

Director Ma, you are really awesome!

Ma Zongtai did not learn from medicine, and he also lacked calcium when he became a dean.

At this moment, Yang Xi's heart brightened, life finally had a clear goal worth pursuing.


Populus obstruction can be divided into three types due to different etiologies: mechanical ileus, dynamic ileus, and blood flow ileus. Except for dynamic ileus, which can be treated conservatively with drugs, the other two types of ileus can be perforated or perforated at any time. It is a possible complication of intestinal necrosis. Therefore, once diagnosed, surgery is required immediately.

The patient who was snatched back from the emergency surgery belongs to the latter, and the indications for surgery are very clear.

After 10 minutes of preoperative preparation and 10 minutes of anesthesia, at 08:30 p.m., Lu Haoming and his company Xiang Dong and Yang Xi stood on the operating table.

Cases of intestinal obstruction are more common in the countryside. In the past year, Yang Xi has made no less than [-] sets of secondary retractors for intestinal obstruction surgery, and he is very familiar with this operation.In fact, the operation of the jejunum and ileum is dispensable for the second auxiliary retractor because the jejunum and ileum can be pulled out of the abdominal cavity for resection and anastomosis.Yang Xi originally didn't want to wash his hands and go on stage, but Lu Haoming told Yang Xi with his eyes that you must perform this operation, not because of any help during the operation, but because the old man has other plans.

After taking the stage, Lu Haoming's performance as the chief surgeon was even more confusing. His operation was horribly slow, and it took a full 15 minutes for just a 25cm central detection incision.

On the way to the emergency center, Lian Xiangdong once chatted with Yang Xi about Lu Haoming, saying that he is a famous fast shooter in Corey. Back then, an appendectomy only took 7 minutes and 50 seconds, ranking first Qin Gewei ranked second after 7 minutes and 20 seconds.

"Don't worry, whether a surgery is good or not doesn't lie in speed, but in precision!" Lu Haoming seemed to understand the confusion of the two people opposite him, and explained slowly, but the operation under his hand was further relaxed. Slow down.

After 10 minutes, the obstructed parts of the intestines were cleared.

After another 10 minutes, the necrotic intestine was barely cut off.

After another 10 minutes, the anastomosis was finally closed by a small half.

At this moment, the bell of the landline in the operating room was faintly heard.

Lu Haoming smiled and said, "I bet it must be from Corey."

Lian Xiangdong is still confused, but Yang Xi's heart shudders, this Lu Haoming... a master!

In just half a minute, a nurse in the operating room entered the operating room with a cordless phone. Of course, the hands-free button was pressed on the phone.After hearing Lu Haoming's voice, the other party rushed to report: "Doctor Lu, the 38th bed, is the little girl with appendicitis who was admitted at night. Now the pain is unbearable. How to deal with it? Or, first relieve the pain and wait for you to come back." ?”

Lu Haoming was furious, and reprimanded: "Nonsense! Why is the pain relieved? The patient's abdominal pain continues to worsen, which means that conservative treatment has failed, and the child's appendicitis is progressing in the direction of suppuration and perforation. Giving pain relief at this time is not just a cover-up. The condition will also add to the difficulty of the next surgery."

The nurse on duty in the department mumbled and asked, "Then...how should we deal with it?"

Lu Haoming sighed, and said: "I can only hurry up and do the operation! You can explain to the relatives of the patient that Dr. Yang and I are both on the operating table right now, and we have no other skills. Let them persist for another half an hour or four." 10 minutes, my side will definitely speed up the operation."

At this moment, Lian Xiangdong had come to his senses, showing a sinister smile, waving a pair of vascular forceps, and shouting loudly: "Teacher Lu, hurry up! Bleeding!"

The cadre's voice came from the phone: "Don't you have any other doctors in the general surgery department? I don't believe that you don't have the ability and preparation to perform two operations at the same time!"

Lu Haoming sighed: "You are right, big brother, let alone two surgeries at the same time, even three or four would be fine. The night shift doctor is actively preparing for the surgery while calling someone and waiting at home." The resting doctor has arrived, and Corey’s preoperative preparations are also ready. But the current situation is not special. Now that someone is called, it will take at least half an hour for the resting doctor to arrive, and with this half When I was young, our operation was completed, brother, tell me, if I ask someone to help me in this situation, wouldn’t that be the same as being scolded?” Lu Haoming explained in a very sincere manner, but On the face is a relaxed and contented.

Lian Xiangdong was in a good mood, and the depression in his belly dissipated immediately, and said to the cordless phone with "sincerity and heart", "Why don't you think about transferring to another hospital!"

Lu Haoming immediately 'changed his face' and reprimanded: "Even the doctor, how can you do this? The patient is transferred to another hospital, and it takes at least an hour inside and out. In case the child's condition progresses during the process Quickly... well, that's all right, I'm going to be a bit embarrassed, free up Dr. Yang, and go to the department to prepare for surgery, and this is the only way to save time, big brother, what do you think?"

What else can the cadre say, but thank you a thousand times.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Haoming glanced at Lian Xiangdong, then at Yang Xi, and smiled knowingly, boys, learn a little bit, why are you arguing with patients?Is this interesting?

(End of this chapter)

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